Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

Results for 2014

Comparing England and Suffolk Outcomes and Progress


There is much to be celebrated in Suffolk’s EYFSP outcomes this year.

To celebrate:

·  10% more children achieved a ‘good level of development’ (GLD) as measured by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile in 2014 than in 2013. This means that the gap between the percentage of children achieving this has narrowed, with 1% fewer children achieving a GLD in Suffolk (59%) than in England (60%).

·  Suffolk has moved up 5 places in the LA rankings in this respect; to 85th place.

·  Boys’ achievement in Suffolk in relation to achieving a GLD has moved up 13 places in Local Authority rankings to 79. Particularly pleasing is that boys are now achieving more highly in Suffolk than in England in literacy.

·  Suffolk’s Average Total Point Score (ATPS) in Suffolk is 1.2 more than it was in 2013 meaning the gap between England (33.8) and Suffolk (33.2) has narrowed.

·  The gap between the lowest 20% achievers and the rest is slightly narrower in Suffolk than in England and is slightly narrower than it was in 2013.

To improve:

·  The percentage of children achieving a GLD so that Suffolk outcomes move above England’s.

·  Boys achievement in Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED); fewer boys achieved the expected level of development in all PSED scales in Suffolk than in England

·  Communication and Language; Suffolk children are not achieving as highly as England in this crucial prime area of learning.

·  Literacy; this is the scale in which the smallest percentage of children achieve a GLD. Although boys’ achievements in this scale are above England, a lower percentage of girls achieve an expected level in Writing in Suffolk than in England.

·  To continue to narrow the gap between the lowest 20% of children and the rest.

Good Level of Development (GLD)

ALL / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
ENGLAND / 52 / 60 / 8
SUFFOLK / 49 / 59 / 10
GAP / 3 / 1 / 2
BOYS / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
ENGLAND / 44 / 52 / 8
SUFFOLK / 41 / 51 / 10
GAP / 3 / 1 / 2
GIRLS / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
ENGLAND / 60 / 69 / 9
SUFFOLK / 57 / 67 / 10
GAP / 3 / 2 / 1

Key points:

The gap between England and Suffolk has narrowed and is now just 1%.

1% fewer boys achieved a GLD in Suffolk than England.

10% more Girls and 10% more Boys achieved a GLD in 2013 than 2014.

The gap between Suffolk and England Boys achieving a GLD has narrowed by 2%.

The gap between Suffolk and England Girls achieving a GLD has narrowed by 1% point.

Suffolk gender gap is the same as England; 16%.

Average Total Point Score (ATPS)

ALL / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
ENGLAND / 33 / 33.8 / 0.8
SUFFOLK / 32 / 33.2 / 1.2
GAP / 1 / 0.6 / 0.4

Average Total Points Score (ATPS) increased by 1.2 from 2013 to 2014 in Suffolk, narrowing the gap between England and Suffolk to 0.4.

Local Authority Ranking

Good Level of Development (GLD)

GLD / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
ALL / 90 / 85 / 5
BOYS / 92 / 79 / 13
GIRLS / 88 / 88 / 0

Suffolk moved up 5 places in Local Authority (LA) rankings overall (to 85 out of 150), remained in the same place in relation to Girls (88) but made a significant rise of 13 places in relation to Boys (79).

Average Total Points Score

ATPS / 2013 / 2014 / Difference
SUFFOLK / 90 / 99 / -9

Suffolk’s ranking in relation to average total points score has dropped by 9 (to 99)

Areas of Learning and Early learning Goals

For the purposes of this document the following abbreviations will be used.

Communication and Language / C and L
Listening and Attention / L and A
Understanding / U
Speaking / S
Physical Development / Phy
Moving and Handling / M and H
Health and self-care / H and S-c
Personal, social and emotional development / PSED
Self-confidence and self-awareness / S-c and S-a
Managing feelings and behaviour / MFB
Making relationships / MR
Literacy / Literacy
Reading / R
Writing / W
Mathematics / Maths
Numbers / N
Shape, space and measures / SSM
Understanding the World / UW
People and communities / P and C
The World / TW
Technology / T
Expressive arts and design / EAD
Exploring and using media and materials / EMM
Being imaginative / BI

7 Areas of Learning

ALL / C and L / Phy / PSED / Literacy / Maths / U W / EAD
ENGLAND / 77 / 86 / 81 / 66 / 72 / 80 / 83
SUFFOLK / 76 / 85 / 80 / 66 / 73 / 80 / 83
GAP / -1 / -1 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0

All children

1% fewer children in Suffolk achieved at least the expected level in C and L Phy and PSED than England.

The same percentage of children achieved at least the expected level in Literacy, UW and EAD in Suffolk and England.


GIRLS / C and L / Phy / PSED / Literacy / Maths / U W / EAD
ENGLAND / 83 / 91 / 87 / 74 / 77 / 84 / 90
SUFFOLK / 82 / 91 / 86 / 74 / 76 / 83 / 91
GAP / -1 / 0 / -1 / 0 / -1 / -1 / 1

1% fewer Girls in Suffolk achieved at least the expected level in C and L, PSED, Maths and UW in Suffolk than in England.

1% more Girls achieved at least the expected level in EAD in Suffolk than in England.

The same percentage of Girls achieved at least the expected level in PD and Literacy in Suffolk and England.


BOYS / C and L / Phy / PSED / Literacy / Maths / U W / EAD
ENGLAND / 71 / 80 / 75 / 59 / 68 / 76 / 76
SUFFOLK / 70 / 79 / 73 / 59 / 69 / 77 / 76
GAP / -1 / -1 / -2 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 0

1% fewer Boys in Suffolk achieved at least the expected level in C and L, and PD in Suffolk than in England.

2% fewer Boys in Suffolk achieved at least the expected level in PSED in Suffolk than in England.

The same percentage of Boys achieved at least the expected level in Literacy and EAD in Suffolk and England.

1% more Boys achieved at least the expected level in Maths and UW in Suffolk than in England.

17 Early Learning Goals

2014 / ALL / ALL / Diff / GIRLS / GIRLS / Diff / BOYS / BOYS / Diff
Comm and Lang
Listening and attention / 84 / 83 / -1 / 89 / 88 / -1 / 79 / 77 / -2
Understanding / 84 / 83 / -1 / 88 / 88 / 0 / 79 / 79 / 0
Speaking / 82 / 81 / -1 / 87 / 86 / -1 / 77 / 76 / -1
Physical Development
Moving and handling / 89 / 88 / -1 / 93 / 93 / 0 / 84 / 82 / -2
Health and self-care / 90 / 91 / 1 / 94 / 94 / 0 / 87 / 87 / 0
Self-confidence and self-awareness / 87 / 87 / 0 / 91 / 90 / -1 / 84 / 83 / -1
Managing feelings and behaviour / 86 / 85 / -1 / 91 / 92 / 1 / 80 / 79 / -1
Making relationships / 87 / 87 / 0 / 92 / 92 / 0 / 83 / 82 / -1
Reading / 74 / 75 / 1 / 80 / 80 / 0 / 68 / 70 / 2
Writing / 67 / 67 / 0 / 75 / 74 / -1 / 59 / 60 / 1
Numbers / 74 / 74 / 0 / 78 / 77 / -1 / 71 / 71 / 0
Shape, space and measures / 79 / 80 / 1 / 82 / 83 / 1 / 75 / 77 / 2
Understanding the World
People and communities / 84 / 85 / 1 / 88 / 89 / 1 / 79 / 80 / 1
The World / 83 / 84 / 1 / 87 / 87 / 0 / 80 / 81 / 1
Technology / 90 / 89 / -1 / 91 / 90 / -1 / 89 / 88 / -1
Expressive arts and design
Exploring and using media and materials / 86 / 86 / 0 / 93 / 93 / 0 / 80 / 80 / 0
Being imaginative / 85 / 86 / 1 / 91 / 92 / 1 / 79 / 80 / 1

All children

Highest percentage of children achieve expected level in H and S-c in England and Suffolk.

Lowest percentage of children achieve expected level in W in England and Suffolk.

1% fewer children achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 6 scales -All C and L Scales, M and H, MFB and T.

1% more children achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 6 scales -H and S-c, R, SSM, P and C, TW, BI.

The same % of children achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 5 scales –S-c and S-a,, MR, R,W, N and EMM.


Highest percentage of girls achieve expected level in H and S-c in England and Suffolk.

Lowest percentage of girls achieve expected level in W in England and Suffolk.

1% fewer Girls achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 6 scales -Land A, S, S-c and S-a, W, N and T.

1% more Girls achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 4 scales –MFB, SSM, P and C and BI.

The same % of Girls achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 7 scales – U, M and H,H and S-c, MR,R, TW, EMM.


Highest percentage of Boys achieve expected level in Health and Self Care in England and Suffolk.

Lowest percentage of Boys achieve expected level in Writing in England and Suffolk.

1% fewer Boys achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 5 scales -,S, all PSED scales and T.

2% fewer Boys achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 2 scales -L and A and M and H.

1% more Boys achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 4 scales -W, P and C, TW and BI.

2% more Boys achieve at least the expected level in Suffolk than in England in 2 scales -R and SSM.

Narrowing the achievement gap

The gap between the lowest achieving 20% and the rest

Standard score / Lowest 20 per cent of achievers / Achievement gap1 %
LA Name / Median score / Mean score / Mean score
2013 / All England / 34 / 32.4 / 21.9 / 36.6
2014 / All England / 34 / 33.8 / 22.5 / 33.9
2013 / Suffolk / 34 / 32.8 / 21.6 / 35.6
2014 / Suffolk / 34 / 33.2 / 22.5 / 33.7

The gap between the lowest 20% achievers and the rest is slightly narrower in Suffolk than in England.