“Filthy Rich”

It’s Not How You Play the Game,

But Whether You Win!

“Filthy Rich” not only raises reality tv game show stakes to a an entirely new level but also adds a landmark twist to contestant participation.

In Promofilm’s new one hour weekly, twelve contestants compete for the grand prize in this winner-take-all competition. The twist, each contestant pays 1 million dollars to play. While all other shows promote the promise of “getting rich” in Promofilm’s new one hour weekly the contestants already are millionaire’s, but now they have an opportunity to become “Filthy Rich.” The Grand Prize -- 12 million dollars.

Shot over a two month period in a controlled environment, such as a luxury estate home in an exotic setting, each week one contestant will be eliminated. The 1 million dollar entry fee each contestant brings to the game is their very own “bank.” These funds are used to “play the game” as each week’s challenge has a minimum “ante” to play.

Never has knowing your “competition” as good as yourself been as important, or as profitable. Contestants who believe their competitors can perform a challenge better than they have the opportunity of betting on that competitor, but not to the knowledge of their competitor.

How contestants spend their money, or how they don’t spend their money is all part of the competition. The challenge one week may be to “invest in the stock market.” By the end of the week the person to have made the most money is the winner. Another week the challenge may be to buy a car. The person who buys the same car for the least amount of money is the winner. (Note: add a few more specific challenges)

In Filthy Rich, the fun and the games are as much about “daring-do” and macho bravado as it is about wit, skill and strategy. Of course, each week we learn more about our contestants – who they are, where they come from, the kind of lives they lead, and how they earned their money – our cameras follow them to their homes, their businesses.

Rich, smart, industrious, entrepreneurial, energetic, ambitious and personable, our contestants bring a new level of class, panache, elegance and grace to the most exciting new game show with the highest stakes ever offered in reality TV – with a payoff that will make contestants – “Filthy Rich.”