Environment & Climate Change Unit

Flockton House

Flockton Road

Bradford, BD4 7RY

20th September 2010

Dear Colleague

Environment and Climate Change Unit and the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC)

Over the past few months we have circulated information about the CRC and how Bradford Council is responsible for reporting on its own and its district school carbon emissions in an annual reporting process.

Energy observation

We will be continuing to contact schools individually throughout the remainder of the year to talk about energy reduction measures and carbon management plans for your school. My team expect to be able to help you identify significant energy cost savings over the coming years and to do this, we have designed a simple tool kit to help you with better energy management and will be introducing this when we meet.

If you are eager to get started and wish to arrange a visit, please contact Lee Anne Sagar 01274 433885.

What is the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC)

The CRC is a mandatory Government scheme whose objectives are to encourage organisations to reduce their CO2 emissions. Bradford Council is required to be and is registered as a participant in the scheme. This means that the Council has to report on CO2 emissions from all its own premises and is required to report on the emissions from schools within the District. The CRC regulations require schools and local authorities to collaborate in the scheme.

The Environment and Climate Change Unit (ECCU) within the Council is tasked with managing our participation in CRC and with developing strategies and plans to reduce our energy consumption, our CO2 emissions and our carbon footprint across the council’s premises and with our schools partners.

An energy management programme and carbon reduction audit of your school should be able to reduce these costs and your carbon footprint significantly.

How the ECCU can help you

Our Officers are able to:

·  Undertake carbon and energy audits at premises

·  Identify energy saving measures and put in place action plans to deliver these energy savings

·  Identify funding sources for energy saving measures

·  Advise on and negotiate with renewable energy technology suppliers on your behalf

·  Helping you to reduce your schools carbon footprint

·  Support you with campaigns and awareness raising activities to encourage carbon saving – things like school travel planning

·  Advising and guidance on better water management

·  Advising on better waste management and wider environmental issues

What have we done so far;

Negotiated a three year British Gas Flexible Purchasing Contract as of the 1st June 2010.

During 2010,the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) will be closely watching the gas market and will only purchase gas when it is at itsoptimum price (maximum of 96 times per annum). Purchasing energy in this way, allows YPO to smooth out the peaks andtroughs in the energy price market, add together various purchases, store andcalculate anew price for 1 June 2011.

The new flexible way of purchasing gas, will ensure price savings are passed to the customer.

British Gas Prices as at 1 June 2010

Volume Band / Volume Band Values (therms) / Annual Quantity (kWhs) / Price For Year One as at 1st June 2010 p/kWh
1 / 0 : 2,500 / 3594507 / 3.0953
2 / 2,500 : 25,000 / 82769341 / 2.4273
3 / 25,000 + / 54863840 / 2.1863

Climate Change Levy and VAT will remain at the government standard rate.

Monthly meter data capture

Members of my team will already have been in touch with your school to put in place a process to gather in your electricity and gas consumption data on a monthly basis. If this hasn’t happened for any reason, please can you contact Lee Anne Sagar on 01274 433885.

The data will be used to monitor consumption and highlight any anomalies, removing estimated readings.

What’s next;

Negotiated a four year Npower Flexible Purchasing Contract as of the 1st November 2010.

We have negotiated the terms of the Flexible Contract with Npower for the supply of electricity between November 2010 – October 2014, prices will be available in due course.

SMART metering and data collection

As you are aware, meter data is being collected manually. However, to streamline this process our suppliers are undertaking a programme of smart meter installation.

Electricity and gas “smart meters” are being installed free of charge by N Power and British Gas. The meters allow the supplier to gather real time data and remove estimated billing.

For a small annual charge we can have access to the supplier’s software to monitor and better understand your energy consumption, reduce energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

This web based software can be made available at your school and with training can be used to identify a usage profile. We anticipate that the costs of the smart meter package will be more than covered by energy savings identified.

If the ECCU have not received the below form by 8th October 2010, we will assume that you do wish to participate in the SMART meter installation programme.


We do not wish to participate in the SMART meter installation programme.

School Name and Address:
Supplier / Cost
Electricity Smart Meter and software access / £75 per meter per annum
Gas Smart meter and software access / £102 per meter per annum
Name and Signature: / Date:
Please complete and return to


If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate in contacting a member of the ECCU team.

Kind Regards

Richard Williamson

Environment and Climate Change Manager