Equine Behavior History

Please answer the following questions and send this form (email/fax) back to me. I shall then call to arrange an appointment. Specific questions about the problem behavior(s) will be asked during your visit/telephone call.

General Information

Please circle the statement that best describes how you feel about your cat’s problem(s).

1. I am inquiring about the services, but the problem is not serious.
2. I would like to change the problem, but it is not serious.
3. The problem is serious and I would like to change it, but if it remains unchanged, I will live with the consequences.
4. The problem is very serious and I would like to change it, but if it remains unchanged I will keep my horse.
5. The problem is very serious and I would like to change it; if it remains unchanged I will have my horse euthanized or give him/her up.

Date: / ______
Recorder: / ______
Client's name: / ______/ Name of Horse: / ______
Address: / ______/ Breed: / ______
______/ Age: / ______
Zip Code / ______/ Sex: ______/ Color: ______
Home phone: / ______
Work/Day phone: / ______
Email Address / ______

Who is your regular veterinarian:

Dr. / ______
Clinic Name: / ______
Address: / ______
Phone: / ______
Fax: / ______

Behavior Problem

What is the main behavior problem or complaint?

Are there additional problems? If so, please list.

When did problem begin?

  1. When does horse misbehave? How often and under what circumstances?
  1. Has there been a change in the frequency of appearance of the problem?
  1. What has been done so far to correct the problem?

B. Horse's environment:

  1. Type of housing (stall, pasture, run-out shed)?
  1. Diet?
  1. Exercise (hrs per wk ridden, hrs per wk in paddock, type of bit used, martingale)?
  1. Other horses in environment and relations between horses (friendly, aggressive, neutral)?
  1. Other animals in environment?

C. Early history:

  1. Why was horse obtained? Is it still used for this purpose?
  2. Source of animal?
  3. Age at weaning?
  4. Age when obtained by present owner?
  5. Were there previous owners?
  6. Do related horses have similar problems?

D. Education:

  1. Age at halter training?
  2. Method of training to saddle or harness, age when training began?
  1. Other types of training methods?

driving / jumping / dressage / games / trail riding / cutting

E. Other behavior problems:

  1. Shying, how often and at what? Any other phobias?
  1. Head shy?
  2. Resentful of grooming?
  3. Aggression towards humans or animals (dogs, cats, cows, etc.)?
  4. Aggression toward other horses (threatens, strikes, bites, kicks, chases)?
  1. Misbehavior under saddle (circle appropriate behavior):

moves while rider mounts, / backs in harness, / bucks, / rears,
wants to lead or will only follow other horses, / runs away,
slow to leave and quick to return to barn, / hard to keep on right or left

7. Barn vices (circle appropriate one):

cribs, / chews wood, / paws, / kicks stall

8. Sexual behavior: excessive, inadequate, abnormal?

9. Maternal behavior: excessive, inadequate, abnormal?

F. Physical history

  1. Present medical problems?
  2. Past medical problems?
  3. Drug history?
  4. Results of diagnostic tests?

End of Questionnaire—Thank you!
