The Framework for Teaching

Charlotte Danielson

Published by ASCD (ascd.org)

Enhancing Professional Practice: A framework for teaching (1996)

Teacher Evaluation to Enhance Professional Practice (with Tom McGreal) (2000)

Enhancing Student Achievement: A framework for school improvement (2003)


Read each statement and indicate the domain to which it primarily applies.

A. ___Mr. J. stands by the classroom door, greeting the students as they enter the classroom, conversing with each of them briefly.

B. ___To teach the concept of democracy in her fourth-grade classroom, Ms. K asks students to brainstorm ideas for how their classroom should be run.

C. ___Ms. Q knows that her students learned about place value last year. She now plans to introduce addition with regrouping.

D. ___Mr. E, like all the teachers on his 5th grade team, meets with the other teachers in his grade level on a regular basis.

E. ___Ms K asks students to create a concept map illustrating the connections among the different ideas in the history unit.

F. ___Two students seem to be involved in reading some outside material. Mr. A continues with monitoring students as they work, but circulates toward the two. Upon reaching them, he quietly asks for the magazine, points to the task they should be doing, and moves on to the next student.

G. ___When talking with colleagues after a lesson, Mr. C states that in subsequent lessons he would create more groups, assigning fewer students to each group. With six students in each group, they lost a lot of time in getting started on the task.

H. ___Ms. P will give a unit test next week.

I. ___Over the course of several days in his science class, Mr. B asks his fourth-grade students to create circuits using batteries and bulbs and a number of familiar objects; they are determining which ones conduct electricity.

J. ___For a lesson on problem-solving, Ms. S plans to have students determine whether the answer to a problem is the only possible answer, and whether there is more than one method of finding the answer.

K. ___Ms. D suggests that before she teaches this lesson again she will revise the worksheet, which the students found confusing, and clarify the directions.

L. ___The second-grade classroom is bright and cheerful, with chairs arranged in groups around tables. Student work is posted around the room, and a reading corner is stocked with a collection of books.


Component 2 ______: ______

(statement of component)

Provide several examples of this component at different levels of performance, attending to each of its elements, drawing on your experience of teaching and observing teachers. As you create examples, consider the role played by each of the common themes:

 equity developmental appropriateness

 cultural sensitivity accommodating individual needs

 high expectations appropriate use of technology

Examples of “Unsatisfactory” Performance:




Examples of “Basic” Performance:




Examples of “Proficient” Performance:




Examples of “Distinguished” Performance:




Domain 2
Environment /




/ Proficient / Distinguished
Creating an Environment of Respect
and Rapport
Establishing a Culture for Learning
Managing Classroom Procedures
Managing Student Behavior
Organizing Physical Space6

Worksheet: Connecting Domain 3 with Domains 1 and 2

Directions: For the Domain 3 component you have selected, determine its relationship with the components in domains 1 and 2. You will complete the worksheet after hearing reports from the other groups.

Domain 3 Component / Domain 1 and 2 Components
3a: Communicating clearly and accurately
3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques
3c: Engaging students in learning
3d: Providing feedback to students
3e: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness

Worksheet: Domain 4

Directions: For the Domain 4 components determine which are essential for xteachersin your school to demonstrate, and why they are important

Domain 4 Component / How it is Manifested
4a: Reflecting on teaching
4b: Maintaining accurate records
4c: Communicating with families
4d: Contributing to the school and district
4e: Growing and developing professionally
4f: Showing professionalism

3-2-1: Domain 3

Directions: For the component you have been assigned,

  • Determine the three most important ideas in the component
  • Provide two examples of the use of the component in your own practice, and
  • Formulate one question you have regarding this component.

The three most important ideas in the component
Two examples of the use of the component in your own practice
One question you have regarding this component

The Common Themes

Directions: For each of the common themes, determine which of the components (for example, 2a, 3b) it is related, and how it is manifested.

Theme / Components to Which it is Related / Nature of the Relationship
Equity /

Cultural Sensitivity /

High Expectations /

Developmental Appropriateness /

Accommodating Individual Needs /

Appropriate Use of Technology /