Westfield meeting: Patient Forum Group

Date: 27th November 2015

Attendees / Dr Babu, Sue Bates-Patrick (Office Manager) Kumal Rayat (PM & minutes)
Diana Smith-Harris, Samuel Meama Kajue, Kath Nicholls (Chair) & Ionie Maynard
Apologies / Terence & Barbara Minshull and Marilyn James
Item / Action
1 / CQC visit
Kumal informed the group that Westfield had their CQC inspection visit on 14th Oct and that it had gone really well, with very good comments from the inspectors, one being ‘We were a gem of a practice’. There were 3 inspectors – a GP, practice manager and an inspector who spoke to patients and staff. The inspectors spent most of the day interviewing the majority of staff inc drs and we should receive a report from them in approx. 8-10 weeks. Kath (Chair) was also interviewed -
“On reflection my session reminded me of a job interview. I was a little nervous at first, but the inspector put me at ease and asked about the services given by the practice, my views as a patient and also my involvement with the PFG. I was happy to give honest answers on all parts of the questions. I was able to show how the practice uses the text service for reminding patients to attend appointments (even before the patient has left the building), and a text reminder just before the appointment, I have several of them on my mobile phone. I mentioned our concerns about non-attenders and the effect it is having on resources, a concern we realise is national. The inspector asked about previous customer surveys and PFG involvementwhich gave me the opportunity to mention Ralph’s rolein designing an addition to the people survey,the pictorial suggestion box, which we are hoping to get off the ground soon! I got a big smile when I mentioned that Dr Babu had asked our groups opinion on the extended opening hours for the practice. I mentioned our previous coffee morning and the community groups, including our local chemist (Vic), who came to give a talk about what services they provide. She was impressed that we baked the cakes for the coffee morning. It was an interesting 30 to 45 minutes but I’m pleased it’s only occurs every three years”
2 / Staff changes
Lesley receptionist will be retiring at the end of Dec and a new receptionist Hayley has been employed to replace Lesley.
3 / MacMillan Coffee morning
Sue said she had not had any feedback from the PRG with a proposed date for the next coffee morning and there wasn’t much interest shown at the meeting.
4 / Reginald Community Hub meeting 7th Dec 6.30pm
Dr Babu informed the group that the CCG want to have Community Champions for the Reginald Centre and that they will be funding someone to lead and direct the Champions. There is to be a meeting at the Reginald Centre on 7th Dec.Nick Hart, NE Community Hub manager, will provide an opening presentation about the Reginald community hub and diversifying the use of the centre.
5 / Access and Extended Hours
Dr Babu informed the group that at the Council workshop on Access and Extended Hours in June they have created a discussion sheet for practices to raise subject of Improving Access to General Practice with their Patient Reference Group’s.
The 3 questions are very simply :
1.What does the PRG think about access in hours (when your practice is open) at Westfield And what could be improved?
2.What do members of the WestfieldPRG think about out of hour’s services (when your practice is closed)? And what could be improved?
3.In planning for future Out of Hours care and extended access to GP services, what should be the priority? For example: Is the priority convenience, continuity of care, or being seen quickly, or is the priority just being able to see your GP more easily in-hours?
(If patients say they want more hours/convenience -given no extra funding is currently available –might be worth posing what could they do without/have less of?)
The feedback sheet is at the end of these minutes
6 / SMS Text and poster
The group wanted the practice to inform patients via SMS text and poster in waiting room that regularly do not attend for appointments that they will no longer be able to book appointments in advance. / Kumal –Poster
Sue – SMS text
7 / AOB
The Patient experience boxes need to be up and running.
One of the CQC inspectors suggested using plain white card instead of coloured tokens so that patients can write their comments on the card should they wish to. / Ralph
8 / Date of next meeting
27th Feb 10.15-11am in Westfield waiting room

PRG discussion document – Improving access to General Practice (GP) services.

National context : Improving GP care was one of the main themes of debate in the General Election and seven-day GP access was one of the Conservatives’ key pledges.

David Cameron said that he wanted the public to be able to see a GP at a time that ‘suits them and their family’ : Sept 14.

In some parts of the country some General Practices are trialling different approaches to ‘extended access’ to primary care such as opening earlier in the morning, later at night and/or at weekends.

The Evidence: The early learning coming out of the many pilot schemes offering extended access around the country is that although in some areas patients like the longer opening hours, fewer than expected wish to see GPs at weekends (particularly Sundays). As yet there is no evidence that this has made a significant reduction to A&E attendance. It was hoped that increasing hours would reduce attendance at A&E departments.

Issues: The British Medical Association raised concerns in May 15 that seven-day access to GP services could spread GPs too thinly and could damage quality care. The association warned that around a third of GPs are considering retirement in the next five years. It has called for extra investment to help GPs with their existing workloads.

Currently the national position states: All Patients will have access to GP between 8 and 8 / seven days a week.

Across Leeds, this is already currently provided through access to 111, the GP Out of Hours service, (Local Care Direct), & the Walk In Centre, which offer advice, and if needed or appropriate appointments & home visits when general practice is closed. The CCG wants to work with General Practices, patients and members of the public as we start to plan for future Out of Hours care and consider options around extended access to GP services

PRG conversations

Member practices have begun conversations with the CCG to inform its plans for Out of Hours care and extended access and to agree priorities for future services. The views of PRGs are important and need to feed into this conversation…….

1.What does the PRG think about access in hours at Westfield Medical Centre ( when your practice is open)? And what could be improved?

2.What do members of the Westfield Medical Centre PRG think about out of hour’s services (when your practice is closed)? And what could be improved?

3.In planning for future Out of Hours care and extended access to GP services, what should be the priority? For example: Is the priority convenience, continuity of care, or being seen quickly, or is the priority just being able to see your GP more easily in-hours?