Short-form Application
South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation
Young Farmer & Ranchers Achievement Award
for 2014 SCFB Competitive Event
Eligibility –Open to SC Farm Bureau members between the ages of18 and 35 who are involved in production agriculture with a majority of their income subject to normal production risk.Individual or spouse shall not have reached their 36th birthday by January 31st after the AFBF Annual Meeting at which the competitive event is held. If spouse is over 35 years of age, the applicant must apply as an individual.(Please see long form for additional details.)
Entry Form and Application Guidelines - Information should be typed in 10 point Times New Roman font. Do not use your name or county name on any portion of this application other than this page. (Please refer to long form for additional details)
Deadline – Short form should be turned in as soon as possible and must be in the SC Farm Bureau office in Caycebefore 4:45 pm July 25, 2014.
Responsibility of finalist – All finalists will compete in the state contest by filling out long form and complying with responsibilities outlined in the long form.
H=husband; W=wife
1. Applicant(s):
(As it will be used in the program & for recognition)
Phonetic Pronunciation:
2. Address:
3. City & State: Zip Code: Phone: Email:
4. Date of Birth: H W Age: H W
5. Education/Degree: H W
Short courses or other specialized study:
6. Number of children: Age(s) :
I (we) hereby certify the information on this entry form and attached application to be accurate and true statements, SCFB DOES NOT ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED INCORRECTLY BY A COUNTY FARM BUREAU OFFICE. SCFB reserves the right to use your photos and/or any video footage for use in promoting Farm Bureau. The photos and/or video footage of undersigned contestant may also be available to sponsors of Farm Bureau events. By participating in the Event, the undersigned contestant warrants that he/she fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the YF&R Official Contest Rules and the decisions of the YF&R Committee, which are final and binding. The undersigned contestant also agrees to demonstrate good sportsmanship.
I hereby certify that the above named applicant is in good standing with our county Farm Bureau and is eligible to be entered and considered for the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation’s “Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award” for 2014.
______Date______County ______
County President/Secretary
Please answer the questions below without exceeding three typed pages using 10-point Times New Roman type.
1)Provide Personal Background (family and education)
2)Provide a description of your current farming operation (Owner, renter, manager; partnership, corporation, joint venture; crops/livestock gown and size/numbers)
3)Management Contribution (Your contribution to farm % of capital and % of management decisions; list specific responsibilities).
4)How has your farming operation changed while you have been involved? (Expansion or improvements in management, marketing practices and/or equipment) How have your duties changed?
5)How was your farming operation acquired? (What portion of your operation was purchased, earned, inherited, leased, etc.)
6)Discuss any unusual situation/problems that may have affected your operation that you have overcome and solved.
7)Describe how your goals have changed. (Beginning goals, current achievements, current and future goals)
8)Describe how you measure and evaluate the management of your farming operation.
9)List leadership experience (Farm Bureau, other organizations, awards)