A.M. Rosenwasser - page 1

Alan M. Rosenwasser

Curriculum Vitae

Revised April 2008


Ph.D., 1980; M.A., 1976

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

Experimental Psychology

B.A., 1974

CityCollege of the CityUniversity of New York


High School, 1969

The BronxHigh School of Science


2005-Cooperating Professor of Biological Sciences

University of Maine

1998 - Professor of Psychology

University of Maine

1990-1998 Associate Professor of Psychology

University of Maine

1990-1994Associate Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

University of Maine

1986-1990 Assistant Professor of Psychology

University of Maine

1980-1986 Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute for Neurological Sciences

Lecturer, Department of Psychology and

Program in the Biological Basis of Behavior

University of Pennsylvania


2005University of Maine System Trustee Professorship

2007University of MaineCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Outstanding Faculty Award forResearch and Creative Achievement


Rosenwasser, A. M., Raibert, M., Terman, J. S.and Terman, M. Circadian rhythm of luminance detectability in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 23, 17-21, 1979.

Boulos, Z., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Terman, M. Feeding schedules and the circadian organization of behavior in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 1, 39-65, 1980.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Boulos, Z. and Terman, M. Circadian organization of food intake and meal patterns in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 27, 33-39, 1981.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Boulos, Z. and Terman, M. Circadian feeding and drinking rhythms in the rat under complete and skeleton photoperiods. Physiology and Behavior, 30, 353-359, 1983.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Pelchat, R. J. and Adler, N. T. Memory for feeding time: Possible dependence on coupled circadian oscillators. Physiology and Behavior, 32, 25-30, 1984.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Rats remember the circadian phase of feeding. Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences, 423, 634-635, 1984.

Gilbert, A. N., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Timing of parturition and postpartum mating in Norway rats: Interaction of an interval timer and a circadian gate. Physiology and Behavior, 34, 61-63, 1985.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Interactions between nocturnal feeding and wheel running patterns in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 34, 601-608, 1985.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Trubowitsch, G. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythm in metabolic activity of suprachiasmatic, supraoptic and raphe nuclei. Neuroscience Letters, 58, 183-187, 1985.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Schulkin, J. and Adler, N. T. Circadian wheel-running activity of rats under schedules of limited daily access to salt. Chronobiology International, 2, 115-119, 1985.

Levine, J., Rosenwasser, A. M. Yanovski, J. A., and Adler, N. T. Circadian activity rhythms in rats with midbrain raphe lesions. Brain Research, 384, 240-249, 1986.

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Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Structure and function in circadian timing systems: Evidence for multiple coupled circadian oscillators. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 10, 431-448, 1986.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Hollander, S. J. and Adler, N. T. Effects of pregnancy and parturition on free-running circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Chronobiology International, 4, 183-187, 1987.

Gilbert, A. N. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Biological rhythmicity of nasal airway patency: A re-examination of the "nasal cycle." Acta Otolaryngologica, 104, 180-186, 1987.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Behavioral neurobiology of circadian pacemakers: A comparative perspective. In A.N. Epstein and A. R. Morrison, eds., Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology v. 13, Academic Press, l988, pp. 155-226.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Schulkin, J. and Adler, N. T. Anticipatory appetitive behavior of adrenalectomized rats under circadian salt-access schedules. Animal Learning and Behavior, 16, 324-329, 1988.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. In defense of visual inspection. Chronobiology International, 5, 103-105, 1988.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of chronic clonidine administration and withdrawal on free-running circadian activity rhythms. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 33, 291-297, 1989.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Free-running circadian activity rhythms during long-term clonidine administration in rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 35, 35-39, 1990.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian activity rhythms in BALB/c mice: A weakly-coupled circadian system? Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 21, 91-96, 1990.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M., Hauser, H., Volpicelli, J. R. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythmicity and behavioral depression I. Effects of stress. Physiology and Behavior, 48, 149-155, 1990.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M., Levine, J. D., McEachron, D. L., Volpicelli, J. R. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythmicity and behavioral depression II. Effects of lighting schedules. Physiology and Behavior, 48, 157-164, 1990.

Yanovski, J. A., Rosenwasser, A. M., Levine, J. D. and Adler, N. T. The circadian activity rhythms of rats with mid- and parasagittal "split-SCN" knife cuts and pinealectomy. Brain Research, 537, 216-226, 1990.

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Levine, J. D., Weiss, M. L., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Miselis, R. R. Retinohypothalamic tract in the female albino rat: A study using horseradish peroxidase conjugated to cholera toxin. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 306, 344-360, 1991.

Stewart, K. T., McEachron, D. L., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Lithium lengthens circadian period but fails to counteract behavioral helplessness in rats. Biological Psychiatry, 30, 515-518, 1991.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian rhythms and depression: animal models? Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, 4, 35-39, 1992.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Plante, L. Circadian activity rhythms in SHR and WKY rats: Strain differences and effects of clonidine. Physiology and Behavior, 53, 23-29, 1993.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian drinking rhythms in SHR and WKY rats: Effects of increasing light intensity. Physiology and Behavior, 53, 1035-1041, 1993.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Review of: "Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: the Mind's Clock," edited by D. C. Klein, R. Y. Moore, and S. M. Reppert, Quarterly Review of Biology, 68, 457-458, 1993.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Hayes, M. J. Neonatal desipramine treatment alters free-running circadian drinking rhythms in rats. Psychopharmacology, 115, 237-244, 1994.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Vogt, L. J. and Pellowski, M. W. Circadian phase shifting induced by clonidine injections in Syrian hamsters. Biological Rhythm Research, 26, 553-572, 1995.

Pellowski, M. W. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian phase shifting associated with routine cage maintenance: a retrospective analysis. Biological Rhythm Research, 27, 130-137, 1996.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Clonidine shortens free-running circadian period in both constant light and constant darkness. Physiology and Behavior, 60, 373-379, 1996.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Pellowski, M. W. and Hendley, E. D. Circadian timekeeping in hyperactive and hypertensive inbred rat strains. American Journal of Physiology, 271, R787-R796, 1996.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Wirz-Justice, A. Circadian rhythms and depression: clinical and experimental models. In P. H. Redfern and B. Lemmer (eds.) Physiology and Pharmacology of Biological Rhythms, Springer, 1997, pp. 457-486.

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Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian clocks in the mammalian eye: a commentary. Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, 9, 21-24, 1997.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Neonatal clomipramine treatment, alcohol intake, and circadian rhythms in rats. Psychopharmacology, 138, 176-183, 1998.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Review of: Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions, by Jaak Panksepp. Human Ethology Newsletter, 14, 13-16, 1999.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Editor, Special Issue: Circadian Rhythms, Monoamines, and Behavior. Biological Rhythm Research, 31(3), 2000.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian rhythms, monoamines, and behavior: introduction and overview. Biological Rhythm Research, 31, 237-239, 2000.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. A noradrenergic mechanism influences the circadian timing system in rats and hamsters. Biological Rhythm Research, 31, 355-373, 2000.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of light intensity and restraint on dark-pulse-induced circadian phase shifting during subjective night in Syrian hamsters. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 15, 491-500, 2000.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Circadian phase shifting: relationships between photic and non-photic phase-response curves. Physiology and Behavior, 73, 175-183, 2001.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Alcohol, antidepressants, and circadian rhythms: human and animal models. Alcohol Research and Health, 25, 126-135, 2001.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Phase shifting the hamster circadian clock by 15minute dark pulses. Journal of Biological Rhythms,17, 238-247, 2002.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Neurobiology of the mammalian circadian system: oscillators, pacemakers, and pathways. In S. J. Fluharty and H. J. Grill, eds., Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology v.18, Elsevier Academic Press, 2003, pp.1-38.

Boulos, Z. and Rosenwasser, A.M. A chronobiological perspective on allostasis and its application to shift work. In J. Schulkin, ed., Allostasis, Homeostasis, and the Costs of Physiological Regulation, Cambridge, 2004, pp. 228-301.

Rosenwasser, A.M. and Turek, F.W. Physiology of the mammalian circadian system. In M.H. Kryger, T. Roth and W.C. Dement, eds., Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine,Fourth Edition, Elsevier-Saunders,2005, pp. 351-362.

Rosenwasser, A.M., Logan, R.W. and Fecteau, M.E. Chronic ethanol intake alters circadian period-responses tobrief light pulses in rats. Chronobiology International, 22, 225-234, 2005.

Rosenwasser, A.M., Fecteau, M.E. and Logan, R.W. Effects of ethanol intake and ethanol withdrawal on free-running circadian activity rhythms in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 84, 537-542, 2005.

Spanagel, R., Rosenwasser, A.M., Schumann, G., and Sarkar, D.K. Alcohol consumption and the body’s biological clock. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29, 1550-1557, 2005.

Rosenwasser, A.M., Fecteau, M.E., Logan, R.W., Reed. J.D., Cotter, S.J.N. and Seggio, J.A. Circadian activity rhythms in selectively bred ethanol-preferring and nonpreferring rats. Alcohol, 36, 69-81, 2005.

Seggio, J. A., Logan, R. W. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Chronic ethanol intake modulates photic and non-photic circadian phase shifting in the Syrian hamster. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 87, 297-305, 2007.

Clark, J. W., Fixaris, M. C., Belanger, G. V. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Repeated light-dark phase shifts modulate voluntary ethanol intake in male and female high alcohol-drinking (HAD1) rats. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research,31, 1699-1706, 2007.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Entrainment of circadian rhythms by light. In L. Squire, Editor-in-Chief, TheEncyclopaedia of Neuroscience, 2008.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Functional neuroanatomy of sleep and circadian rhythms. In F. W. Turek and P. Zee, eds., Regulation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, 2008.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Turek, F. W. Physiology of the mammalian circadian system. In M. H. Kryger, T. Roth and W. C. Dement, eds., Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Fifth Edition, 2009.


Boulos, Z., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Terman, M. Limited daily access to food drives – but fails to entrain – circadian rhythms in the rat. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Anaheim, CA, 1977.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Boulos, Z. and Terman, M. Circadian analysis of meal patterns in the rat. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, Washington, DC, 1978.

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Rosenwasser, A. M. and Terman, M. Feeding and drinking rhythms in the rat under regular and "skeleton" photoperiods. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, Hartford, CT, 1980.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Eng, R. and Adler, N. T. Suprachiasmatic nucleus: Bilaterally distributed circadian pacemaker system? Society for Neuroscience meetings, Los Angeles, CA, 1981.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Long-term effects of circadian feeding schedules. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, Baltimore, MD, 1982.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Yadin, E. and Adler, N. T. Neurofunctional mapping of the effects of electrical stimulation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Minneapolis, MN, 1982.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Circadian wheel running and feeding rhythms in the rat. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, Philadelphia, PA, 1983.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Rats remember the circadian phase of feeding. New YorkAcademy of Science Meeting on Timing and Time Perception, New York, NY, 1983.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Trubowitsch, G. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythm in 2DG uptake by the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus: Replication and extension. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, New London, NH, 1983.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Trubowitsch, G. and Adler, N. T. Metabolic mapping of circadian oscillations in the rat brain: A C14-2DG autoradiographic study. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Boston, MA, 1983.

Yanovski, J. A., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. The effects of pinealectomy in rats whose suprachiasmatic nuclei have been split. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Boston, MA, 1983.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Yanovski, J. A., Levine, J. D. and Adler, N. T. Circadian activity rhythms in rats with surgically "split" suprachiasmatic nuclei. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Anaheim, CA, 1984.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Adler, N. T. Photic and non-photic effects on the brain and circadian rhythms. Invited participant, Chronobiology Symposium, Ninth International Congress on Photobiology, Philadelphia, PA, 1984.

Levine, J., Rosenwasser, A. M., Yanovski, J. A. and Adler, N. T. Disruption of circadian activity rhythms in the rat by midbrain raphe lesions. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Dallas, TX, 1985.

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Rosenwasser, A. M., Hollander, S. J. and Adler, N. T. Effects of pregnancy and parturition on free-running circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, Plymouth, NH, 1985.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Schulkin, J. and Adler, N. T. Behavior of salt-hungry rats under schedules of limited daily salt access. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, New York, NY, 1986.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M., Adler, N. T. and Volpicelli, J. R. Circadian activity rhythms in an animal model of depression. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Washington, DC, 1986.

Levine, J. D., Weiss, M. L., Gosin, D., Rosenwasser, A. M. and Miselis, R. R. Re-examination of the retino-hypothalamic projections of the rat using HRP conjugated to cholera toxin. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Washington, DC, 1986.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M., Hauser, H. H., Volpicelli, J. R. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythms in an animal model of depression. Eastern Psychological Association meetings, Arlington, VA, l987.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Schulkin, J. and Adler, N. T. Anticipatory behavior of adrenalectomized rats under circadian salt-access schedules. l8th International Conference on Chronobiology, Leiden, The Netherlands, l987.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Schulkin, J., and Adler, N. T. Anticipatory behavior of adrenalectomized rats under circadian salt-access schedules. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, Plymouth, NH, l987.

Stewart, K. T., Rosenwasser, A. M., Volpicelli, J. R., Hauser, H. H. and Adler, N. T. Circadian rhythms and escape learning in rats exposed to shock. Society for Neuroscience meetings, New Orleans, LA., 1987.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of chronic clonidine administration and withdrawal on spontaneous wheel-running activity in rats. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Orono, ME, 1988.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Multistability of circadian activity rhythms in BALB/c mice: A weakly coupled circadian system? Society for Research on Biological Rhythms meeting, Charleston, S. Carolina, 1988.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of chronic clonidine administration and withdrawal on circadian activity rhythms in rats. Society for Neuroscience meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1988.

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Levine, J., Rosenwasser, A. M., Yanovski, J. A., Miselis, R. R. and Adler, N. T. Disruption of circadian feeding, but not wheel-running, by hypothalamic knife cuts and effects of GM-1 gangliosides. Society for Neuroscience meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1988.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Affective disorders and biological rhythms. Invited address, Maine Psychological Association meeting, Orono, ME, 1989.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of clonidine on circadian activity rhythms in hypertensive and normotensive rat strains. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Portland, ME, 1989.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian activity rhythms in normotensive and hypertensive rats: Strain differences and effects of clonidine. Society for Neuroscience meetings, Phoenix, AZ, 1989.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian activity rhythms in hypertensive and normotensive rat strains. Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology, Plymouth, NH, 1989.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of the noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 on free-running circadian activity rhythms. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Jacksonville, FL, 1990.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian rhythmicity in SHR and WKY rats: Effects of light intensity. Society for Neuroscience meeting, St. Louis, MO, 1990.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Pharmacological manipulation of the noradrenergic system alters circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Third IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Montreal, Canada, 1991.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Unifying principles in the neurobehavioral organization of circadian systems. Invited address, 20th International Conference on Chronobiology, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1991 (did not attend due to illness).

Vogt, L. J. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian phase-response curve for acute clonidine administration in Syrian hamsters. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Farmington, ME, 1991.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Pharmacological manipulation of the noradrenegic system alters circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology, Irsee, Germany, 1991.

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Rosenwasser, A. M. Clonidine alters the period and phase of rodent circadian activity rhythms. New England Pharmacologists meeting, Portland, ME, 1992.

Vogt, L. J. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Circadian phase-shifting induced by clonidine injections in Syrian hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Jacksonville, FL, 1992.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Hayes, M. J. Early desipramine exposure alters circadian rhythms in rats. Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, 1992.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Hayes, M. J. Neonatal desipramine treatment alters the period and amplitude of free-running circadian drinking rhythms. 21st International Conference on Chronobiology, Quebec City, Canada, 1993.

Pellowski, M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Photic and non-photic phase-shifting associated with routine cage maintenance. Workshop on Photoperiodism, Rhythms, and Clocks, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 1993.

Pellowski, M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Photic and non-photic phase-shifting associated with routine cage maintenance. Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology, New London, NH, 1993.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Vogt, L. J. and Pellowski, M. Do presynaptic alpha2 noradrenergic autoreceptors mediate circadian phase-shifting by clonidine? Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology, New London, NH, 1993.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Pellowski, M. and Hendley, E. D. Circadian period, entrainment, and phase-shifting in hyperactive (WKHA) and hypertensive (WKHT) inbred rat strains. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Jacksonville, FL, 1994.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Pellowski, M. and Transki, D. A. Pharmacological and behavioral stimuli phase shift the circadian clock in Syrian hamsters. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, BatesCollege, Lewiston, ME, 1994.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Dwyer, S. M. and Transki, D. A. Clonidine-induced circadian phase shifting in Syrian hamsters: Modulation by specific receptor antagonists and by saline. Workshop on Photoperiodism, Rhythms and Clocks, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 1995.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Dwyer, S. M. and Transki, D. A. Clonidine-induced circadian phase shifting in Syrian hamsters: Modulation by specific receptor antagonists and by saline. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, Barga, Italy, 1995.

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Mann, A. L., Jackson, M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Seasonal changes in neuropsychological, affective, and endocrine function in women treated for hypothyroid disease. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Bar Harbor, ME, 1995.

Dwyer, S. M., Transki, D. A. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Interactive effects of light and clonidine on free-running circadian rhythms in rats. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Bar Harbor, ME, 1995.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Dwyer, S. M. and Transki, D. A. Interactive effects of light intensity and clonidine treatment on free-running circadian rhythms in rats. APS Conference: Understanding the Biological Clock: From Genetics to Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, 1995.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Chronic clonidine treatment alters photic phase shifting in Syrian hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Jacksonville, FL, 1996.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of neonatal antidepressant treatments on circadian rhythms in rats. Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, Orono, ME, 1996.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Dwyer, S. M. and Hayes, M. J. Neonatal clomipramine treatment alters circadian rhythms and alcohol intake in adulthood. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, 1996.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Chronic clonidine treatment alters photic phase shifting and entrainment in Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, 1997.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwaser, A. M. Effects of chronic clonidine treatment on photic phase shifting, entrainment, and free-running circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, AmeliaIsland, FL, 1998.

Rosenwasser, A. M. Invited workshop participant: What value should we place on human tau? Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, AmeliaIsland, FL, 1998.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Photic and non-photic contributions to circadian phase shifting during subjective night. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, Barga, Italy, 1999.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Non-photic and anti-photic mechanisms underlying the dark-pulse phase-response curve. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, AmeliaIsland, FL, 2000.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. Effects of light intensity and restraint on dark pulse-induced phase shifting during early subjective night in hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, AmeliaIsland, FL, 2000.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Phase shifting the hamster circadian clock by 15-minute pulses of darkness and restraint. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, 2000.

Dwyer, S. M. and Rosenwasser, A. M. 15-minute pulses of darkness and restraint phase shift the hamster circadian clock. Dartmouth Life Sciences Symposium, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 2000.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Phase-shifting the hamster circadian clock by 15-minute dark pulses: effects of restraint and MK-801. Gordon Conference on Chronobiology, Newport, RI, 2001.

Rosenwasser, A. M. and Dwyer, S. M. Phase-shifting the hamster circadian clock by 15-minute dark pulses: effects of restraint. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 2001.

Rosenwasser, A. M., Hall, J. and DeCarteret, B. Chronic ethanol ingestion alters free-running circadian rhythms in the rat. Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, FL, 2002.