Tahaa Shahat Mohamed El Alfy
Title / Professor, Pharmacognosy Department
E-mail /
Phone / 02-23632245 / 02-23639307 / 02-2567457 / 02-23624917 - 2203
Most Recent Degree / Ph.D.
Title of Thesis / “Pharmacognostical study of certain Hedera helix L. species”
Specialization / Phytochemistry
University Attended / CairoUniversity
Year / 1971
A. Teaching Experience
Course Title / Course Code / University / Academic years
Undergraduate Courses /
  1. Phytotherapy
/ Beni Soweif / 2009 -
  1. Pharmacognosy
/ Cairo
Tanta / 1971 - 1994, 2001
  1. *Pharmacognosy ----*Phytochemistry *Insecticides Steroid *Industry Pesticides *Herbal medicine
/ JordanUniversity for Women / 1994 - 2000
  1. *Chromatography *Phytochemistry *Pharmacognosy
/ IFE, EFE, Nigeria / 1980 - 1984
  1. ChromatographyPhytochemistry
/ Khartoum / 1977 - 1978
  1. Chromatography
/ Al Azhar / 1971 - 1976
Postgraduate Courses /
  1. Spectroscopy of Natural products
/ CairoUniversity
Beni Soweif / 2001 -
2009 -
  1. Colours and Aromas in foods
/ JordanUniversity for Women / 1994 - 2000
  1. Detection and analysis of poisons, narcotics and fibers as evidences in crime control
/ Crime Control Department, Ministry of Interior, Cairo / 1976 - 1977, 1979, 1982
  1. Analysis of natural products; Alkaloids, Flavonoids and Volatile oils
/ CairoUniversity / 1971 - 1981
  1. Food Analysis Diploma
/ 1971 - 1974
  1. Herbal Drug Analysis
/ TantaUniversity / 1971 - 1974
B. Professional Experience
  1. Head of Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry and Pharmacognosy Faculty of Pharmacy, JordanUniversity for Women, 1996 – 2000.

  1. Scientific consultant, Ottoman Royal for Herbs, 1994 – 2009.

  1. Scientific consultant, Sekem Herbal Company, 1984 – 1994.

  1. Scientific consultant, El-Kahira Company, 1984 – 1994.

  1. Scientific consultant, Misr Company For Pharm. Products, 1981 – 1984.

Publications and Presentations
  1. "Evaluation of n.hexane extracts in Ruta graveolens L. plant growing in Egypt and its Callus Cultures" NODCAR. 6th Scientific conference, Cairo, 2002.

  1. "Anti-ulcerogenic Activity of Chrozophora obliqua (Vahl)" NODCAR. 6th Scientific conference, Cairo, 2002.

  1. "Botanical Study of Chrozophora obliqua (Vahl)" NODCAR. 6th Scientific conference, Cairo, 2002.

  1. "Phytochemical and Biological Study of Chrozophora obliqua (Vahl)" NODCAR. 6th Scientific conference, Cairo, 2002.

  1. "Use and abuse of Herbal Drugs (lecture)" Israa Univ. Amman, Jordan, 2000.

  1. "Narcotics (lecture)" University of Women. Amman, Jordan, 1999.

  1. "Medicinal plants & menopause problems (lecture)" Medicinal Plants Conference, Univ. Appl. Sci., Amman, Jordan, 1998.

  1. "Pre-processing of Phyto- Pharmaceuticals (lecture)" Arab Union of Drug products, Amman, Jordan, 1997.

  1. "Clinical evaluation of the estrogenic and progestational activities of the pet-ether extract of Adiantum capillus veneris L on menopausal women" A.S.P. 36th Annual Meeting, OxfordMississippi, U.S.A, 1995.

  1. "Biochemical study of the biological effects of the petroleum ether extract and the isolates of Adiantum capillus veneris L." A.S.P. 36th Annual Meeting, OxfordMississippi, U.S.A, 1995.

  1. "Phytochemical study of Adiantum capillus veneris L." A.S.P. 36th Annual Meeting, OxfordMississippi, U.S.A, 1995.

  1. "Naphthoquinones of Arnibia tincturia (Forssd)" A.S.P. 36th Annual Meeting, OxfordMississippi, U.S.A, 1995.

  1. "Immunomodulators of plant origin (lecture)" International Symp. of O.A.U. on natural products, ILE-IFENigeria, 1992.

  1. "Macro-and Micromorphology of Erodium glaucophyllum L growing in Egypt" 22nd conference of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Science, Cairo, 1991.

  1. "Phytochemical and biological investigation of Erodium glaucophyllum L. growing in Egypt" 22nd conference of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Science, Cairo, 1991.

  1. "Insecticides of plant origin" 22nd conference of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Science, Cairo, 1991.

  1. "Study of Capparis spinosa L. growing in Egypt" 1st Int. Cong. Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, 1990.

  1. "GC-MS study of the Volatile oil of Anthemis melapodina Del. " 1st Int. Cong. Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, 1990.

  1. "Use of Wild Egyptian plants in folk Medicine" 1st Int.Cong. Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, 1990.

  1. "GC-MS study of the non-volatile fraction of petroleum ether extracts of the fruit of Apium graveolens L. and Carum Copticum Benth and Hook" FIP Conf., Munchen, 1989.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of Capparis spinosa var . aegyptia (Lam) Boiss. Part I. Leaf and stem" Annual Conf. of Arab Society of Medicinal Plants Research, Cairo, 1989.

  1. "Phytochemical and Pharmacological study of Adiantum capillus veneris L." FIP Conf., Sydney, 1988.

  1. "Antihepatotoxic activity of aqueous extract of Capparis" 36th Annual Conugress of the Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen forshung E.V. Freiburg,Germany, 1988.

  1. "Volatile constituents of Egyptian Capparis flowers" 6ieme colloque Internationale on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products, Angers,France, 1988.

  1. "Cytotoxic activity of oil of Capparis on different cell lines" 6ieme colloque Internationale on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products, Angers,France, 1988.

  1. "Antitumour activity of Egyptian Capparis" 35th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen forshung E.V. Leiden, Holland, 1987.

  1. "Study of the saponin content of the caadophylls of Ruscus hypoglossum L." FIP. Conf., Vienna, 1981.

  1. "A study of the fixed oil and protein content of the seeds of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb" FIP. Conf., Vienna, 1981

  1. "Study of the lipid and saponin content of Joannesia principus Vell." 16th. Egypt Conf. of Pharm. Sci., Cairo, 1980.

  1. "Study of the flavonoids content of Joannesia principus vell." FIP. Conf. Brighton, 1979.

  1. "Isolation and identification of certain flovonoids constituents of the flowers of Acacia arabica L." FIP. Conf. Brighton, 1979.

  1. "Investigation of the saponin content of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb" FIP. Conf. Brighton, 1979.

  1. "The flavonoids content of Acacia senegalensis L." UNESCO seminar on chemistry of medicinal plants in the Arab states, Cairo, 1978.

  1. "Chemical and Biological Study of some Active Constituents from Chrozophora oblique Yahl. Root" Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., 2009, 30/186.

  1. "Study of the Constituents and Biological effect of the seeds of Parkinsonia aculeate L." Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., 2009, 30/169.

  1. "DNA Fingerprinting, Protein profile and Establishment of Tissue culture callus protocol of Chrozophora oblique Yahl. Root" Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., 2009, 30/155.

  1. "A Pharmacognostical study of Cichorium intybus L. herb growing in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2009, 47/77.

  1. "Formulation and evaluation of the leaf extract of Zizyphus Spina-Christi (L.)" Pharmazie, 2009, 64/104.

  1. "Chemical and Biological Study of Essential and Fixed oils of Parkinsonia aculeate L. Family Caesalpiniaceae" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2008, 46/115.

  1. "Pharmacognostical and biological studies on the rhizomes of Gazania nivea" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2008, 46/263.

  1. "A Pharmacognostical study of Platanus orientalis L. growing in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2008, 46/153.

  1. "Two novel acylated flavonol glycosides from Platanus orientalis L. leaves" Natural Product Communications, 2008, 3/1899.

  1. "Phenolic constituents of Platanus orientalis L. leaves" Natural Product Communications, 2008, 3/199.

  1. "Further Pharmacognostical and biological studies on the flowers of Oenothera speciosa Nutt. Cultivated in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2007, 45/185.

  1. "Potentiality of some isolated compounds from Halfa Barr (Cymbopogon proximus Stapf.) against the toxogenic fungi Fusarium verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus" Egypt. J. Phytopathology, 2006, 34/75.

  1. "A pharmacognostical study of Ipomea palmata Forsk" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2005, 43/119.

  1. "Investigation of composition, anti microbial and cytotoxic activities of essential oil of the flowers of Euryops pectinatus (L.) Cass. cultivated in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2005, 43/97.

  1. "A study of the composition , bioactivity and formulation of the petroleum ether extract of the leaves of Euryops pectinatus (L.) Cass. cultivated in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2005, 43/85.

  1. "Volatile constituents, nutritrive value and bio activity of the pericarp of Averrhoa carambola L. fruits grown in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2004, 42/205.

  1. "Chemical and Biological investigations of the alcoholic extracts of Ipomea palmata Forsk and Ipomea pescapre Roth" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2004, 42/139.

  1. "Comparative Macro and Micromorphological study of Calendula officinalis L. and Calendula micarantha Tineo et Guss grown in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2003, 41/275.

  1. "Phytochemical and Biological study of the essential oils and petroleum ether extract of the leaves and flowers of Eugenia uniflora L. growing in Egypt (part1)" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2003, 41/83.

  1. "Inhibitory effect of flavonoids isolated from some Juncus species, Flowers & Callus) on blood platelets aggregation" Bull. Pharm. Assiut Univ., 2002, 28/ 43.

  1. "A pharmacognostical study of certain Calendula species" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. CairoUniv., 2002, 40/43.

  1. "Effect of plant growth regulators and explant type and prcursor on coumarin content of Ruta graveolens L. callus cultures" Arabs. Biotech., 2002, 5/45.

  1. "Effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth of Ruta graveolens L. callus cultures" Arabs. Biotech., 2001, 4/257.

  1. "Effect of various Gamma radiations and colchicine treatments on growth behaviour, Pigments and volatile oil products of Melaluca armillion Smith explants in vitro" Egypt J. Hort., 1998, 25/377.

  1. "Effect of some growth regulators on callus formation and some consitiuents of Digitalis lanata L. cultivated in vitro" J. Drug research, 1998, 21/16.

  1. "A contribution to the study of chemical constituents of Adiantum capillus veneris L. growing in Egypt" Az J. Pharm. Sci, 1994, 13/1.

  1. "Insecticides of plant origin" Bull Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1994, 32/423.

  1. "Sesquiterpeene lactones and elemene dervatives from Onopodon cyranicum coss" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1994, 32/109.

  1. "A study of the essential oil Daucus syrticus Murb" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1994, 32/103.

  1. "G.C.,M.S. study of Pulicaria crispa Pet. Ether extract" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1994, 32/89.

  1. "Elemane and Gerane dervatives from Onopodon espina Coss" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1994, 32/85.

  1. "Flavone drivatives isolated from Artemesia herba alba L.have affinity to brain benzodiazepine and alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in vitro" Chinese J.Trad. Medicine, 1993, 7/11.

  1. "Quaternary ammonium compounds in intact plants and cell suspension cultures of Atriplex semibaccata and A.halimus during osmotic stress" Phytochemistry, 1992, 31/2003.

  1. "Phytochemical study of Rubus sanctus schreb. Herb" AL-Azhar J. of Natural Products, 1991, 7/213.

  1. "Macro – and micromorphological study of Sphaeranthus sauvealens DC. Part 1: The root, stem and leaf" AL-Azhar J. of Natural Products, 1991, 7/45.

  1. "Study of the non volatile fractions of Petroleum-ether extracts of the fruits of Apuim graveolens L. and Carum copticum Benth and Hook" Bull Fac. Pharm Cairo Univ., 1990, 28/49.

  1. "Evaluation of Phytopharmaceutials" J. Drug research, 1990, 19/349.

  1. "Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the volatile oil and extracts of fronds of Adiantum capillus veneris L." Bull Fac, Agric, CairoUniv., 1990, 41/555.

  1. "Comparative Macro-and micromorphology study of certain Ruscus species in Egypt Part I Aerial stems and cladodes" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1989, 27 / 90.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology study of Anthemis melapodina Del. Part II. Flower and Fruit" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1989, 27/ 67.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology study of Anthemis melapodina Del Part 1. The root, stem and leaf" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1989, 27/ 62.

  1. "Constituents of Anthemis melapodina Del." Fitotherapia, 1989, IX/ 556.

  1. "Antihepatotoxic activity of aqueous extract of Capparis" Planta Medica, 1988, 28.

  1. "Study of withanolides, physalins, antitumour and antimicrobial activity of Physalis peruviana L." Egypt J. Pharm. Sci., 1987, 28/ 235.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Cleistopholis patents (Benth) Engl. & Diels" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1987, 6/47.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Lagenaria breviflora Robert" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1987, 6/29.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Lagenaria breviflora Robert. Part I. The fruit" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1987, 6/15.

  1. "Volatile oil of Zanthoxylum rigidiforium (Herzog) Waterm. and Zantnoxylum gilletti (Dewild) Waterm" Fitotherapia, 1985, 4/ 240.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of Rubia tincturium L. Part II. Inflorescence and flower" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1982, XXIV/20.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of Rubia tincturium L. Part I. Stem and leaf" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1982, XXIV/31.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of stems and leaves of Joannesia principus Vell." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1982, XXIV/42.

  1. "Some Macro-morpholigical features of the leaves of Nigerian Solanum sp." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1982, XXIV/ 81.

  1. "Phytochemical screening and study of the carbohydrate and flavonoids content of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1982, 4/19.

  1. "A study of the fixed oil and protein content of the seeds of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1981, 4/ 9.

  1. "Study of the saponin content of the caadophylls of Ruscus hypoglossum L." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1981, XIX/ 85.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of the flowers, fruits and seeds of Joannesia principus Vell. " Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1981, XIX/ 57.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb, Part III. Fruit and seed" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1981, 4/ 49.

  1. "Quantitative estimation of anthraquinone content of the different organs of Rubia tincturium L." J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1981, 4/45.

  1. "Study of the anthraquinone content of the Rubia tincturium L." J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1981, 4/37.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb, Part II., Inflorescence and flower" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1980, XIX/ 34.

  1. "Pharmacognostical study of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb, Part 1. Leaf, stem" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1980, XIX/ 23.

  1. Isolation and identification of certain flovonoids constituents of the flowers of Acacia arabica L." J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1980, 3/47.

  1. "Investigation of the saponin content of Enterolobium cyclocarpum Criseb" J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1980, 3/35.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of Hyssopus officinalis L. Part II, The flower, fruit and seed" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1979, XVIII/ 101.

  1. "Macro-and micromorphology of Hyssopus officinalis L. Part 1. Stem and Leaf" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1979, XVIII/ 87.

  1. "A pharmacognostical study of Solanum macrocarpum Pers." J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1979, 2/33.

  1. "Investigation of the constituents of Solanum laciniatum Ait. Flowers" Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1978, 19/337.

  1. "Investigation of the volatile oil of Hyssopus officinalis L." Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1978, 19/177.

  1. "Sapogenins of cladophylls of Ruscus hypoglossum L." J. Afr. Med. Plants, 1977, 1/63.

  1. "Comparative study of the leaves of six Conyza species growing in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1977, XVII/ 143.

  1. "Phytochemical Study of Conyza linifolia Willd, II- Steroidal content" Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 17/ 87.

  1. "Phytochemical Study of Conyza linifolia Willd, I- Study of the volatile oil constituents" Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 17/ 83.

  1. "Sur les flavoides de Ruscus hypoglossum L" Plantes Med. Et Phytotherapie, 1975. IX/308.

  1. "Antimicrobial activity of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa L." Antimicrobial agents and Chemotherapy, 1974, 6/225.

  1. "The nature of the linkage in the isolated glycosides of Hedra helix L." Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 15/179.

  1. "A phytochemical investigation of Hedra helix L." Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 15/160.

  1. "Isolation and structure assignment of an antimicrobial principle from the volatile oil of Nigella sativa L." Die Pharmazie, 1974, 30/109.

  1. "Synthesis of 5-nitrofuran derivative of expected antimicrobial activity" Die Pharmazie, 1974, 29/ 613.

  1. "A phytochemical Study of Lycopersicum pruniform Mill." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1973, XII/ 141.

  1. "A phytochemical Study of the gum and resin of Afghanian Asafoetida" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1973, XII/ 119.

  1. "A phytochemical Study of the volatile oil of Afghanian Asafoetida" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1973, XII/ 101.

  1. "Determination of the saponin content of Hedera helix L." Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1972, 15/ 245.

  1. "The macro- and micromorphology of Ranuculus sceleratus L. " J.Bot. URA, 1969, 12/89.

  1. "Spectrophotometric determination of protonemonin, anemonin and ranuculin in Ranuculus sceleratus L" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1968, VII/ 140.

  1. "A new simple method for the determination of protonemonin in Ranuculus sceleratus L." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1968, VII/ 135.

  1. "A Phytochemical investigation of Ranunculus sceleratus L." Planta Medica, 1968, 2/231.

  1. "The analysis of volatile oil of Coriander" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1967, VI/ 157.

  1. "A micromethod for the determination of allyl isothiocyanate in mustard oil and biological fluids" Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 1965, IV/ 147.

  1. Chosen for Who’s Who’s in the World Encyclopedia, 2010.

  1. Prize of Prof. H. Saber for the best research pharmaceutical article in Pharmacognosy, 2005

  1. Prize of Prof. H. Saber for the best master thesis in Pharmacognosy, pharmacognosy department, 2008.

  1. Member of Committee of Associate Professors’ and Professors’ Promotion (Pharmacognosy), Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt, Dec. 2008-till now.

  1. Chairman of Committee of Associate Professors’ Promotion(Pharmacognosy) Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt, 2004 – 2008.

  1. Director and treasurer of Egyptian Alliens club. Amman, Jordan, 1997- 2000.

  1. Member of Ethno Botanical Committee for Africa – O.A.U., 1996.

  1. Member of the committee of the Egyptian Pharmacopoea, 1990 – 1994.

  1. Executive Editor of Journal of African Medicinal plants, 1982-1988.

  1. Member of the North African Center of African Medicinal plants, OAU, 1971 – 1976.

  1. Member of the board of the council of Egypt. Pharm. Society, 1964 – 2001.

Funded Projects
  1. Immunostimulant effect of Nigella seed cake, 2007, CairoUniversity.

  1. Manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations of some Egyptian medicinal plants, 2007, CairoUniversity.