English III Short Story Requirements

Short Story Project

Woo hoo! Now it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for: time to write our own short stories! What you write is up to you (so long as it’s school appropriate, i.e. PG-13). You can write your own horror story; you can write a sci-fi piece; you can write about talking vegetables; or do a love story…it is your choice of genre. You must fulfill the requirements list below.

You must create at least one main character –

Ø  Your character must experience two forms of conflict.

§  One conflict must be: Character vs. Self

§  The other may be: Character vs. Character, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Nature/Supernatural or Character vs. Technology

Ø  Your character must be round. Give your character at least:

§  Three personality traits


§  Three physical traits- you have hand outs to help you with these

Ø  Your character must be dynamic—he/she should change over the course of your story.

Ø  Your character’s conflicts must be resolved in some way by the end of the story.

v  Other Requirements –

Ø  You must have at least one character other than your main character. This character must also experience conflict in some way (may be a part of your character’s external conflict). This character does not need to experience internal conflict, nor does he/she need to be either round or dynamic.

Ø  Your characters must talk; in other words, you need to use dialogue.

Ø  Your story must include irony or foreshadowing

Ø  Your story must express a theme or address an issue that is of particular importance to you as an individual or about which you feel or care strongly.

Ø  You must have a distinct narrator and be written from a distinct point of view—first person, third person limited, OR third person omniscient.

Ø  You must create the following things to prepare to write your story:

§  character web for your main character

§  a plot line of your story that includes brief descriptions of the following elements:

·  Exposition

·  Rising action

·  Climax/Turning Point

·  Falling action

·  Resolution and denouement

v  Specs for option #1 – Short Story:


Ø  It must be typed, 1” margins, 12 pt. Arial, double-spaced.

Ø  You must include thoughtful, well-crafted sensory details in your story. You have handouts on mood and sensory words.

Ø  Title

v  Due Dates:

Ø  Character web* – ______

§  Must be filled out with all the details of your main character.

Ø  Plot line* – ______

§  Your plot line must also be neat and clean and also colorful.

Ø  Story draft – ______

§  We will peer edit our drafts in class.

Ø  Story final – ______

Short Story Rubric

4/Exceeds the Standard / 3/Meets the Standard / 2/Nearly Meets the Standard / 1/Does Not Meet Standard
Ideas & Descriptions
10-4.2, 5
10-5.1, 6 / Story contains many creative details and descriptions that utilize figurative language to develop its setting and contribute to a reader’s interest and understanding of theme. It is original and reflects a vivid imagination. / Story contains some creative details and/or descriptions using figurative language that contribute to a reader's interest and understanding of theme. It is original and imaginative. / Story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions using figurative language, but they may be distracting and do not always contribute to a reader’s interest and understanding of theme. It is somewhat original and imaginative. / There is little evidence of creativity in the story bringing little interest or enjoyment to a reader. It does not reflect much originality or imagination.
Plot Structure
10-4.1, 3, 6
10-5.5, 7 / Plot is well-structured, including at least six (6) of the eight basic elements. It is clearly planned and thought out with transitions that make sense to a reader, encouraging him/her to read more. / Plot is structured, including at least six (6) of the eight basic elements. It reflects some planning and forethought and has transitions that make sense to a reader. Finishing the story is not a problem. / Plot is somewhat structured, including only five (5) of the eight basic elements. It reflects little planning and forethought OR transitions cause confusion. A reader may struggle to make sense of or finish the story. / Plot is poorly structured, including fewer than five of the eight basic elements. It reflects little planning and forethought AND transitions cause confusion. A reader struggles to make sense of or finish the story.
10-5.3, 4 / Characters are clearly described in the story from a distinct point of view and are easily pictured by the reader. At least one is both round and dynamic. / Characters are described in the story from a consistent point of view and can be pictured by the reader. At least one is both round and dynamic. / Characters are briefly described in the story from an inconsistent point of view OR are not easily pictured by the reader. No one character is either round or dynamic. / Characters are briefly described in the story from an inconsistent point of view AND a reader has to struggle to picture them. No one character is both round and dynamic.
Details & Devices
10-5.2 / Dialogue is correctly formatted, moves plot forward and develops character(s) in an interesting manner; Literary devices are used effectively to enhance the story and its theme. / Dialogue is correctly formatted, moves plot forward and develops character(s); Literary devices are used appropriately to enhance the story and its theme. / Dialogue is correctly formatted but may not move plot forward or develop character; Literary device(s) may be used inappropriately OR do not enhance the story and its theme.. / Dialogue may not be correctly formatted and does not move plot forward and/or develop character; Literary devices are not used.
Conventions and Language
10-1 / Story reflects a good grasp of written English, and consistently uses correct language to make it interesting. / Story reflects a good grasp of written English and uses correct language. / Story reflects a basic understanding of written English and may use incorrect language. / Errors are distracting and language is frequently incorrect..