East Lake Little League

BOD Meeting 1-3-2016

1) Photography Companies- The board discussed and reviewed two photography proposals. One from Vernon, who we has used for the few previous years. They are going to continue to offer the same as previous years and are currently not interested in changing their offer from previous years. We also reviewed an offer from Image 22. They were able to offer the same thing as Vernon with more flexibility in working with our league. Doug made a motion to accept Image 22’s proposal. Tom 2nd. All agreed. Passed. Mike will confirm there will be space available at the complex for Image 22 to set up on picture day.

2) Marc- We now have 257 registrations for Spring season. A bit ahead of last year. After high school tryouts we may see numbers on big field increase. All Star divisions will only have 12 players. All players registered after a team of 12 has already been formed will be put on a waiting list. This will be posted on our website so parents are aware. Registration will close on January 20th.

3) Chad- There will be a managers meeting Tuesday, January 5th at 7:00. It will be held at East Lake United Methodist Church.

4) Manager/Coaching- Teal Rist is interested in managing a JR. girls softball team. Teal has had issues with parents and the board in the past. It was decided that if there are enough girls for a Jr’s team he will not be managing it. A parent, Mr. Denietolis, is interested in managing a baseball team. It was discussed and decided that due previous board/parent experience with him, he will first need to prove himself as a positive and productive parent for 1 year before he will be considered again for a managing or coaching position.

5) There will be a baseball tryout clinic Jan. 6th and 7th at 6:15. Thee will be a softball preseason workout on Jan. 7th. All potential managers will score tryouts.

6) Mike is going to do a walkthrough with our field guy prior to opening day. There is concern about the amount of excess sand on the minors field. Mike will address this with him.

7) There is a work day scheduled for January 23. This will be advertised to parents so they have an opportunity to participate and earn some volunteer hours.

8) Fundraising- Casino Night will be held at the clubhouse at Wentworth Golf Club. Mike is working out the details with them. We will have a table set up at the door of Publix on January 24th from 10-7 to accept donations for ELLL. We would like to have young players in their uniforms to represent our league.

9) Mike would like to have opening ceremonies on Friday evening, February 19th. Would like to make it more of a family event. The board agreed this would be a better choice than the early Saturday morning opening day ceremonies we have had in previous years. We will have a movie projected onto a big screen, inflatables and food for purchase. More details to come.

10) We have slacked off in previous years on collecting proof of residency from our players unless they play All Stars. We need to collect proof of residency from all players in the league. Not doing so can have cause significant issues for teams and the league. Board members will be coming to preseason practices to collect paperwork. We will need managers to share this information with their teams.

11) Lin from Extra Innings Youth Foundation spoke to the board about offering clinics on fundamentals, speed, and agility at our complex. They are currently building a relationship with ELHS to help develop players who will eventually be hopeful East Lake High School players. They are currently a paid sponsor of East Lake Little League.

12) Electronic Vote- The board was presented 2 proposals for uniform vendors. They were from Admiral Printing and Rustic Apple Inc. . The board reviewed both proposals electronically. Vote were submitted Via email. Rustic Apple’s proposal was selected by the board with the majority of votes on January 14, 2016.

13) Next meeting rescheduled for Saturday, February 6th at 1:00 at ELLL fields.