November 2, 2016
The regular meeting of the Hammonton Planning Board was called to order this date by Chairman Edward H. Marinelli in Council Chambers, at 7:30 p.m., with the announcement of the Sunshine Law and fire exit procedure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was televised.
Paul Esposito Tom Gribbin James Schroeder, Solictor
Linda Byrnes Sal Capelli Kevin Dixon, Planner
Krystin Kent Phil DeMarco Patricia Berenato, Sec.
Michael Hozik Gordon Pherribo
Vincent Messina Elsie Baez
Ch. Edward Marinelli
Chairman Marinelli designated alternate member Vincent Messina as a full voting member for tonight’s meeting.
Mr. Messina made a motion to approve the Hammonton Planning Board meeting minutes of September 21, 2016 as reviewed. Ms. Kent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously with three yes votes from Mr. Messina, Ms. Kent and Chairman Marinelli.
William Harrison, Esq. of Genova Burns Law Firm is present for the applicant, Tuckahoe Turf Farms, LLC. He stated they are requesting to amend the final major site plan for Block 5001, Lots 5-7, Block 5002, Lots 1-9, Block 5602, Lots 3-7 excluding Lot 4.01, Zone AP at 401 North Myrtle Street.
Mr. Harrison stated that on September 19, 2016 met with the Planning Board attorney, Planner and Engineer to hash out the changes he requests. Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Dixon agreed. The amendments are stated in a letter dated September 29, 2016. The changes are: 1. to increase the number of vendors from 6 to 10 (condition b page 7), 2. all crossing guards directing traffic are 17 and have a valid drivers license, and within the parking area must be 16 years old and have a license (condition h page 8) 3. to use 35 fields at 15% of the total acreage of farm (condition h page 8, all. No more than 4 practice fields and 100 people permitted on non-event days (condition aiii page 10). 4. Eliminate condition #1 page 13 (No water bodies shall be involved and may be used for activities associated with soccer events). 5. 9 events a year at 216 hours (condition a.i. page 10). 6. Zoning officer will review the permit 30 days before the season begins.
Mr. Harrison stated the letter clears up language and operational concerns. Mr. Dixon will go out with them to review the traffic pattern. Mr. Carter, Tuckahoe Turf Manager will make sure the resolution is carried out.
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Robert Bruder of 603 East Fleming Pike, Elm, NJ is sworn in and stated he is concerned that the limits placed on the will be adhered to since he lives on the Camden side of Tuckahoe Turf and there is already a lot of traffic on his road.
Mr. Esposito made a motion to approve the 6 amended items. Ms Kent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Albert Vederose, Esq. of 600 Landis Avenue, Vineland, NJ is present for the applicant, John Panticello, Diamond Rock Realty, LL. They are requesting a change of use to permit an apartment and on the second floor and first floor retail space for Block 2511, Lot 4, Zone DT-3 at 318 12th Street.
Mr. Panticello of 101 Diamond Rock Rd, Pheonixville, PA is sworn in by Mr. Schroeder. Mr. Schroeder stated that the property is owned by Diamond Rock LLC, therfor, Mr. Panticello needed an attorney.
Mr. Panticello stated Woodman Avenue is a one way street and there is on street parking.
Kevin Dixon addressed his report dated November 2, 2016. He said the applicant needs a variance for sideyard setback and the addition exacerbates the non-conforming setback. A live/work building is permitted in the DT-3 Zone. A parking variance is also needed. Curb and sidewalk are needed along the Woodman Avenue side. Lighting is needed for parking area and plantings and should be shown on a plan. There will be 8 parking bumpers. The apartment entrance should be on the side, not the front. A 21’ wide drive aisle is fine. A revised plan should be submitted and maintenance bond in place before he opens. A grading plan is needed for drainage when the parking area is paved.
Marvin Turnure of 714 Brewster Rd. Vineland, NJ is sworn in. He stated he is the third contractor hired. He said there is a 2 bedroom apartment with 1 bath upstairs. He said 8 parking spaces, including handicap parking space are provided. Mr. Dixon said a parking variance will not be needed. The handicap space will be paved. Mr. Panticello would like to open the sports retail store by black Friday.
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Mr. Esposito made a motion to approve the change of use, and a sideyard variance for 11’ and design waivers for lighting, sign detail for handicap parking, plantings in the unpaved areas, and concrete apron should be done before opening the retail store. Other waivers needed are curb and sidewalk, paving the parking lot with drainage plan will be bonded for 2 years. Mr. Hozik seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Being no further business, the Hammonton Planning Board was adjourned. All members agreed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Berenato