HRM Online 5-17, 20 June 20171
End of Financial Year eduPay processing dates
The final payment of salary and wages for the 2017 taxation year will be made on pay day Thursday 22 June 2017.
Pay finalisation for pay 2016-26 was Friday 16 June 2017.
Recalls for pay 2016-26 closed at 4pm Tuesday 20 June 2017.
SLP on eduPay time sheets cannot be approved between 19 June and 23 June 2017
No system processing will occur following pay finalisation on Friday 16 June 2017 until the weekend of 24-25 June 2017, which means there will not be any payroll results draft pay advices or certification pages calculated on eduPay until then. Any transactions entered during this time will be processed/calculated once system processing resumes.
Reports run during this time that rely on current pay period results will return no data between 19 June 2017 and 23 June 2017 (inclusive).
Pay finalisation for pay period 2017-01 will be Friday 30 June 2017 with pay day on Thursday 6 July 2017.
Pay As You Go (PAYG) Statements
Address updates and requesting a printed copy
Principals and HR Administrators are asked to bring this item to the attention of all employees in the school.
An email was sent to all employees on Wednesday 7 June 2017 advising them that the PAYG Payment Summary will be available in Employee Self Service from 3 July 2017 and asking them to check and update their address details or uncheck the box if they require a printed copy. Note: there is no difference between the printed copy and the electronic version available in Employee Self Service. The same details are also sent to the ATO and may be automatically downloaded to pre-fill required information for taxation returns entered online from 1 July 2017.
Updates to addresses or the printed copy request must be completed no later than 23 June 2017 to be incorporated into this year’s PAYG Payment Summary processing.
As in previous years Payment Summaries will be posted to an employee’s recorded address where it is likely they will be unable to access their payment summary details via Employee Self Service. This will include employees, on long term leave (all types), who have ceased employment, or will cease employment by the end of July 2017.
SLP on eduPay and PAYG Payment Summaries
Current SLP on eduPay employees will be able to access their PAYG Payment Summary for each employing school in Employee Self Service. A printed copy will be posted to employees who are paid via SLP on eduPay where they will be unable to access their payment summary(ies) via Employee Self Service because they have either ceased employment or are likely to cease all forms of employment across any school before the end of July 2017.
The PAYG Payment Summary for SLP employees on eduPay will only include income that has been paid from the employee’s transition (Hire) date to 30 June 2017. Each school will continue to issue a PAYG Payment Summary to school council employees for any employment prior to their transition to eduPay.
Education Support Class employees-leave and attendance-Term 2 school vacation
The automated leave entry process for the Term 2 school vacation for education support class (ESC) employees not in receipt of the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance will be completed over the weekend of24-25 June2017. Where leave cannot be entered for an employee, for example, where an employee has paid maternity leave or part or all of the school vacation period already recorded, an exception report will be generated and sent by email to the affected school(s) in the last week of term. Access the exception report using the link in the email or access the report in Report Manager. The report will remain available for 28 days. If required, save a copy of the report for access at a later date.
Applying for Leave
An ESC employee who is receiving the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance and who wishes to take leave during the forthcoming school vacation period will need to apply for Annual Leave or Additional Paid Leave (if eligible) using Employee Self Service (ESS) to cover their absence. Leave is approved by the Principal. These employees are not entitled to the Ad-hoc Leave Purchase Allowance.
Attendance for duty
An ESC employee who is not in receipt of the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance and who agrees or is required to attend for duty during the school vacation period may be eligible for payment of the Ad-Hoc Leave Purchase Allowance. Where the employee attends for duty, the HR Administrator will need to adjust any leave already recorded to reflect their attendance. The employee is eligible to be paid the Ad-hoc Leave Purchase Allowance provided their additional paid leave entitlements have a positive balance. Payment is by Positive Input and would normally be recorded in the first pay period after the school vacation for the equivalent number of hours.
Further information is available in the eduPay User Guides for Allowances and Annual Leave Automated Entry – ESC on eduGate.
Information about leave and attendance arrangements for ESC employees is available on HRWeb at: Annual Leave, Attendance and Working Hours and Allowances-Teaching Service.
Actions:Review and update records for employees on the exception report.
Record leave for employees in receipt of the Regular Leave Purchase Allowance.
Working in more than one school
An employee working in more than one school must have an administrative base school identified, with all work locations and time fractions clearly documented. While the terms and conditions are the same as those for employees who work in one school, there are some areas that require particular consideration where an employee works in more than one school. The Department’s Staffing Cooperation Guide sets out the arrangements for staff who work in more than one school and this is available on HRWeb at: Working in more than one school.
Changes to Principal Class Employee records in eduPay
All adjustments to a principal class employee’s (both principals and assistant principals) total remuneration package (TRP) are completed by Schools People Services. This includes the processing of promotions, transfers and other job data related adjustments. Where a job data adjustment is required for the principal or assistant principal in the school, forward the authorised request to Schools People Services for update. All other non-job data related amendment such as leave transactions, bank account changes and personal deduction changes are completed at the school.
Principals have the authority to approve higher duties for an assistant principal acting in an assistant principal position at a higher range. The processing of the assistant principal’s higher duties allowance can be done at the school. A copy of the authorisation form should be forwarded to Schools People Services for filing.
When an assistant principal is to perform the duties of a Principal, the Regional Director will authorize the payment of any higher duties. Theauthorisation form is forwarded by the region to Schools People Services for processing on eduPay and filing.
School Local Payroll (SLP) on eduPay
Rehire of inactive casuals and exam supervisors
Casual Job openings in Recruitment Online are ‘continuous’. This means that the job opening can be reused as many times as needed. It is not necessary to create multiple CRT or CES1-1 Job openings.
After a period of inactivity (currently 90 days), casuals are deemed “inactive” and are terminated on eduPay. An inactive casual must be rehired on SLP on eduPay where they have been subsequently employed and are eligible for salary. The steps below are to be completed to rehire the casual employee:
- In Recruitment Online, relink the employee’s existing Applicant ID to the appropriate Job Opening ID
- Prepare Job Offer, using a start date later than the termination date in eduPay
- Submit and Accept the job offer
- Prepare for Hire, including Verify Employee ID and Carry ID to ensure that a new ID is not created. The Type of Hire should default to rehire. Submit Request to HR.
- Employee will now be in Manage Hires in eduPay. Select employee and Add Job.
- Save Rehire record.
For complete processing steps refer to the Hire on eduPay module 4 help documents on the SLP Portal
Bank and tax information will be carried forward, however check detailsto ensure the information is still correct. Choice of Superannuation fund information only needs to be resubmitted if the SGC element in Employee Element Assignment has an end date or the employee’s choice of fund has changed. If necessary, submit the Choice of Superannuation fund form to . Do not include rehired employees on the excel spreadsheet – send the actual signed and completed choice form instead.
When hiring exam supervisors on SLP on eduPay, use the CES1-2 job code for a Chief Exam Supervisor and CES1-1 for an Assistant Supervisor. The amounts provided to schools by VCAA are calculated based on these employment classifications.
End of Financial Year for CASES21 Payroll
A modified EOFY process needs to be completed in CASES21 for all schools that have transitioned to SLP on eduPay during this financial year (2016-17). Schools who transitioned to eduPay from February 2017 should use the Section 15b guide to finalise their payroll in CASES21. Schools that transitioned in 2016 will need to contact for the relevant guide.
All schools that transitioned to SLP on eduPay during the 2017 Financial Year (1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017), are also required to run the End of Financial Year task in CASES21. This task is processed on CASES21 after the End of Period for June has been completed, when the system date is July 2017.
A task sheet is available on the Finance website in the CASES21 Finance Business Process Guidesection to assist with this process.
HRWeb Updates
HRWeb is regularly updated therefore it is important that principals and HR Administrators ensure they are accessing the latest policy, procedural information and forms as required.
There have been instances where non-current versions of forms/templates have been used when employing staff.Please ensure any ‘stocks’ of forms you may have are the most current version from HRWeb including any versions that may have been saved on staff computers.
The following updates have been made recently:
- Recruitment in Schools Guide – updated for new Integrity Check, effective from 1 June 2017
HRWeb about to be refreshed.
The refresh of HRWeb is planned within the next few weeks. The refresh will not result in any changes to the content or navigation but a refresh of the look and feel of the website in line with the recent Department site updates. Current HRWeb document banners and cover pages will be progressively updated to reflect the new design. Further information will be included at the time of the document updates via HRM Online and via the HR Administrator and Principal Dashboard on eduPay.
eduPay Tips
End of Term Checklist
Payroll reminders
Overpayments – manage and activate any outstanding overpayments.
Payroll Validation and Certification – validate and certify any outstanding pay periods.
Ceasing Employees. Ensure all terminations have been processed on eduPay and where applicable that copies of the employee’s resignation/retirement notice or letter and the Principal’s written acceptance of that resignation/retirement are placed on the employee’s personnel file.
Unused Long Service Leave on termination. Adjust the ‘payout LSL on termination’ checkbox in Job Data on eduPay as required. Eligible employees will be paid out for LSL unless the box is unchecked. Long Service Leave that has been paid out cannot be reversed and reinstated.
Review Stop Pay records. A Stop Pay is a temporary measure to avoid possible overpayments for an employee and not an approved form of leave. Determine the correct absence code for the employee and update eduPay accordingly.
Leave reminders
Complete all ESC Annual Leave exception report entries
Record/process leave for employees commencing or extending unpaid or half pay leave. Ensure 539LWOPAPPRV is used for Leave Without Pay entries where leave has been approved by the principal. Encourage employees to apply for leave using Employee Self Service wherever possible.
Record Workers’ Compensation Certificates – record Certificates of Capacity over the vacation period
Process outstanding leave entries – record and process any outstanding leave entries through ESS, MSS or EDM.
Recruitment Reminders
Complete the Hire/Rehire of any staff as appropriate – remember to include the banking and taxation details. For fixed term teacher positions ensure the correct end date is used on eduPay – refer to the Fixed Term Teacher Vacancy Ready Reckoner on HRWeb. The Employment Task List should be used to assist in the hire/rehire process, available on HRWeb at: Recruitment in Schools
Note:Completion of the Employment in a Government School – Validation of Personal Information form is required for any newly employed person to confirm the personal information entered on ROL. Appointment action cannot be completed until the form and mandatory documentation is provided in order to ensure that the person is eligible to be employed in the teaching service.
Employment Offers.Ensure all employment offers for hire/rehires next term have been accepted in writing, the hire or rehire transactions have been completed on eduPay and the school’s copy of the employment offer is placed on the employee’s personnel file.
Check end dates for fixed term teachers. Ensure employment end dates for fixed term teachers include the appropriate school vacation period and request amendment if necessary from the Schools’ Recruitment Unit.
Promotion and Transfer of teachers and ESC employees.Ensure any promotions and transfers of ongoing employees have been processed and any documentation in relation to the promotion or transfer is placed on the personnel file.
Record Higher Duties. Ensure all higher duties forms for assignments commencing next term are approved by the Principal, processed on eduPay and a copy placed on the employee’s personnel file.
HRM Online 5-17, 20 June 20171