ENG001A | English Foundations I| Unit 7 Writing Assignment|7.04 Story Endings
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Writing Assignment
Writing Story Endings
Award points for answers as shown below. Starter feedback for correct and incorrect answers is in red. Use or adapt the feedback in this Answer Key as you grade each student paper. If you have suggestions for improving this key, send them to .
Grading Instructions
Student must read the story and answer each question following.
· 2 points for answering each sentence
· Total of 10 points
(2 points each)
1. Read the story and identify the parts below.
The Three Best Friends
Last Friday, three best friends were having a bit of a problem. Stacy wanted to go to the school play on Saturday night. Kate wanted to go to the movies, and Natalie wanted couldn't make up her mind. They sat in the coffee shop arguing about what to do on Saturday night. Stacy's boyfriend was starring in the school play and she wanted to cheer him on. Kate was more excited about seeing the sequel to the vampire movie instead of a boring school play. Natalie decided she wanted to do both. She suggested that they go see the movie on Friday night, and the play on Saturday night. All the girls started laughing. It was the perfect solution!
a. What is the title of the story? The Three Best Friends
b. Name the main characters in the story. Stacy, Kate and Natalie
c. Tell where the story took place. In a coffee shop
d. What was the problem? The girls couldn't decide where to go
e. How was the problem solved? The girls decided to go to the play and the movies
Student must fill in each space with a character, a setting, or a problem.
· 1 point each for a total of 10 points
(1 point per blank)
2. In this part of the activity, you will finish each story beginning by adding a character, a
setting, and a problem.
a. Last week, I was walking by the ______. I saw ______
throw ______into the garden. He said it would make the plants grow really big!
b. One day last year, a ______was hiking near a ______and found a huge ______!
He tried to take it home, but ______,
c. ______was the funniest horse in the ______because ______.
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