Environment Board Minutes – Draft
19th April at 10:00
EA Board Room, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AL
Summary of actions
Energy Policy: MB to update regarding onshore oil and gas and new nuclear. MB to send to AH. AH to publish on website / 31/05/16Natural Capital and Historical Environment:
- PC to continue development, refine plans and send to AH by mid May. AH to circulate for response by end of May.
- PC to summarise plans for workshop with invitees list. AH to issue by first week of May
Waste: HB to send update to AH for website, AH to upload / 31/05/16
Water: AH to upload SuDs correspondence to website, and policy statement / Complete
Resilience: RC to discuss with Nigel / 31/05/16
Conference: ALL to send suggestions to AH by 6 June / 06/06/16
Administration: AH to make arrangements for future meetings and July workshop, ALL to send AH contacts for ‘save the date’ invitee list / 31/05/16
AH to send update for newsletter / 06/05/16
Note of meeting
Introductions and apologiesAustin McAuley represents the Environment Journal. The new journal, which will be soft launched in May, is aligned with the Hemming Group (publishers of MJ). AM attends today to get a feel for ADEPT, the Board and our priorities. Once the journal is published he would appreciate feedback.
Nigel Riglar has been appointed to Chair of the Local Adaptation Advisory Panel (LAAP)and was invited to attend. Unfortunately he was unavailable today.
Tracy Carter, chair of the Waste Panel, has sent her apologies due to difficulties following breaking her wrist. She has arranged for Ian Fielding to chair the next Waste Panel in early June.
Full attendee and apologies are detailed at the end of the minutes.
Previous minutes: The minutes were approved and all actions have been completed.
Group development
MB was unable to attend today and sent his apologies. The group discussed the policy statement and agreed two changes:
1)Explicit reference to onshore oil and gas. This is of significant interest across the country and for Central Government. Local Government has a key role to play as planning authority, in partnership with the EA, HSE and Public Health England, and in communication of evidence and facts.
2)Modification of new nuclear in the context of national planning context to reference the local authority perspective for locating geological disposal facilities, with DECC.
MB to make these minor changes, which will enable a context for the future work of the Group and Board. With these amendments the statement is finalised and can be launched. AH to add to website.
Natural Capital and Heritage (previously Green Infrastructure)
PC researched the scope, theme and relevance of a group and reported to the Board. It was agreed that ‘Natural Capital and Heritage’ would be a more appropriate title. The scope was agreed to include:
- Ecology and biodiversity
- Landscape policy
- Heritage
- Protected areas
- Green infrastructure
- Ecosystem services
- Natural Capital
- Green Tourism
- Quality of life/wellbeing
The Board agreed the main priority would be demonstrating the value of nature and the environment. This would draw on sustainable growth, financial value of good growth, re-engaging with the environment, living landscapes, heritage and green infrastructure, and facilitating growth. Gathering evidence and case studies demonstrating the financial value of nature and practical implications will be important.
Membership should include local authorities as well as Public Health England, Natural England, Defra (Tom Surrey) and perhaps DCLG. PC will also consider how the Natural Capital Committee should be involved.
RC thanked PC for gathering and presenting this information. PC will refine and send to AH for circulation to the Board by the end of May. This will be included in the next workshop – which will be designed to develop this group and the policy statement with external stakeholders. PC to send AH short summary of workshop objective, group and invitee list by end of April. AH to invite.
PC attended a meeting with Defra on the development of a 25 year Natural Capital Plan. Four pillars were discussed: modern, integrated, local and open. Four pathfinders were also announced: coastal and marine, landscape, urban and upland. PC put forward Sarah Jennings for inclusion on the technical group, he will confirm if she receives an invite.
There is no update as TC was unable to attend. HB will attend the next Waste Panel meeting. HB to get an update of information that can be put on the website from the Panel, AH will then add to the website. The policy statement is on hold.
The Panel have been unable to secure free rooms for their future meetings. AH to send information to HB.
Flood & Water Management. AH to put policy statement on website
The Group meetings continue to be attended well. The JBA research analysing the cost of managing SuDs applications has been received. SW gave a summary off the research, which was based on survey responses from 66% of Lead Local Flood Authorities. The report is expected imminently. SW/RC will consider how best to manage publication of the findings and discussion with Defra. Previous correspondence will be placed on the website publically – SW to send to AH. SW and AM will discuss in more detail when the JBA is ready for publishing. RC thanked the SW for the work of the group, and especially JB who managed the JBA project.
SW updated Baroness Parminter on ADEPT’s view of SuDs related issues, with regards to the housing and planning bill being discussed in parliament the following week.
There will be a Cabinet Officer Review of the planning system changes which will link to flood resilience review. SW will consider how ADEPT should engage.
RC will discuss with Nigel Riglar the linkages between this group and the LAAP at the President’s Meeting in Devon in mid-May. With Nigel taking on the role of Chair of the LAAP his opinions on how best to set this out in the future are essential. Key priorities will be the Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the second National Adaptation Plan.
The outcomes of the National Flood Resilience Review areexpected this summer. / MB
It is hoped that the 2017 conference will have increased attendance. A short survey has been issued to understand what would increase attendance in the future. The main responses stated lots of notice for the date and minister attendance.
The conference will be on 24 and 25 November. The broad theme will be ‘good growth’ which will draw in place leadership and devolution deals. Involvement of a wider number of stakeholders is a priority. Discussion included DfT, DCLG, DECC, Secretary of State, NE, EA. Fringe events and workshops are also being considered.
All agreed an important subject will be water management. An example of Natural Capital is also of significant interest (where Professor John Lawton would be a good speaker).
The development of the conference is beginning now. If you have any suggestions (subject and speakers) email them to AH by 6 June. / AH
Board Administration
The Board agreed the subject matter for the next three workshops: Natural Capital, Resilience, Waste. AH to:
- arrange July’s workshop with PC (put phone meeting in diary with PC asap)
- arrange a date for October
- arrange a date for January
- send out save the date emails
Save the date emails will be issued to stakeholders as early as possible. AH to email all the list she has, all to pass suggestions which should be added. Nick Mackie as replaced Andrew Dobbie at DECC – AH to update.
AH to send summary paragraph of meeting to HB for reference in the next newsletter if appropriate / AH
Afternoon workshop: Water
In the afternoon Steve Willis chaired a water management workshop attended by Defra, Anglia Water, Water UK and the Environment Agency, as well as several local authorities. The workshop progressed the objectives of the water policy statement to develop a water management strategy while looking at the legislative framework, resource management and the growth agenda. All parties have interest in the area and found the workshop a very useful forum to discuss water management. The main points of interest were:
- The constantly changing delivery landscape, driven in part by devolution but also resource constraints
- Increase joint working potential e.g. Water Resources East Anglia initiative.
- The move towards an integrated catchment based approach to water management, as embodied in Defra’s 25 year plan
- Learning across areas – case studies
- The value of ADEPT – our offer in taking the agenda forward.
Attendees overleaf
Environment Board meeting attendees (10:00 to 12:00):
Alice Henderson / Board SecretaryProject Manager – Strategic Commissioning, East Sussex
Austin Macauley / Editor, Environment Journal
Martin Dickman / Director of Environment Services. Buckinghamshire
Julia Beeden / Business Manager - Flood and Water (Interim). Cambridgeshire
Peter Chamberlain / Environment Manager. Devon
Rupert Clubb / Board Chair. Chair of Resilience Group (LAAP)
Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, East Sussex
Steve Willis / Board Vice Chair, Chair of Water Group
Chief Operating Officer Development Services. Lincolnshire.
Hannah Bartram / ADEPT Chief Operating Officer
Jennie Donovan / Environment Agency DeputyDirector Sustainable Places
Wendy Brooks / Environment Agency Sustainable Places Manager
Charlotte Palmer / Environment Strategy and Future City Manager, PeterboroughGreg Smith / Natural England Sustainable Development Manager
Ian Wykes / Chair of Green Infrastructure Group
Commissioner for the Rural County, Staffordshire
Josie Bateman / Senior Project Manager (Flood and Water Management), Northamptonshire
Nigel Riglar / Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure. Gloucestershire
Chair of LAAP
Tracy Carter / Chair of Waste Group
Associate Director Waste and Environment, Wiltshire
Water workshop attendees (13:00 to 16:00). As above plus:
David Hickman / Lincolnshire County CouncilAlex Plant / Anglian Water
Michael Green / Warwick County Council
Henry Leverson-Gower / Defra
Innes Thomson / Association of Drainage Authorities
David Strang / Water UK