ACCS CT3 & Core Level Training 1&2 Requirements for ARCP
TraineeTraining Year of Review / LTFT - Y/N Percentage?
Educational Supervisor Structured Report
Last ARCP Outcome
Evidence of Completion of GMC Survey
Evidence of Completion of JEST Survey
APLS/EPLS (consider if ALS current)
Transfer Training (within 1st year of core training)
Airway Course (within 2 years of core training)
Child Protection (level 2)
Equality & Diversity Training
Completed Report on Academic Progress
(for Academic trainees)
Primary Level FRCA Teaching Attendance (Min 70%)
Enhanced Form R
Revalidation confirmation from ESSR
Host Trust Critical Incident Reports
Learning Agreement (if not documented in IPR)
Professional Development Plans (if not documented in IPR)
Interim Progress Reports (Minimum 3 per year)
Logbook Summary (using RCOA logbook summary only. Dates for each consecutive logbook should be continuous. Provide cumulative summary if CT2)*
MSF (one per year; minimum 10 replies for valid MSF)
Educational Activities/ CPD Evidence & Summary
QI Activity (at least 1 project per year)
Some form of evidence eg power-point presentation/summary report should be included.
Reflective Practice**
Research Summary (for trainees undertaking research only)
* Logbook for current training year must be provided. Dates for each consecutive logbook summary should be continuous eg. if your logbook in CT1 runs from 1st Aug to 29th June, then for CT2, the logbook should start from 30th June to…..A cumulative logbook for both years must also be provided if CT2. Please upload all pages of logbook eg procedures, ASA, mode of anaesthesia, time of day etc
** reflection should be anonymized and not include any patient or staff identifiable information. It should focus on your individual learning from the experience/observation and how you feel it may change/improve your skills, knowledge, behaviour.
Exams / Passed / Date passed / No. of attempts if not passedPrimary MCQ / Yes / No
Primary OSCE / SOE / Yes / No
Date completed:
Initial Assessment of Competence (IAC)
Initial Assessment of Competence in Obstetric Anaesthesia (IACOA)
Basic Training in ICM
Introduction to Anaesthesia (3-6months)
Unit of Training / Completed: / WPBAs done if UoT incomplete
Pre-operative assessment / Yes / No
Premedication / Yes / No
Induction of general anaesthesia / Yes / No
Intra-operative care / Yes / No
Post-operative and recovery room care / Yes / No
Introduction to anaesthesia for emergency surgery / Yes / No
Management of respiratory and cardiac arrest / Yes / No
Control of infection / Yes / No
Core Anaesthesia (3/6 – 24 months)
Unit of Training / Completed: / WPBAs done if UoT incomplete
Airway management / Yes / No
Critical incidents / Yes / No
Day surgery / Yes / No
General, urological and gynaecological surgery / Yes / No
Head, neck, maxillo-facial & dental surgery / Yes / No
Intensive care medicine / Yes / No
Non-theatre / Yes / No
Obstetrics / Yes / No
Orthopaedic surgery / Yes / No
Paediatrics (including child protection) / Yes / No
Pain medicine / Yes / No
Regional / Yes / No
Sedation / Yes / No
Transfer medicine / Yes / No / Preferred completion in CT1 Year
Trauma and stabilisation / Yes / No
Perioperative Medicine / Yes / No
Any other evidence seen but not documented above:
ARCP Outcome