/ Missing Child Policy
Last Updated 19.08.2016

Hearts and Minds believe that the welfare of every child is paramount, and we therefore have robust procedures in place for caring for and supervising children. However, in the unlikely event of a child going missing whilst in our care this policy will be followed.

Procedures to follow should a child go missing on the premises:

·  As soon as practitioners identify that a child is missing, the person in charge of the setting must be informed (Nursery Manager/Deputy/Supervisor)

·  Practitioners will be given roles and a thorough search of the nursery building will occur

·  Practitioners will then search the surrounding areas

·  It is vital that all other children remain supervised, however children may be grouped together in order to free up more practitioners to search for the child

·  Whilst looking for the child, practitioners should check for possible breaches of security around the perimeter

·  Should the practitioners fail to locate the child then the person in charge of the setting will contact the police and also the child’s parents/carers as well as conducting a further search of the setting

·  Other staff members will continue to search for the missing child

·  The manager will meet with the police and the child’s parents/carers and await instruction from the police

·  The person in charge of the setting at the time must take charge of the situation and carry out a full investigation.

We understand that this would be a very traumatic time for all involved with the setting and reassurance meetings would take place should any child go missing. Should an adult be held responsible for the loss of a child, they would be disciplined and their contract terminated with immediate effect.

Procedures to follow should a child go missing whilst on an outing:

When taking children out on visits, ratios are reduced in order to maintain safety. Regular head counts will also take place to make sure every child can be accounted for. However in the unlikely event of a child going missing on an outing the below procedures would be followed:

·  All staff accompanying the children would be informed of the missing child and a headcount will take place to ensure no further children are missing

·  Staff would then begin to search the immediate area for the child, ensuring that all other children are kept safe and supervised

·  The person in charge of the setting at the time is contacted immediately

·  Should the children be in a large place i.e. the zoo or shop the security department will be informed and a description of the child will be given

·  Should the child not be found, the designated person in charge will inform the police

·  The person in charge of the setting at the time of the incident will contact the child’s parents/carers who will make their way to the setting

·  Staff will bring the remaining children back to the setting as soon as possible

·  At least one member of staff will remain at the scene while others return to the setting

·  This person should be the person in charge of the group and will continue to search for the child

·  This member of staff will meet with the police and await instruction

·  As above all incidents must be recorded

The Investigation Procedures:

·  The nursery manager/person in charge of the setting at the time along with another senior member of staff will speak with the child’s parents/carers during the investigation

·  The nursery manager/person in charge of the setting at the time and directors together will carry out a full investigation, taking written statements from all adults involved

·  The most senior member of staff present at the time the child went missing would complete an incident report detailing the following:

-  The date and timings of the incident

-  An estimated time that the child went missing, this should be as accurate as possible

-  The practitioners and children present at the time the child went missing

-  The practitioner/s designated as being responsible for the child at the time they went missing

-  When the child was last seen

-  What actions have taken place since the child went missing

-  Details of where the child was found and their condition at the time

·  A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened

·  All suitable external agencies will be informed this may include Children’s Social Care, Ofsted and RIDDOR

Managers Signature: ______Date: ______

Date for review: ______