Goalgetters RecreationalSpring2017 REGISTRATION FORM
This league is a recreational soccer program open to girls and boys in grades K thru 6, focusing on skill development and learning the game of soccer in a fun environment. The season will consist of pre-season practices, followed by 8weeks of one practice (maximum) and one match for Grades 1-4. Grades 5 and 6 may have 2 practices a week. All matches will be on Saturdays as follows:April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, June 3. Teams will be in age groupings of Kindergarten, Grades 1-2; 3-4; and 5-6. Games will be played at the Goalgetters Field, 18th and Viebahn Manitowoc and at other sites mainly in Manitowoc and at other sites mainly in Manitowoc County.
Mail in registrations must be post-marked byFebruary 21, 2017. NO EXCEPTIONS(we will not guarantee team availability after this date)
Cost: $40 per player registration fee & $10 per player shirt fee (if child does not already have one from a previous season or needs a new size)
Checks should be made out to the Manitowoc Goalgetters.
LATE REGISTRATION FEE: Registrations received afterFebruary 21, 2017, will be charged a $25 late fee which should be included with the payment.
Please mail this completed form and payment to:
Manitowoc Goalgetters
Recreational Program
P O Box 1542
Manitowoc, WI, 54221-1542
********************************************SAVE TOP, SEND IN BOTTOM*****************************************
Player Name: ______Sex_____Birth date: ______Grade______
School: ______
Parent(s): ______
Address: ______
Telephone: ______
Parent – Email (to notify you of parent meeting, practices, and games)
______@ ______
I am willing to coach a team.
I have ______experience as a soccer coach.
I understand I will be contacted by the coaching director if coaches are needed by August 31
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Best way and time to contact: ______
/ Team choice by grade level
(Circle One)
Kindergarten Grades 1 and 2
Grades 3 and 4 Grades 5 and 6
Shirt Size: (Circle Size)
YOUTH 5-6 7-8 10-12 14-16
I am willing to be a team parent. ______
Responsibilities include: Arranging snacks and drinks with other parents, helping to arrange the team party at the end of the season, helping the coach with parent communication if needed.
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
**Coaches are given a list of potential team parents. The coach will contact the team parent at the beginning of the session for assistance.
I, the above listed player and my parent(s) or guardians agree that prior to participation in the league, we fully acknowledge and understand that I may be engaging in activities that involve risk of injuries or that other losses may occur because accidents can and do occasionally occur as a result of my actions, inactions or negligence as well as actions, inactions or negligence of others. Being aware of these inherent risks, I assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any personal damages. I hereby further release and hold harmless the Lake to Lake Soccer league, all owners of sites hosting matches or practices of the league, coaches, parent helpers and any local soccer organizations involved in league activities from any and all liability for any claims, responsibility, penalty, forfeiture, suit, cost and expenses resulting from any league activities.
I agree that if it appears that my child may have sustained a concussion or head injury that he/she is to be removed from participation until such time that a trained medical professional can examine them and approve their return to play soccer. In such case, I understand that I am to provide a written clearance for my player from a trained medical professional to return to play soccer.
Player Signature:______Parent Signature:______
I have read and understand the information provided to me on Concussions, and agree with the Goalgetters Concussion policy listed above:
Player Signature:______Parent Signature: ______
Date: ______