English 12

AP Literature and Composition

Summer Assignment

Brian Nagel

Teresa Tyler

Tracy Aglio

Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Lord of the Flies by William Golding. If acquiring your own copies presents a difficulty, please contact Mrs. Tyler. As you read, keep a journal with four-column notes. You should have a minimum of ten entries for each book. Be prepared to hand in this assignment and take tests on the books when you return to school. Complete instructions and examples for the four-column notes are included below.We will use these works as the basis for our beginning lessons and the skill of annotating a text—recognizing patterns and themes is a life-long learner standard that you will use throughout the course. Please contact us if you have any questions. This assignment will be collected, graded, and returned before the first interim marking period.

Directions for creating a four-column journal:

Column 1:Copy an eyebrow-raising or significant, meaningful quote from the work. Include the page number.

Column 2:Note the rhetorical strategies observed: structure, syntax, diction, tone, use of detail, imagery, repetition, figurative language, poetic devices, symbolism, etc.

Column 3: Write your dialectical thinking in this column:

make judgments

identify problems

raise questions

make inferences

develop insights and perceptions

make comparisons-contrasts

draw conclusions

answer questions

note similarities

identify unstated assumptions

predict probable consequences

Column 4:Any additional ideas that occur after (a) discussion, (b) further reading, (c) personal experience, OR(d)research will be entered in this column. You can make connections to real life and/or make connections to other works of literature. For purposes of the Summer Assignment, you should focus on b, c OR 4dfor your responses. At least five of the quotations per book need be addressed in column 4,

Examples from The Awakening:

1 23 4

“He thought it very discouragingdiction—his five times!I wonder if he

that his wife, who was the sole values her conversation,

object of his existence, evinced so objectetc.

little interest in things which concerned

him, and valued so little his

conversation” (6).

“The voice of the sea is seductive; neverpersonification is Leonce seems to thinkHemingway’s Old Man

ceasing, whispering, clamoring, effectiveEdna exists for hisSea also sees sea

murmuring, inviting the soul to wanderuse of parallel structure pleasure.as seductive.

for a spell in abysses of solitude; toemphasizes the idea of a The idea of sensuousness

lose itself in mazes of inward“spell” contrasts with “formal”

contemplation” (17). actions of characters.