From: NROTC Battalion Officer
To: Incoming Scholarship Midshipmen
1. The following documents must be completed in order to participate as a Midshipman in the NROTC program with a 4-year National NROTC Scholarship.Please return this to us no later than
2. For your convenience, we have developed a fillable PDF file and word files. Please only print and return all to us.
3. If any information needs to be handwritten, please ensure you use black ink, print legibly in all capitalletters, and sign all required signature spots in black ink. If you have any questions regarding the completion of any of the forms attached to this file please contact myself or our Human Resource Advisor for assistance. She may be reached either at r 301-314-6291.
4. General guidance on the purpose of each of the forms included in this package:
03. NROTC Honor Code (NSTC 1533-121):
- This form acknowledges your understanding of the Midshipmen Honor Code.
04. Drug and Alcohol Statement of Understanding (NSTC 1533-153):
- This form establishes your understanding of the Department of the Navy’s drug and alcohol policy set forth in OPNAVINST 5350.7.
05. Drug Statement for NROTC Application (NSTC 1533-101)
06. Student Information Release Authorization
- This document authorizes the unit to collect official transcripts from UMBC.
07. Privacy Act Statement – Health Care Records
08. Navy Tattoo Screening Form
- Midshipmen shall be within Navy regulations. This form is utilized to determine if any tattoos or brandings do not meet Navy policy.
09. Record of Emergency Data
a. This form is used to provide NROTCU Marylandwith your next-of-kin contact information so that we can contact themin the event of an emergency and determine financial benefits (if eligible).
b. Most people will only need to fill out blocks 33, 34,
36, 37, and 78 (PNOK & SNOK).
c. Signature required in block 79 onpage 9.
10. Uniform Sizing Guide and Chart (Male / Female)
- This document is utilized for uniform issue and tailoring. Ensure the measurements are accurate. Do not fill-in SSN last 4, date of birth, blood type, and religious preference.
- Send the completed spreadsheet electronically to and Cc . Due by 18 June 2017.
11. General Hold Harmless Agreement Orientation 2017
- This document releases and holds harmless the United States of America from any damages to property or injuries which you may suffer incident to your participation in New Student Orientation.
12. Orientation General Information
13. PRT / PFT Standards and Pre-Entry Training Plans and Guides
- No administrative action is required for these documents.
- Prospective Midshipmen are expected to arrive in-standards. Qualifying scores are “Good” or higher on each of the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) events: Run, Sit-ups, and Push-ups. You are also expected to arrive in height-weight standards.
- Pre-Entry training plans are attached for guidance. It is highly recommended for prospective Midshipmen to workout at least 5 times a week prior to arrival.
14. Direct Deposit (SF1199A)
- Bank information to be filled out in order to receive your stipend each month and book stipend at the beginning of each semester.
15. Navy Option Academic Major Tier Statement of Understanding
- Document stating that you understand the risks of changing majors as well as the tier system of majors used.
16. Immunization Data Form
- This form provides a list of all required immunizations and tests that are needed for participation in the NROTCU Maryland program. Please annotate on this form when the last vaccination/test was completed.
17. OPMIS Data
- This data is utilized to build the student’s profile in OPMIS, the NROTC wide database.
18. Scholarship Student Letter of Understanding :
a. This form is to confirm that you understand several important basic policies and procedures of the NROTC program.
b. Signature required on page 5.
19. Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (SF-86) Worksheet:
***DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO NROTCU Maryland.COMPLETE AND BRING A COPY WITH YOU TO SCHOOL*** The process of gaining a security clearance is initiated by filling out anonline application during the fall of your freshman year here at The University of Maryland.This application is rather lengthy anddetailed and may require information you do not have access to while atMaryland. To expedite this process we request that you complete the SF-86 while at home, bring it with
you to Maryland, and fill out the onlineapplication using the paper
copy that you previously filled out.
A. This form is used by our Supply Officer to order correctly
sized uniforms for you. Please complete by taking this form to a professional tailor and ask the tailor to complete all the
measurements as indicated.Specific instructions on how to obtain the correct measurements are included.The correct size is extremely important to ensure that your uniforms fit as prescribed by the Navy.
B. You will be completely outfitted with uniforms during freshman orientation. If you purchase uniform items on your own you will not be reimbursed
5. Please mail your completed paper work to:
Commanding Officer
NROTC University of Maryland
Reckord Armory Room 0110
4490 Rossborough Ln
College Park, MD 20742
6. If you have any questions you can contact me at r
//Signed// Battalion Officer
NROTC University of Maryland