English III/Mr. Wilshire Name ______

Parts of Speech (P.O.S.) Notes/Checklist – For Grammar Test (To be turned in)

You will need to know the following terms for the Grammar Test (in this order—terms in parentheses are not used “by name” on test, but are still on this test). We will review these P.O.S. in 3 groups. Use your grammar book (Communication Skills, Level III) to help you with any difficult terms. Key corresponding page numbers in the grammar book are given (IN THE “L”/LANGUAGE SECTION, unless otherwise indicated). Use the Optional Pages for additional help/review as needed. Provide an example for each (definition is optional); check off each when you feel you understand it.

Part of speech p.# Optional p. # Def. (optional!) Example

(1) Nouns:

ü 1. Common noun (p. L6) person, place or thing student, city, photocopier

2. Proper noun (6) (8, 371-3, C83) ______ Justin, Klein, Xerox

3. Compound noun (6) (489) ______

4. Collective noun (7, 287) ______

5. Abstract noun (6) ______


(2) Pronouns:

6. Personal pronoun (10) ______

7. Reflexive pronoun (11) (245-7) ______

8. Indefinite pronoun (12-13) (281-2) ______

9. Interrogative pronoun (13-14) ______

10. Demonstrative pron. (13) ______

11. Intensive pronoun (11) (245-7) ______


(4) Verbs:

12. Action verb (16) ______

13. Helping verb (18) (169, 186-7) ______

14. Linking verb (20-2) ______

15. (Passive voice) (201-5) (C93-4) ______

16. (Gerund (phrase)) (103-6) (121) ______


Ä  (*3) Adjectives:

17. Article (26) ______

18. Adjective (24) ______

19. Proper adjective (25) (383-5) ______


(5) Adverbs:

20. Adverb (29-33) (305-6) ______


(6) Prepositions:

21. Preposition (34) ______

22. Object of a preposition (35) ______


(7) Conjunctions:

23. Coordinating conj. (37-8) (409-10) ______

24. Correlative conj. (37-8) ______


(8) Interjections:

25. Interjection (39-40) (402) ______


26. Compound adjective (25) (489-90) ______

27. Verbal phrase (19-20, 99) (111; C507) ______

28. **Prepositional phrase (36-7,93-5) ______


EXTRAS: (NOT on test)

29. Subordinating conj. (37, 133) ______