Energy Data Calculations – The Process

Step 1: Data Input

Open the spreadsheet titled, “Fuel Date Input Sheet.xls.” This is the primary data input sheet that will read through to all of the other sheets within the Excel workbook.

The Tabs within the “Fuel Date Input Sheet.xls.” spreadsheet are: 00Print (contains input data for year 2000), 01Print (contains input data for year 2001), 02Print (contains input data for year 2002), 03Print (contains input data for year 2003), CO2 Factors (contains all relevant CO2 conversion factors per fuel type listed in the data input sheets, and 02 Electricity Emission Factors (contain the 50 states and their 2002 electricity emission factors from the EIA 2002 1605b guidelines, Appendix C.)

Input all relevant energy data per type into the 00-03 Print Tabs. It is important to choose a base year and I would suggest 2000. When you input your data per energy type make sure that your units are consistent with the input data sheet or the units suggested in the CO2 Factors tab. The blue colored fields are the active input fields.

Input all relevant state electricity MWH totals into the “02 Electricity Emission Factors” Tab. The weighted average CO2 factor for your electricity usage per state of your activity will read through into all of the other spreadsheets. The blue colored fields are the active input fields.

Step 2: CO2 Calculations (Absolute and Intensity)

Open the spreadsheet titled, “Fuel Data Calculation Sheet.xls.” The only Tab with this sheet is titled “Fuels.” The breakdown of Indirect CO2 (CO2 per purchased electricity) and Direct CO2 (CO2 from the fuels burned) is shown.

The Fuels sheet indicates both the absolute CO2 emissions (total tons CO2 emitted) and two CO2 intensity variables (per unit production and per unit sales). In order to calculate either intensity metric you must input (within the blue input field indicated) the total number of units produced or sold depending on the intensity metric you wish to use.

Step 3: A Format Consistent with the DOE 1605b (The US National Greenhouse

Gas Registry)Format for Reporting Energy Data

Open the spreadsheet titled, “1605b Data.xls.” This spreadsheet contains 4 tabs: “Energy Table” (contains the BTUs per type of fuel, and both the absolute and intensity CO2 totals for the aggregated energy usage), “Figure 1” (contains a graphical representation of absolute CO2 emissions per year for US Operations), “Figure 2” (contains a graphical representation of intensity or CO2 emissions per unit produced per year for US Operations), and reiterates, in Tab 4 the “CO2 factors” used.

Step 4: CO2 Summary

Open the spreadsheet titled, “CO2 Summary.xls.” This spreadsheet contains 3 tabs. Tab 1 is the “Summary Sheet” and contains the aggregated totals per the categories of (1) Stationary Fuels -metric tons CO2, (2) Halogenated Substances –metric tons CO2 equivalent, (3) Composite Weighted Global Warming Potential (GWP)-metric tons CO2 equivalent, and (4) the Percent Reduction from the base year of 2000).

Tab 2 is titled “Halogenated Calculations” and contains the usage of refrigerants per your operations. If you chose to report the usage of refrigerants or halogenated substances then input the pounds used per year in the blue data input fields. The GWP’s are already in the sheet to allow for the automatic calculation of CO2 equivalence.

Tab 3 is titled, “Summary Figure” and contains a graphical representation of total CO2 equivalent emissions per year for US Operations and indicates the % reduction over time)

K. Zimmerman, 10/24/2018