Teaching Matters
Engaging Students, Empowering Educators
March 3-4, 2017
Gordon State College
Barnesville, GA
Thank you for attending this year’s Teaching Matters Conference: Engaging Students, Empowering Educators. Collaboration, as offered through the Teaching Matters conference, is one way to empower educators across all disciplines to engage their students better. The conference is open to all of those who have a passion for pedagogy; conference presentations are designed so that educators can share ideas and strategies that promote student success, student engagement, and active learning. We appreciate you joining us!
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Friday, March 3, 2017
9:30am-10:30amCheck-in, IC Lobby
10:30amOfficial Welcome, IC 111
Dr. Max Burns, President of Gordon State College
Session 110:45am-12:00pm
IC 205Moderator: Dr. Brenda Johnson, Gordon State College / Make the Next Semester Best! (30 min.)
Lynn Larsen andJennifer Dickens, Georgia Southwestern State University
Engaging Microbiology Students Globally with ProMED Reports of Disease Epidemiology (20 min.)
Dr. Michael L. Womack, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 307
Moderator: Dr. Prathibha Joshi, Gordon State College / Effective Understanding of the Human Body Organs: Linking Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems for Deep Learning (20 min.)
Dr. Cathy Lee and Rebecca Saunders, Gordon State College
Evocative Technology Engages Interprofessional Students (20 min.)
Dr. Douglas E. Masini, Armstrong State University
Dr. Deans' Simple Circulation (20 min.)
Dr. Dean E. Thornton, South Georgia State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Autumn Schaffer, Gordon State College / Online Math for LS Students???!!! - Well Sort Of (60 min.)
Melanie Largin and Luba Ibrahim, Georgia Highlands College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
12:00pm-1:00pmLunch Break (not included)
Session 21:00pm-2:15pm
IC 103Moderator: Cindy Casebeer, Gordon State College / Academies of North Hills High School - Personally Preparing College and Career Ready Students (75 min.)
Beth Williams, Dr. David Barkovich, and Nicole Weber, North Hills High School
IC 307
Moderator: Brenda Rutherford, Gordon State College / Take Your Students Abroad: For Professors in Every Field (20 min.)
Karen Guffey, Gordon State College
Deviant Pins: Incorporating Technology in Today's Criminal Justic Classroom (20min.)
Dr. V. Lynn Tankersley, Mercer University
Rethinking Writing Assignments to Encourage More Authentic and More Meaningful Engagement (20 min.)
Dr. Franklin Williamson, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Autumn Schaffer, Gordon State College / High-Tech, Low-Tech, No-Tech: Active Learning on an Inactive Budget (45 min.)
Sara Selby and Dr. Molly Smith, South Georgia State College
Intellectual Property Considerations for the Classroom (20 min.)
Leslie Ann L. Dunn, Georgia State University
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
Session 32:15pm-3:30pm
IC 103No Moderator / Apps and Technologies that Actually Work in the Classroom (75 min.)
Tony Pearson, Dr. Doug Davis, Dr. Alan Burstein, and Dr. Andrew Osborne, Gordon State College
IC 307
Moderator: Dr. Sarah Rosario, Gordon State College / A Core Course that Will Spark Interest in Mathematics Rather than Kill It (20 min.)
Dr. Robert Blumenthal, Georgia College
CUREs for Students in Non-Majors Biology Courses (20 min.)
Dr. Amanda Duffus, Gordon State College
Using Analogies, Computer Animations, and Models to Illustrate Three-Dimensional Crystal Structures (20 min.)
Dr. BeikeJia, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Moderator: Dr. Theresa Stanley, Gordon State College / Becoming Empowered Educators: A Collaborative Action Research Model (20 min.)
Dr. Devi Akella, Albany State University
Using Autobiographical Narration to Connect Thematic and Course Content (20 min.)
Dr. Joseph A. Mayo, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
3:30pm-3:45pmCoffee Break, IC 111
Session 43:45pm-5:00pm
IC 205Moderator: Dr. Mustapha Durojaiye, Gordon State College / Poster Session (75 min.)
Learning to Meet the Needs of ALL Students
Cindy M. Casebeer, Gordon State College
Does Theism Impact Academic Performance in Mathematics?
Rickey B. C. Hooks, Valdosta State University (student)
IC 307
Moderator: Dr. Anne Purvis, Gordon State College / Affordable Education and Open Educational Resources (60 min.)
Dr. Kathleen Barrett, Lou Brackett, and Beverly Kirk, West Georgia Technical College & Dr. NihalGunay, USG eCampus
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Moderator: Dr. Linda Hyde, Gordon State College / Clio’s Priests: Engaging Students in the Myths of History (60 min.)
Dr. Don Butts, Dr. Erica Johnson, and Dr. Frank Winters, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
5:15 p.m.Informal Dinner, El Durango (not included)
882 Veterans Parkway, Barnesville, GA 30204Saturday, March 4, 2017
8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m.Breakfast, IC 111
Session 18:30am-9:45am
IC 307Moderator: Dr. Lynn Rumfelt, Gordon State College / Students Helping Students in the Classroom (20 min.)
Dr. Richard W. Schumde, Jr., Gordon State College
Understanding Student Engagement (20 min.)
Dr. Sheryl Venable, Georgia Southwestern State University
Engaging Students in the Biology of Emerging Diseases: Sampling the Presence of Chikungunya and Zika Virus Disease Vectors in West Central Georgia (20 min.)
Dr. Michael L. Womack, Gordon State College
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Dr. Marwan Zabdawi, Gordon State College / Engaging Students and Empowering Educators: An Approach that Focuses on Gateway Course Success (75 min.)
Dr. Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell, Dr. LaRonda Sanders-Senu, Dr. Bernard Anderson, and Peter Higgins, Gordon State College
IC 420
Penny Cliff, Gordon State College / Being Present: Integrating Reflective Mindfulness in Classrooms (20 min.)
Dr. Michelle Corvette, Belmont University
Forget the Rainforest...Save My Classroom! (45 min.)
Wendy Williams, Cascade Elementary School
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
9:45am-10:00amCoffee Break, IC 111
Session 210:00am-11:15am
IC 307Moderator: Dr. Lynn Rumfelt, Gordon State College / Something Like a Phenomenon: Phenomenon-Based Science Education (60 min.)
Dr. Carla Bryan-Sheard and D'Anna Muhammad, Clayton County Public Schools
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 309
Moderator: Dr. Anne Purvis / Secrets to Success in the Online Classroom (60 min.)
Dr. Jamie Barron, Dr. Maria Orlando, and Dr. Feranda Williamson, Capella University
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 420
Moderator: Dr. Richard Schmude, Jr., Gordon State College / From Trowel to Publication: Engaging Student Creativity through the Process of Archaeological Research and the Dissemination of Results (20 min.)
Dr. William Balco, University of North Georgia
Using Music to Connect and Engage Students in Today's College Classrooms (20 min.)
Valerie Calhoun and Dr. Ric Calhoun, Gordon State College
Using Interactive Songs to Engage Students in Learning Introductory Statistics: Overview of NSF-Funded Project (20 min.)
Dr. John J. Weber III, Perimeter College at Georgia State University
Audience Discussion (15 min.)
IC 421
Dr. Susan Glenn / Applying James M. Lang's "small TEACHING' in My GSW Classroom: Risks, Rewards, and Reflections on Student Engagement (20 min.)
Kay Sassi Pace, Georgia Southwestern State University
A Whole New World: Encouraging Civil Discourse in Today's Classroom (45 minutes)
Jennifer Watkins, Ernestine Montoya, and Kristie Johnson, Georgia College and State University
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
Session 311:15am-12:30pm
IC 307Moderator: Dr. James Awbrey, Gordon State College / Coming Home: Teaching Demography Then and Now (20 min).
Dr. Alan Burstein, Gordon State College
Making School Matter: Empowering Students to Become Change Agents (45 min.)
Dr. Brent E. Johnson, Gordon State College and Forest Park High School
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
IC 309
Moderator: Dr. Brian Webb, Gordon State College / Understanding the Crusades in the Context of Contemporary Events (20 min.)
Dr. Jonas Kauffeldt, University of North Georgia
In Their Shoes: Following Students through a Critical Analysis of Information (45 min.)
Justin de la Cruz, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
IC 420
Moderator: Dr. Jason Horn, Gordon State College / Bridging the Gap: Bringing Student Attention to the Lesson (20 min.)
Dr. Niaz Khan, Georgia Gwinnett College
Increasing Student Engagement in PowerPoint Presentations: An Evidence-Based Approach (45 min.)
Dr. Gary Fisk, Georgia Southwestern State University
Audience Discussion (10 min.)
12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.Keynote with lunch (included), NAHS 123
How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principlesfor Smart Teaching
Dr. Michele DiPietro, Kennesaw State University
Dr. Michele DiPietro is the Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Analytical Sciences at Kennesaw State University. He is also a former President of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, the premiere faculty development association in North America, and a Board Member of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED). With his former Carnegie Mellon colleagues, Dr. DiPietro is a co-author of “How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching.” The book was listed at #3 in a “Top 10 Books on Teaching” list on the Chronicle of Higher Education. His scholarly interests include learning sciences, academic integrity, diversity and inclusion, the Millennial generation, statistics education, the consultation process in faculty development, and teaching in times of tragedy. He has presented dozens of workshops and keynotes at numerous colleges and conferences, in the US and abroad, and some of his scholarship has been translated into foreign languages (Chinese, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and–forthcoming–Spanish). He won the POD Innovation award for the online consultation tool “Solve a Teaching Problem.” His innovative course “The statistics of sexual orientation” has been featured on the Chronicle of Higher Education and several other magazines. Dr. DiPietro is the 2015 recipient of the Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD award, the highest honor bestowed in the field of educational development for professional achievement and legacy to the field.
Thank you for being an integral part of Teaching Matters—and we hope to see you next year!