Eddie Bonilla

222Northlawn Ave. East Lansing, Michigan 48823 USA

(323) 804-7250


Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Ph.D. Candidate Department of History, 2013-present. Expected Completion December 2018

“Chicana/o Communism 1968-1990: The Theory and Praxis of the August 29thMovement, El Centro de Acción Social Autónomo, and the League of Revolutionary Struggle”

Major Field: United States History

Minor Fields: Latin American and African American History

Adviser: Co-Chairs: Juan Pescador and Edward Murphy

Dissertation Committee: Delia Fernandez, Pero Dagbovie, and Michael Stamm

University of California Irvine, Irvine, Ca

B.A.,Chicano/Latino Studies and minors in History and Psychology & Social Behavior, 2013

Senior Thesis: “Taking A Left Turn at The Chicano Movement: An Analysis of Marxist and Nationalist Organizations”

Research Interests

20th Century United States History, 20th Century Latin American History, African-American History, Chicano History, Labor History, Racial and Ethnic Forms of Resistance to Power and Struggle, Imperialism, Social Movements, Revolutions, Social Justice, Inequality

Published Scholarship

Entry for “Proto-rap,” in St. James Encyclopedia of Hip HopCulture (Forthcoming 2018)

Review of Mario García’s The Chicano Generation: Tesimonios of the Movement. In Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies (Forthcoming 2018)

Review of Gordon K. Mantler’s Power to the Poor: Black-Brown Coalition and the Fight for Economic Justice, 1960-1974. In H-Net Book Reviews (November 2016).

Review of Darius V. Echeverria’s Aztlán Arizona: Mexican American Educational Empowerment 1968-1978. In Journal for the Study of Radicalism, Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2016, pg. 170-172.

External Awards

Tamiment Cold War Center Travel Grant 2018-2019

Organization of American Historians Merrill Travel Grant 2018

Labor and Working Class History Association Travel Grant 2018

Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources awarded by the Council on Library and Information Resources 2017-2018

Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association Graduate Student Travel Award 2017

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Conference Travel Award 2015

Internal Awards

Harry Brown Graduate Fellowship in American History 2018, Michigan State History Department

Dissertation Completion Fellowship Summer 2018, Michigan State Graduate School

Council of Graduate Students, Michigan State, Conference Award, Summer 2017

Michigan State Graduate Office Fellowship 2015, 2016

Tinker Field Research Grant for Research in Mexico City presented by MSU Center for Latin American Studies 2014

Michigan State Summer Research Seed Money 2014, 2015

UC Irvine Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Fellowship, 2012-2013

UC Irvine Librarians Research Fellowship, 2011-2012

UC Irvine Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Fellowship, 2011-2012

Teaching Awards

Somers Integrated Arts and Humanities Excellence in Teaching Award 2016

Somers Integrated Arts and Humanities Excellence in Teaching Award Fall 2013 (Finalist)

Conference Papers Presented

“Chicana/o Communists and the Federal Bureau of Investigation During the Cold War” forthcoming at the Pacific Coast Branch Conference of the American Historical Association. Santa Clara, CA, August 3, 2018

“Organizing Multiracial Workplaces: The Activism of the League of Revolutionary Struggle 1974-1991” forthcoming at the Organization of American Historians AnnualMeeting. Sacramento, CA. April 12-14, 2018

“Organizing Multiracial Workplaces: The Activism of the League of Revolutionary Struggle 1974-1991” at the Pacific Coast Branch Conference of the American Historical Association. Northridge, CA, August 3-5, 2017.

“The ‘Women’ and ‘Immigrant’ Questions: The August 29th Movement’s Utilization of Chicano Marxism for Labor Organizing During the 1970s” Forthcoming at The Labor and Working Class History Association Conference. Seattle, WA, June 23, 2017.

Panelist on “The Latino Question” Roundtable at the National Association for Chicana/Chicano Studies Conference. Irvine, CA, March 24, 2017

“The League of Revolutionary Struggle: Multiracial Communism and Coalition Building 1974-1991” Presented at Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference. Richmond, VA, October 8, 2016

“The August 29th Movement, Chicano Marxism, and Addressing the Women and Immigrant Workers Questions During the 1970s” Presented at the North American Labor History Conference at Wayne State University. Detroit, MI October 21, 2016.

Panelist on “Latino Labor in Neoliberal Capitalism” Roundtable at the National Association for Chicana/Chicano Studies Conference. Denver, CO April 9,2016.

“Fanning the Flames: An Analysis of the August 29th Movement’s Union Activities” Presented at the Third-Bi Annual Sal Castro Memorial Conference on the Emerging Historiography of the Chicano Movement. Santa Barbara, CA February 26, 2016.

“Crossing Racial Lines Through Print Media: The Black Panther Party and the August 29th Movement” Presented at Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference. Atlanta, GA September 26, 2015

“Union Work or Political Debates? The August 29th Movement’s Praxis for Revolutionary Change” at National Association for Chicana/Chicano Studies. San Francisco, CA April 15-18, 2015

“Black, Brown, and Broke: An Analysis of Leftist 1960’s Southern California Activism” Presented at Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference. Memphis, TN September 25, 2014

“Student Activism Across Racial Lines” at National Association for Chicana/Chicano Studies. Salt Lake City, UT April 10, 2014

“Student Activism Across Racial Lines”Presented at Michigan State Africanist Graduate Student Research Conference. East Lansing, MI. Oct. 26, 2013

“Searching for a Home Here or There: The African American and Chicano National Questions” Presented at UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. Irvine, Ca June 15, 2013.

“The Chicano National Question” Presented for UC Irvine’s Chicano/Latino Studies Honors Program. June 15, 2013.

“Taking a Left at the Chicano Movement” Presented at UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. Irvine, CA May 15, 2013.

Invited Presentations

“Chicana/o Communists from 1974-1990: The Genesis of the August 29th Movement and the League of Revolutionary Struggle” Presented at the Chicano and Latino Studies California State University, Long Beach. December 6, 2017

“Chicana/o Communists from 1974-1990: The Genesis of the August 29th Movement and the League of Revolutionary Struggle” Presented at the Chicano/Latino Studies Michigan State University. October 25, 2017

Guest Lecture in Chicano Studies 166 (Chicano Movement) Presented at University of California Irvine. “Taking a Left at the Chicano Movement” Professor Rodolfo Torres. February 7, 2013.

Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record. Michigan State University, Fall 2018. History 201: Historical Methods and Skills. Topic: 20th Century United States Social Movements.

Co-Instructor, Michigan State University with Dr. Pero Dagbovie and Dr. LaShawn Harris, Summer 2017, Integrated Social Science: 335 National Diversity & Change: Hip Hop Culture and American Society

Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, Dr. Edward Murphy, Integrated Arts and Humanities: 203 Latin America and the World.Spring 2017, Fall 2015, Fall 2013

Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University with Dr. Juan Pescador, Fall 2016, History: 329 College Sports HistoryAlso served as Co-Instructor for online version Summer 2015

Co-Instructor, Michigan State University with Dr. Helen Veit, Online course Summer 2016,

History 202:U.S. History to 1876

Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, Dr. Malcolm Magee, Integrated Arts and Humanities (IAH) 203: U.S. and the World.Spring 2016, Spring 2015

Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, Dr. Peter Beattie, Fall 2014

Integrated Social Science: 220 Time, Space, & Change Human Society

Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, Dr. Glen Chambers, Spring 2014

Integrated Arts and Humanities: 203 Latin America and the World.


Spanish- Fluent Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking

Service to the Profession

Panel Submission Evaluator for National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies National Conference to be held in Minneapolis, MN (2018)

Graduate Historian Association President Michigan State University (2015-2016)

Midwest FOCO Representative in National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (2014- 2016)

Panel Submission Evaluator for National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies National Conference held in San Francisco, CA (2015)

Conference Organizer for the Midwest FOCO Chicano Studies Conference held at the University of Missouri Kansas City (September 2014)


Organization of American Historians, Member (2017-Present)

American Historical Association, Member (2016-Present)

Labor and Working Class History Association (2016-Present)

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Member (2014-Present)

Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Member (2014-Present)

Michigan State University Graduate History Association, Member (2013-Present)


Dr. Juan Javier Pescador

Committee Co-Chair

333Old Horticulture. Department of History

506 E. Circle Dr. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 884-4947

Dr. Edward Murphy

Committee Co-Chair

314 Old Horticulture. Department of History

506 E. Circle Dr. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 884-4943

Dr. Pero Dagbovie

Committee Member

208C Old Horticulture. Department of History

506 E. Circle Dr. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 884-4887

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