Job Ref: AP/Relief
JOB DESCRIPTIONEMPLOYER: Lancashire Probation Trust
LOCATION OF JOB: Preston, Blackburn and AccringtonApproved Premises
JOB TITLE: Relief Hostel Worker
JOB GRADE:NNC Point 28, £8.94 per hour
RESPONSIBLE TO:Approved Premises Manager
OTHER:Work is arranged on a rota system and may include shifts, bankholidays, weekend work, sleep-in duties and waking night duties. During sleep-in duties staff sleep at the hostel to be on hand in case of an emergency and additional payments will be made.
To be part of a team providing 24 hour cover of a hostel for offenders subject to statutory supervision or residence at hostel as a condition of bail. To contribute towards the achievement of hostel objectives and the provision of an effective service for the residents of the hostel.
- Day to day supervision of court orders and licences to which offenders are subject whilst living at the hostel.
- Provision of support and advice to residents including the involvement in programmes designed to assist residents either individually or in groups.
- Attendance at court as appropriate
- Undertaking day to day administrative tasks including handling and accounting of financial systems.
- Working co-operatively with other members of the staff team.
- Liaison with colleagues within the Probation Trust, other persons and agencies both voluntary and statutory, for the benefit and welfare of hostel residents.
- To seek to improve knowledge and expertise with regard to probation and residential work with offenders including the pursuit of training opportunities consistent with Lancashire Probation Trust policy on staff training.
- To perform other such duties which are commensurate with the responsibilities of the post.
This job description forms part of the contract of employment of the person appointed to the post. It reflects the position at the present time and should not be regarded as exclusive or exhaustive. There may be other duties and requirements at the same or lower responsibility level associated with this post.
Relief Hostel Worker
/ Team: / HostelsGrade: / NNC Point 28 / Date: / August 2010
Short-Listing Criteria / Essential/Desirable
(E/D) / Assessment Method
(How it will be measured whether a candidate meets the criteria)
- Experience in a residential or day care setting
- Knowledge of the criminal justice system
D / Application Form
Application Form
- Ability to work effectively as part of a team
- Computer Literacy
- The ability to challenge offending behaviour and exercise authority whilst maintaining a supportive manner
- Ability to maintain manual and computerised records
- Ability to deal with a variety of situations some of which may be challenging
- Ability to liaise with other agencies
- Numeracy Skills
- Driving Licence
- Demonstrate a good attendance record*
E / Application Form/Interview
Application Form
Application Form
Application Form/Interview
Application Form/Interview
Application Form
Application Form
Pre employment checks
* Lancashire Probation Trust has a target of no more than 9 days absence per employee per annum. Candidates who are offered a conditional offer of employment will, therefore, be required to demonstrate that this can be reasonably achieved by them detailing their absence record including dates and reasons for each period of absence over the last two years and by completion of a medical questionnaire and assessment by Occupational Health. Absences related to a one-off medical complaint, now resolved, e.g. operation and pregnancy-related illness will be disregarded in this assessment. Absences related directly to the DDA will also be disregarded.
This role is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Therefore there is a requirement for applicants and Jobholders to declare any previous criminal convictions or cautions regardless of whether or not they are spent. Lancashire Probation Trust will seek confirmation of criminal history from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before confirming the appointment of any person to this post.
This post requires the Jobholder to have an enhanced DBS check.