McAdam High School
External Scholarships 2015-2016
The following list of scholarships does not include those that are offered at specific post-secondary institutions and therefore is not exhaustive. Please check the university or college you plan to attend for awards specifically available for enrolled students.
We recommend that you also check out the following websites to continue your search:
An approximate date has been given for each of the following scholarships. If you feel that the scholarship applies to you, please check the scholarship’s website or the application form in guidance for the specific due date. It is recommended that you begin the process 6 weeks prior to the given date to ensure you have an adequate amount of time to properly complete the application. Continue to check the GRADUATION INFORMATION page on the McAdam High website throughout the year for updates. Good luck!
Name of Scholarship – Value – Criteria – Deadline
Assumption Foundation Scholarship - $500 – Awarded to a graduate enrolled in a college or university in September. The student must have a minimum average of 70% and be in need of financial assistance. Apply online between January-April at:
Mid April.
Bank of Montreal Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership Scholarship - $2000 - Awarded to high school graduates who have completed an entrepreneurship business/venture plan which a committee of three business participants and three educators will judge. Information available at Guidance.
Mid May.
Burger King McLamore Foundation Scholarship – Range from $1000-$50000 – Scholarships intended to help students offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected based on their grade point average, work experience, extracurricular activities and/or community service.
Applications accepted from October - December
CN Diversity Scholarship- $3000 - Awarded to women, military veterans, and aboriginal descendants entering a post-secondary institution in the fall and demonstrating an interest in a non-traditional career. Application available online at:
Late December
CST Consultants Scholarship - $6000 - The CST Scholarships are granted to graduating high school students who are academically gifted, well-rounded, and pursuing their first undergraduate commerce, finance or business program at a recognized post-secondary institution. This program is intended to aid students whose parents/guardians do not have a post-secondary education or received their post-secondary education outside of Canada.
Begin accepting applications in January
CUPE Local 1190 Scholarship – Awarded to graduating sons or daughters of Local 1190 members attending university or college. All inquiries should be made to CUPE Local 1190, 24 Waggoner’s Lane, Fredericton, NB, E3B 2L2
CUPE Local 2745 Scholarship - $1000 - Awarded to graduating sons or daughters of Local 2745 members attending university or college. Based on marks, aptitude, promise and financial need. Application available at:
Early May.
Canada Post Scholarship – Awarded to graduating sons or daughters of postal workers. Call 1-800-267-1177 for further information.
Late June.
Canadian Association of Principals Student Leadership Award – $750 – Awarded to a nominated student in the 20% of the graduating class. The selected student must submit a 250 word essay. Selection is based on academic achievement, leadership in school, community activities, previous awards and recognition.
Late February.
Canadian Hospitality Foundation - $1000-$2000 – Awarded to graduates entering in a specific university degree program or a two-year college diploma program (eligible schools listed on their website) in hospitality, food services or the accommodation industry. Based on work experience, scholastic record, leadership and professional promise. Application information available online at:
Check with the school that you are applying to.
Colonel Douglas H. Gunter History Award - $1000 - Awarded to graduate entering university studies (preference given to students enrolled in a history degree program). Each student must submit an original work based on a predetermined topic using one of the following media: text, visual art, web design, audio or video program. Application available online at:
Co-op Atlantic McEwen Scholarship - $1000/ year up to 4 years - Awarded to graduates who are members or employees (or dependents of members/employees) of Co-op Atlantic. Students must demonstrate knowledge of co-operative issues, community/work involvement and maintain a good academic performance. A 500-word essay must accompany the application. Application available online at:
March 1
Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. Essay Contest Scholarship - $1000 - Awarded to graduates entering an institution of post-secondary education. A 500-word essay is to be submitted. Essay topic and further information available online at:
Early April
Credit Union (OMISTA Bursary) - $500 – Awarded to graduates planning to attend an accredited university or college and are an OMISTA Credit Union owner child or grandchild and display a financial need. Application available online at:
Early May.
Currie Undergraduate Scholarship- $50000 ($15000 awarded 1st year)– Awarded to graduates beginning an undergraduate degree program at UNB. Applicants are asked to submit an essay giving the Selection Committee an indication of their leadership capabilities to date, including school and extra-curricular activities. Application available online at:
Early March.
Dairy Farmers of NB Memorial Scholarship - $750 – Awarded to graduates pursuing studies in agriculture or dairy industry at college. (2 separate scholarships available) An essay, 300 to 500 words, and a letter of recommendation must accompany the application. Application information available at guidance or by calling (506) 432- 4330.
David Frost Memorial Scholarship - $1000- Awarded to a graduate pursing a two year diploma program who are the son or daughter of a New Brunswick registered agricultural producer. Applications available at:
Mid-July (following graduation)
Dialogue New Brunswick Scholarship - $1000 – Award to a graduate who can demonstrate acceptance in a post-secondary institution. As part of the application, students are required to write an essay on how their extracurricular/community activities promotes mutual understanding between New Brunswick’s two official languages. Applications available at:
Fredericton Sports Investment (1990) Inc. (Timmy Munn Memorial Scholarship) - Awarded on basis of athletic ability, academic performance and financial need. At least one recipient will have a demonstrated ability in ice hockey.
Late May.
Fredericton Women’s Executive Club - $ 500 – Awarded to female graduates displaying high academic standards, business involvement, good ethics and requiring financial assistance for post-secondary education.!page4/cfvg
Late April.
George Evans and Thomas Owens Scholarship - $1000 – Awarded to a graduating son or daughter of a local union affiliated with CUPE. Awarded on marks, aptitude, promise and need. Attendance in recognized college or school of nursing. Application available online at:
September 1st following graduation.
Girl Guides of Canada - Awarded to a graduate who is an active member of Girl Guides of Canada. Application available online at:
April 1st
Hal Rogers Endowment Fund (Kinsmen and Kinettes Bursary) - $1000 – Awarded to graduates who are registered full-time for the fall at a recognized university, community college, or a technical institution and demonstrate high ideals and qualities of citizenship. Application available online:
February 1st
Harrison McCain Scholarship - $13500 over 4 years. Awarded to graduates with 80% + first term-grade 12 and planning to attend an Atlantic university. Financial need and leadership qualities considered. Information available on individual university websites.
Early March.
Harry M. Daley Memorial Bursary - $3000 - Open to students pursuing their first year of post-secondary education at an accredited university or college in Canada. Students must have lived in NB for at least one (1) year as of the application deadline.
Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation - $1000 - Awarded to a graduate with citizenship qualities as represented in the Future Aces philosophy and financial need. Need to include a support letter from the school and community. Information available online at:
Early February
Hugh H. MacKay/James A. MacMurray Award- $3500/ year, up to 3 years - Awarded to a graduate attending a Business program in a N.B. or N.S. university. Application available at guidance office.
May 1 of each year.
James Whitebone Memorial Scholarship- $500 - Awarded to graduating sons or daughters of members, deceased members or members in good standing of local unions affiliated with the NB federation of Labour who are entering a post-secondary education. Application available at:
June 30th of each year.
Johnson Insurance Scholarship - $1000 – Awarded to members/employees and their dependents of the clients of Johnson’s Insurance/Benefit Plans. Application available online at:
Early September after graduation.
Kidney Foundation of Canada/NB Branch Bursary - $500 - Awarded to a graduate who is a kidney patient, spouse of dependent kidney patient, or a dependent of a kidney patient and a resident of NB. Selection based on future goals and financial need.
Deadline information to be confirmed in March.
Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4 Bursary - $500 - Awarded to graduating children and grandchildren of past and present Branch #4 members. Primary consideration will be financial need; however, academic achievement will also be taken into consideration. Application available at the Branch #4 Legion Office
Late June.
Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion NB Provincial Command Scholarship – Awarded to a graduate attending a post-secondary institution. Awarded on financial need, scholastic record, and special consideration given to veteran’s children and grandchildren. Application available online at:
Late June.
Leonard Foundation Scholarship - $1000 - $1500 - The Leonard Foundation scholarships are awarded to students enrolled or enrolling in an accredited undergraduate degree program in a College or University in Canada. The institutions must be open to all without restriction except for an academic standard. All applicants will be considered but preference will be given to children of ordained clergy, licensed elementary or secondary school teachers, Canadian military personnel, graduates of a Canadian Military College, members of the Engineering Institute of Canada and members of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Canada. Application available online at:
March 15.
Loran Award - up to $3000 – Awarded to graduates who have demonstrated leadership potential, are involved in community activities and have high academic achievement (minimum 85% average). School may endorse up to 3 applications. Students applying for an endorsement must submit an application to the guidance office. Students may also apply directly to:
Applications run from Early September thru Mid-October.
Lutz/Lutes Family Scholarship - $1000 – Awarded annually to a deserving high school student, who will use said award toward the costs of the first year of his/her education at an accredited college, university or other educational institution in
Atlantic Canada.The recipient will have demonstrated high academic achievement and financial need. Application available online at:
April 1st of each year.
MindCare New Brunswick Scholarship - $2000 - Applicants will be, or intend to be entering afull-time undergraduatepost-secondary education program recognized by the MindCare New Brunswick Committee with plans to pursue a career in the mental health services field.Application available online at:
May 1st of each year
Monsanto Agri-Business Scholarship - $1500 - Awarded to a graduate from an agricultural or forestry family farm entering first year of agriculture, forestry, business of biotechnology. Application available online at:
Late May.
NBCC Scholarship -$1000 - Awarded to a graduate pursuing post-secondary at NBCC. Application available at guidance office.
Late May.
NBTA Credit Union Scholarship - $1000 - Awarded to graduates whose parents are members of the NBTA Credit Union. Based on academic achievement, volunteer work, and financial need. Application available online at:
Late April
NB Arts Board Scholarship - $2500 - Awarded to a graduate planning to study creative writing, music, theatre, dance, film/video, visual arts/photography, craft, literary translations or art administration. Must demonstrate exceptional artistic talent and be accepted at an accredited school for the arts. Applications available online at:
February 1st of each year.
NB Command Royal Canadian Legion Bursary - Awarded to a graduate attending a post-secondary institution. Awarded on financial need, and special consideration given to veteran’s children and grandchildren of deceased, disabled or other veterans. Application available online at:
Mid July.
NB Federation of Labour Solidarity Awards - $500 - Awarded to a graduate entering post secondary education. Student must submit a 1000 word essay or a visual arts work depicting the value of unions to work and society. Application information available at:
June 15th of each year.
NB Women’s Institute – Up to $500 - Awarded on the basis of scholastic standing, financial need, and community involvement. There are 5 different scholarships to apply for. Application available online at:
March 31st
NEADS Financial Aid Directory – Various scholarships available to students with mobility, hearing and visual impairments. See information online at:
National Union Scholarship - $1500 – Four different scholarships awarded to children (including foster children) of National Union members entering a post-secondary institution in the fall. All four scholarships require a 750-1000 word essay. Application and more information available online at:
Early July
RBC Royal Bank Students Leading Change Scholarships for Undergraduates – As students across Canada continue to invest in their education, many are taking the time to invest in their communities as well. This scholarship is open to students who are leaders inside the classroom and within the community. Application available online at: