This skit is great for a follow-up to an Energy Hog Assembly or for students to present as part of their energy efficiency outreach. For assembly skits please see Energy Hog Assemblies.

ENERGY HOG SKIT: Hog Busters--Hogs in the Home


  • Energy Hogs: wearing pig snouts, ears, and tails
  • The Family: two parents and a bunch of kids. If there are costumes for the family that's great; if not, they can wear street clothes.
  • Hog Busters: dressed uniformly (ie. all in lab coats). All should be holding something to "fight" the hogs with (ie. CFLs, blankets, something that looks like insulation, a caulking gun, a remote, etc.)


A household. If you have a set the more kinds of rooms you can expose the better: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, attic, washroom, etc. He hogs are scattered throughout the house wasting energy (playing the lights, sitting in a open door or window, leaning on an open refrigerator door, “cooking” with the covers off the pots, ignoring a TV that’s on, playing with the thermostat, taking a really long shower, etc.) If you don’t have a set, don’t worry the energy hogs will pantomime wasting energy and start talking about what they are doing.


Energy Hog 1: Hey (name of energy hog), what are you doing?

Energy Hog 2: Hanging out in this open door. (All the other Energy Hogs clap, give thumbs up or shout “cool!” or “good one!”) Hey (name of energy hog), what are you doing?

Energy Hog 3: Taking a 3 hour shower.(All the other Energy Hogs clap, give thumbs up or shout “cool!” or “good one!”) Hey (name of energy hog), what are you doing?

Go through as many way of wasting energy as possible. Other ideas: “cooking with all the covers off”, “turning on all the lights!”, “Turning the thermostat way up- I love wearing my shorts in the winter!”, “trying to decide what to eat- I’ll think about it while I look in here for 20 minutes.”

Enter the Family: Both parents are looking at the energy bill and grumbling about how high it is. The kids point at all the energy hogs and start to panic.

Parents: I can’t believe how high our energy bill is! This is ridiculous! Why are we paying this much!?

Kid 1: Oh no! What are those?!?!

Kid 2: Those energy hogs! I learned about them in school! They are wasting a lot of energy in our house! We need to get rid of them! (Energy Hogs look angry, shake their heads and snort)

Kid 1: I don’t know I think they’re kinda cute. Can we keep them?!?!(Energy Hogs smile, nod and give thumbs ups)

Kid 3: No way! Wasting energy makes our air dirty! It makes me cough! (coughs)

Kid 4: Wasting energy makes our water gross! It makes me sick! (gags)

Kid 5: Wasting energy hurts our environment! It makes me sad. (cries)

Parent 1: And it wastes our money!

Parent 2: How do we get rid of these things?

Kid 6: I know! We should call the…

All kids: Hog Busters! (Energy Hogs look horrified, shake their heads and snort)

Enter the Hog Busters. Dramatic theme music optional.

Hog Buster 1: Woah! Look at all these Energy Hogs! They must be making our air really dirty!

Kids (together): (cough) We know!

Hog Buster 2: Yeah- and making the water really gross!

Kids (together): (gag) We know!

Hog Buster 3: And hurting the environment!

Kids (together): (sniff and wipe tears) We know!

Hog Buster 4:And wasting a whole lot of money!

Parents (together): (angrily) We know!

Hog Buster 5: Well then, we better get rid of these guys. (Energy Hogs shake there heads, look scared or pretend to throw temper tantrums)

One by one, the Hog Busters show how to get rid of each hog and then grab them by the arm and walk them out the door/offset. For example:

Hog Buster 1: No one’s watching this TV! (Uses the remote to turn off the TV) Let’s get you out of here! (Energy Hog looks disappointed and sad while the Hog Buster shows them out the door or offset)

Hog Buster 2: Decide what you want before you open the fridge! It’s time for you to leave! (Energy Hog by the fridge looks disappointed and sad while the Hog Buster shows them out the door or offset)

Hog Buster 3: Replace your regular light bulbs with these (Holds up CFLs and hands them to the Parents.) They’ll save a lot of energy! (Turns to the Kids.) But remember to be careful with them and tell your parents right away if they break. (Grabs an energy hog who is holding an incandescent bulb or playing with a lamp) Come on you! It’s time to go!

Keep going until all the Hogs are gone.

Hog Buster 1: Well I think we got them all!

Family (together): Thanks Hog Busters!

Hog Buster 2: Remember to save energy and you’ll keep those Energy Hogs out of your home forever!

ALL: (jump or through up their hands and shout happily OR dance to the dramatic theme music OR sing OR chant)