CE 378 LAB - Water Resources Engineering Laboratory
Spring 2008
Lab Instructor:Redahegn Sileshi, PhD Student, MS / Office: 347C H.M Comer Hall (MIB)Office hours: W and R, 12:00 – 1:00
Phone: 256-503-6699
Course Coordinator:Robert Pitt, PhD., P.E. / Office: 347 H.M Comer Hall (MIB)
Phone: 348-2684
Class Time / Tuesday, 2:00 – 4:50 pm
Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:50 pm
Location / Water Resources Lab
Course Website / The lab instructions for each experimentare posted on the 378 class website.
Reference Text / Chin, D.A., Water Resources Engineering, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. (ISBN 0-13-148192-4)
Grading / Students will be separated in groups not greater than 3 students. Each group is required to write a formal report for each lab. The report should cover theory, experimental procedure, experimental data, calculations, and analysis and discussion of the results.
Each lab report is equivalent to 100 points and is due before the following lab starts. Report submitted up to 2 days late will be assessed an automatic penalty of 20%. Work submitted more than 2 days late will not be accepted.
The lab participation and reports will account for 25% of the water resources course grade.
Attendance Policy / Attendance is required for all labs. If an absence is unavoidable, the student should inform the instructor in advance to reschedule the lab; the student will have to submit an independent report.
Accommodations / Te University has designed the Office of Disability Services as the campus coordinating office for the provision and delivery of services, and activities are accessible to students with disabilities. The Office of Disability Service is available to assist any student who has a qualified and documented disability. Please contact the Office of Disability Services at 348-4285 for additional information.
Disclaimer / Course content and schedule are subject to change. If a change is made, students will be informed previously.
Lab Schedule
TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY1 / January-13 / January-14
Introduction. Lab safety and operation (WR Lab)
2 / January-20 / January-21
Uniform Flow and Its Formulas (WR Lab)
3 / January-27 / January-28
Flow Over a Broad Crested Weir (WR Lab)
4 / February-3 / February-4
EPANET (Computer Lab)
5 / February-10 / February-11
Flow Over a Sharp Crested Weir (WR Lab)
6 / February-17 / February-18
Critical Flow and Specific Energy (WR Lab)
7 / February-24 / February-25
Flow Over a Crump Weir (WR Lab)
8 / March-3 / March-4
Flow measurement and Stream Stability (Field trip
9 / March-10 / March-11
Hydraulic Jump (WR Lab)
10 / March-17 / March-18
Spring Break
11 / March-24 / March-25
Flow profiles (WR Lab)
12 / March-31 / April-1
Win-TR55 (Computer Lab)
13 / April-7 / April-8
Flow Under Sluice Gate (WR Lab)
14 / April-14 / April-15
EPA SWMM (Computer Lab)
15 / April-21 / April-22