StateUniversity of New York at Albany

Educational Psychology and Methodology

Advisement Record for the Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Research

Name______Student No.______





Date admitted into the CAS program______

Program of Study

A minimum of 60 credits, distributed as described below, is needed to graduate. Admission and program guidelines depend upon the student’s preparatory program, as follows:

Ph.D. students in Educational Psychology need not apply in advance for admission to CAS. They may count any Ph.D. coursework for the CAS, provided it meets CAS requirements.

All other students (MS students in Educational Psychology, and students from programs outside of the Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology) must apply for admission to the CAS. Such students require at least 21 credits unique to the CAS degree (i.e., not counting towards any other degrees).

Note that the requirements for Section D (described below) must be taken after admission to the CAS.

Students who have completed the MS degree in Educational Psychology may count the 30 credits for this degree towards the CAS, provided they meet CAS requirements.

Note that university policy requires that at least half of the 60 credits needed must be completed at the University at Albany (rather than transferred in from another institution).

Total Credits______Advisor’s signature______

A: A foundation core of 6 courses (18 credits) at the 500/600 level. At least three of these six core courses must be completed within the department. Suggested courses are listed below. This core includes at least one course from each of the six following areas. Be sure to list approved transfer courses.

1. Development (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ E Psy 520 Growth and Development: Adolescent

_____ E Psy 521 Growth and Development: Child

_____ E Psy 623 Advanced Developmental Psychology

_____ E Psy 721 Comparative Theories of Child Development

_____ E Psy 725 Seminar in Human Development

Other courses: ______

Total ______

2. Learning (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ E Psy 502 Educational Psychology

_____ E Psy 610 Advanced Educational Psychology: Learning and Instruction

_____ E Psy 611 Topics in Learning

_____ E Psy 612 Motivation

_____ E Psy 613 Conceptual Learning

_____ E Psy 614 Children=s Learning

_____ E Psy 715 Seminar in Learning

Other courses: ______

Total ______

3. Individual differences and special education (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ ESPE 560 Introduction to Human Exceptionality

_____ ESPE 561 Integrating Students with Disabilities in General Education

_____ ESPE 666 Principles of Assessment and Instruction in Special Education

_____ ESPE 667 Special Education for Students with Learning Problems

_____ ESPE 668 Special Education for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

_____ ESPE 669 Special Education for Students with Emotional and Behavioral


_____ ESPE 670 Special Education for Students with Mental Retardation

_____ E Psy 761 History and Issues in Special Education: School

_____ E Psy 762 History and Issues in Special Education: Society

_____ E Psy 763 Seminar on Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

_____ E Psy 764 Seminar on Early Childhood Special Education

_____ E Psy 765 Seminar on Learning Disabilities

_____ E Psy 766 Seminar on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Other courses: ______

Total ______

4. Research Methods (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ E Psy 550 Educational Research Problems

_____ E Psy 680 Seminar in Educational Psychology

_____ E Psy 750 Educational Research and Design

Other courses: ______

Total ______

5. Measurement and Evaluation (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ E Psy 540 Evaluation in Education

_____ E Psy 640 Educational and Psychological Measurement

_____ E Psy 740 Seminar in Measurement

_____ E Psy 742 Test Construction

_____ E Psy 743 Laboratory in Test Construction

_____ E Psy 744 Theories in Validity and Reliability

Other courses: ______

Total ______

6. Statistics (minimum of 3 credits)

_____ E Psy 530 Statistical Methods I

_____ E Psy 630 Statistical Methods II

_____ E Psy 731 Experimental Design

_____ E Psy 733 Factor Analysis

_____ E Psy 735 Seminar in Statistics

_____ E Psy 751 Multivariate Methods for Applied Researchers and Evaluators

Other courses: ______

Total ______

B. Six courses (18 credits) at the 600 level or above in Evaluation, Measurement, Research, Statistics.

At least 3 courses (9 credits) should be taken within the division.

List courses (18 credits/600 level or above; be sure to list approved transfer courses):




C. 12 credits in a concentrated area of study (e.g., learning/development, instruction, evaluation, educational leadership, reading, statistics, etc). This area should be approved by the advisor. Include approved transfer courses.



D. 12 credits in Practicum, Field Experience, or Internship in Educational Research, as approved by advisor.

_____ E Psy 606 Field Experience in Educational Research

_____ E Psy 687 Practicum in Evaluation

_____ E Psy 895 Internship in Educational Psychology

_____ E Psy 697 Research Apprenticeship

Note that within the 60 credits, the student is required to complete a culminating project. Ordinarily this would be completed as part of experiences associated with Section D, above.

Culminating project completed______Date______



DATE ______

Revised 8/99 DZK