The Navigators
I. Membership of the International Selection Council
Members of the Selection Council are recommended by the International Executive Team (IET) and approved by the Regional Directors and brought to the U.S. Board for approval. The Selection Council’s function is to participate in the process of selecting and removing the International President of The Navigators.
Members of the Selection Council will be selected for a two-year renewable term. There will not be more than 42 members, including the current International President, recommended and approved in advance of the period for which they are to serve.
Members of the Selection Council will consist of the International President, the IET, the Regional Directors, the U.S. Director, the Chair of the U.S. Board, and other members as determined.
Any change in the members during their period of service will be only with the agreement of the IET and Regional Directors, with approval of the Executive Committee of the U.S. Board of The Navigators.
II. Selection of the International President
The International President will be selected as a result of a nomination by the Members of the Selection Council. The nominee is to be endorsed by the board of his home country or, in the absence of a viable board, by the leaders of that country or region. Both of these options are referred to as his home board.
In addition, the nominee must be appointed by the U.S. Board—owing to the role the U.S. Navigators has in providing resources for and sustaining the integrity of our Worldwide Partnership, and because the U.S. Board is legally responsible for the International President.
In the event of one of the circumstances described in Section IV or upon the International President providing notice to the IET, the convener, and the Chair of the U.S. Board, the process to be followed in making such a selection will be:
1. The convener, chosen by the IET, will notify the Selection Council of a date to convene; this date being no later than four months after the process is initiated.
2. The convener will send a letter to all who are coded as staff on the International President’s Dear Navigator Family list, inviting them to send their views including any proposed names to the convener. The convener will not suggest any candidates. The convener will then analyze and present a summary of the replies to the Selection Council. The convener will not identify individuals associated with the feedback. The convener will keep the responses on file for at least one year, in case of any subsequent questions.
3. The Selection Council will convene, with a quorum being a minimum of two-thirds members. They will be chaired by the outgoing International President, unless otherwise determined by a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of those present. In the event that the outgoing International President is not present at the convening of the Selection Council, they will be chaired by the convener until a Chair can be chosen by a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of those present.
4. The Chair may take several preliminary soundings or polls in order to gauge the emerging sense of the Selection Council. The Chair may, at his discretion, report the number of those favoring each name, but without disclosing who favors whom.
5. The Selection Council will select a nominee for International President through discussion and prayer issuing in a secret vote, in which a consensus is demonstrated by the favorable vote of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of those present. Such a vote will only be taken when one candidate is clearly favored—and the vote will only be a “yes” or “no” on the name. When a consensus has been demonstrated, as defined above, an opportunity will then be provided for unanimous confirmation of the selection.
6. The Chair of the Selection Council will present the name of their nominee to the board of his home country and to the U.S. Board.
7. If either the home board fails to endorse or the U.S. Board fails to appoint the nominee, the Selection Council will proceed with the selection of another candidate.
8. The Selection Council will disperse when his home board has endorsed and the U.S. Board has appointed the new International President.
9. The outgoing International President may participate in this process for selection, provided he is currently in office or has voluntarily resigned or retired.
10. Nomination by the Selection Council and endorsement by his home board and appointment by the U.S. Board invest the International President with the responsibility to lead The Navigators in accomplishing God’s purposes.
11. The International President will assume this responsibility at a time and in a manner set by the convened Selection Council in consultation with the nominee and subject to approval by the U.S. Board.
12. The International President will serve on the U.S. Board.
III. Term of Office of the International President
With the approval of the U.S. Board, the outgoing International President will continue in office until the date the incoming International President assumes office, unless the outgoing International President is unavailable due to circumstances related to Section IV 2-4.
1. The International President shall be appointed for a term of no less than seven and no more than ten years.
2. The exact length of the term of office will be determined by the convened Selection Council, subject to the confirmation of the U.S. Board, as part of this process for selection.
3. The term of office may be renewed or extended, at the initiative of the IET and Regional Directors in concurrence with the Executive Committee of the U.S. Board, by a decision requiring seventy-five percent (75%) approval of the members of the Selection Council and subject to endorsement by his home board and appointment by the U.S. Board.
IV. Circumstances in which the Tenure of the International President Will End
1. Expiration of term of office.
2. Resignation or retirement or death.
3. Spiritual, mental, physical or other incapacity.
Removal on grounds of incapacity may be initiated by the IET and Regional Directors in concurrence with the Executive Committee of the U.S. Board. Removal will be based on a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of the Selection Council and recommended to the U.S. Board for a decision.
4. Legal removal by the U.S. Board.
V. Appointment of Interim International President
In the event that the International President is unable to continue his responsibilities due to the occurrence of one of the circumstances described in Section IV and/or before the Selection Council can be convened and the new International President is appointed and assumes office, the U.S. Board Chair will confer with the IET to select an acting International President who is subject to appointment by the U.S. Board.
Affirmed by Regional Directors in 5/2003…adjusted by White, McGilchrist, Weeks in 11/2003…amended by IET in 12/2003…accepted by Regional Directors in 1/2004….discussed by conference call of US Board in 1/2004…adjusted by White, Andrews, McGilchrist, Weeks in 3/2004…Section V.1 corrected in 5/2004…Basic Members of the Council altered to Selection Council in 4/2005…minor adjustments by governance group in 10/2005…International Team replaced by Regional Directors in 2/2007…revised by IET and Regional Directors in 6/2011... revisions by Executive Committee of the U.S. Board in 12/2011.
Note: In some contexts the International President may use the title General Director.
14 February 07…revised by IET 6/23/09…revised 7/16/2009...revised MT 4/28/2011…revised MT/DN 10/31/2011…revised Exec Com mtg 12/14/11…revised Exec Com 2/16/2012. End note added by Mike Treneer 5.09.2014.
Note: Since this document is both a policy document of the U.S. Board and an established procedure document for our Worldwide Partnership, it cannot be changed without approval by the IET and the Executive Committee of the U.S. Board.
5 1 Selection Process for International President 5 9 2014