Classroom Policies, Expectations, & Grading Policy - Mrs. Morton – FALL 2015
English IV / English IV Honors
Required Materials for English IV:
- (1) 3-ring binder (at least 1.5”)
- Notebooks are a required part of this course. I will do a notebook check at the end of each grading period or unitas well as collecting notebooks on the last day of class for a test grade … it is expected to be well maintained and complete. NOTHING you have returned to you should go in the trash. DO NOT throw away anything you receive in this class. It is to be placed in your notebook in its correct section. You will be given supplemental materials that are very useful when preparing for a unit test or when taking open note quizzes, but I will not give out duplicate copies because you cannot find your original … be organized and it will make your time in this class much easier.
- Notebooks are to be organized the following way with 3 sections:
- Vocab Lists/Quizzes (weekly lists, any extra credit crosswords, graded quizzes go here)
- Literature (intro notes, questions, quizzes, anything relating to something we’re reading should go here)
- Graduation Project (your GP handbook will go here)
- All papers are to be dated in order to maintain organization within each section of your notebook.
- Bring your notebook EVERY class period. Do not ask to go to your locker/car after the bell rings.
- Blue or black ink pens OR pencils
- Loose leaf paper
- High-lighters
Required Materials for Graduation Project:
- (1) 3 prong folder
- This will contain the contents of your Portfolio.
- Clear protective sheet protectors
- Every piece of paper that goes in your Portfolio must be within a sheet protector.
Every student in my class is required to join my English IV group on I use this to send out reminders of assignments and tests as well as posting the daily ACT word. It is your responsibility to check it daily. “I forgot” or “I didn’t know” are not valid excuses.
Attendance & Tardies –
You are only allowed 10 absences for the semester. To be counted present in class, you must be present in the class for no less than 60 minutes. It is your responsibility to see me the day you return to class to receive all missed work and to complete it within the given timeline. Make-up tests or quizzes can be scheduled after school. Students have 3 days to complete missing assignments. If there are extenuating circumstances, I will deal with that on a one-on-one basis. I will not track you down for missing make-up work.
According to the JHS Handbook, when the bell rings for class to begin, teachers will not allow any student into the classroom without an excused pass from the front office. Teachers will be on duty in the hallway to sweep any students who are tardy to class. Any student who is not in class after the bell rings will be swept. Students who are swept will be given a Late Class pass and sent to Late Class in the ISS room. *New this year … ALL students reporting late to school will be issued a pass to late class regardless if a parent is present at the time of check-in unless a note from a medical provider is presented at the time of check-in. Upon the 4th tardy, the student will receive one day of ISS.
During the first ten minutes of class, teachers will not issue passes to leave the classroom. If you are in Late Class, you are responsible for seeing me the next day to get your missed work. Again, “I forgot” or “I didn’t know” are not valid excuses.
Grading Policy – Your English IV six weeks grade is comprised of:
Classwork / open-note quizzes60%
Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes10%
Unit / Novel Tests30%
*Please note that your 3rd six weeks grade will be comprised of 50% English IV and 50% overall Graduation Project grade.
Per OCS Policy 3400, a 10-point grading scale is now in effect for grades 9-12.
100-90 = A89-80 = B79-70 = C69-60 = DBelow 60 = F
Course Information –
This course consists primarily of British Literature. We will be covering the time periods, major works, poetry, plays, and novels. You will also be responsible for a research assignment (the Graduation Project). If you have difficulty with the material we cover, please see me as soon as possible. Tutoring and other assistance is available.
Please be aware of the fact that if your grade is failing or is in danger of becoming a failing grade, a Personalized Education Plan (PEP) will be put into place and your parents will be contacted to attend a conference in order to intervene and prevent failure from happening.
If you fail this course, or do not complete the required Graduation Project, there is a strong possibility you will not graduate on time. Both this course and the Graduation Project are required to graduate from Onslow County Schools.
Bathroom -Class time is important and should not be wasted. Therefore, students are allowed to leave class to use the restroom onlywith teacher permission and not in the middle of instruction. This privilege must be used sparingly. Daily IS NOT sparingly. Students need to use the time in between classes or lunch to use the restroom so as not to disrupt class. That being said, if a student’s requests to use the restroom during class become disruptive and/or too frequent, that student will no longer be allowed to go without a doctor’s note. You must sign out before leaving the classroom.
Water/Food -Students are allowed to bring water in class to drink during class time; therefore, please do not ask to get water during class unless it is an emergency. Do not bring food into my class … it encourages bugs.
Be respectful!– Being seniors, you know how to act in a classroom. If it applies to this campus, it applies in this classroom. Respect me, your peers, yourself, my classroom, and any topics discussed. Not using profanity is included in this idea of respect.
Be on time! - Be in your seat, ready to begin class, when the late bell rings. You should be ready to begin at that time … not wandering around the class socializing or gathering materials.
Be involved! – All students are expected to participate in class activities. Sleep at home – not in class. Quite often I give open-note quizzes based upon material we just covered in class. If you’re asleep or inattentive and did not take the notes, you’ll not be allowed to use a classmate’s notes and you’ll probably not do well. If you’ve been attentive and involved, you’ll do well!
Be responsible!–Ask me for help if needed. Make up all missed work if necessary. Have academic integrity. Adhere to all JHS rules and regulations.
Use of Technology - Texting on cell phones and use of other electronic devices(ear buds, etc.) is not allowed in my classunless WE as a class are using it for educational/instructional purposes. The policies set forth in my electronic device contract are very clear and will be in effect. Please silence your phone or turn it off before coming in my class and keep it put away until you walk out of my classroom.
If you are having any problems with this course, see me as soon as possible or email me: . I am available most days during my 1stperiod planning or after school until 3:00 p.m. Please make sure you schedule tutoring session with me prior to showing up.