AP Psychology Review – Sensation, Perception & States of Consciousness
- Overview
- Sensation
- Perception
- Psychophysics
- Stimulus
- absolute threshold (see chart 4.1 for examples)
- Just noticeable difference
- Weber’s Law
- Fechner’s Law
- Signal-detection theory
- Hit
- Miss
- False alarm
- Correct rejection
- subliminal perception (Is this a valid phenomenon)
- sensory adaptation
- Sight
- Know all parts of the eye including rods and cones and the function of each.
- dark/light adaptation
- Describe the visual pathways to the brain
- trichromatic theory
- color blindness (dichromats)
- opponent process theory
- Visual perception
- Know how top-down processing is different from bottom-up processing. This process works in logical thought as well as all sensory perceptions.
- reversible figure
- phi phenomenon
- Gestalt Principles of perception
- figure and ground
- proximity
- similarity
- continuity
- simplicity
- closure
- Formulating Perceptual Hypotheses
- distal stimuli
- proximal stimuli
6. Depth perception
- binocular depth clues
- retinal disparity
- convergence
- monocular depth cues
- motion parallax
- pictorial depth cues
- Linear perspective
- Texture gradient
- Interposition
- Relative size
- Height in plane
- Light and shadow
- perceptual constancy
- optical illusion
7. Hearing
- Sound: Amplitude – Loudness: Wavelength or frequency – pitch: purity – Timbre
- Recognize the parts of the ear
- Place Theory
- Frequency Theory
- auditory localization
8. Gustatory system
- Taste buds
- What are the 4 primary tastes?
- What things contribute to the perception of flavor?
9. Olfactory system
- How is the connection between receptors and the brain different in the Olfactory system?
10. Touch
- How do we feel pain?
- Gate-control theory
11. kinesthetic system
12. vestibular system