EMF of Additional Financing for Fujian Highway Sector Investment Project


Given the nature and small scale of the proposed civil works under the rural roads component of the project, a formal environmental assessment report is not considered necessary. However, as in most cases construction activities are going to be undertaken in rural areas there are likely to be some concerns relating to inconveniences or nuisances to surrounding areas during construction will require careful construction planning and management.Therefore,for the purpose of enhancing environment friendly measures and mitigating any adverse impacts caused by the construction activities, the rehabilitation and upgrading of rural roads funded under this project shall follow this Environmental Management Framework (EMF).

The implementation of the RRIP corroborated that no major environmental (and social issues). However, there is a need to improve project design and contractors’ performance, as well as supervision of construction activities. Main issues to address include:

  • The need to include adequate design of drainage systems: lateral drains, cross drains.
  • The need to include traffic and safety signs as part of project especially curves and intersections with other roads, and crossing of local communities.
  • The need to manage impacts from construction such as disposal of construction wastes, nuisances to communities (dust, noise);
  • The need to strengthen rural road maintenance planning and implementation, in participating townships to ensure the long-term sustainability of these roads.
  • The need to raise awareness among communities about protecting the roads and avoid obstructing drainage systems, disposal of trash and construction debris along the roads.

Project Description

The additional financing program would fund rehabilitation and improvements to rural roads only. No new rural roads will be financed under the program.

Typology of Eligible Rural Roads and Planning Horizon

Only rural road upgrading or rehabilitation projects will be eligible for financing. Construction of new rural roads will not be eligible for financing. Projects must meet the following definitions:

Upgrading: Improving road specifications. Most of the work is carried out on the existing platform or right of way.

  • Changing surface (gravel to pavement or asphalt)
  • Improving curves
  • Strengthening bridges

Rehabilitation of Roads: It consists of bringing existing deteriorated roads to previous/original conditions. All of the work is done on the existing platform or right of way. No additional land acquisition is needed. The following works are carried out during rehabilitation of roads:

  • improving drainage/slopes/embankments/other structures
  • Rehabilitate pavements
  • complete resurfacing/repaving
  • recuperating civil works

Potential Subproject Impacts

All projects involve changing the road surface to either asphalt or concrete. In a few cases, the width of the road is to be changed or expanded.Perhaps the only environmental concern for this project would be the management of construction related impacts. Contractor practices can cause readily visible environmental and aesthetic impacts especially from the inadequate disposal of construction wastes and earth cuts in the hilly areas of Fujian Province. The proper management of excavation materials, river and drainage crossings, and the reduction of nuisances such as dust, noise, increased traffic, pedestrian safety concerns, and the presence of a large work force in or near small rural communities, will necessitate careful engineering planning, closed supervision, and a continuous and intense community information program.

Purpose of the Environmental Management Framework (EMF)

The Environmental Safeguard Framework aims to establish some simple rules, procedures and institutional arrangements to be utilized under the AF with regard to identification, monitoring and mitigation of possible adverse environmental impacts with respect to the rehabilitation and upgrading of rural roads. All subprojects to be financed must (i) meet World Bank safeguard policy requirements; it provides guidance in the screening of subprojects for eligibility to receive funds from the program, and identifies additional information that may be needed to ensure compliance with WB Safeguards; (ii) meet minimum environmental design standards; and (iii) are implemented without creating unnecessary impacts on the environment or nuisances to communities during the construction works.

Components of the EMF

The framework includes:

Guidelines / Key features
1. / Screening criteria and application of relevant frameworks / Through simple criteria this screening identifies projects not eligible for financing or those that require the application of resettlement and ethnic minority frameworks
2. / Site checklist for improved design / Once a project is defined as eligible, the application of this checklist will identify additional environmental or social impacts and specific actions or mitigation measures to be included in the design or to be included as part of environmental specifications for contractors.
3. / Environmental specifications for contractors / Provides guidelines for the contractor to ensure all environmental impacts identified are avoided or mitigated through application of good engineering practices. This includes waste management, health and safety, borrow areas management, debris disposal etc.
4. / Site inspection checklist for improved supervision during construction / Provides guidelines for the onsite Engineer to ensure all environmental provisions laid out in the contract documents and Environmental specifications for contractors are implemented.
5. / Training and capacity building / Training will be provided on all aspects of sound engineer practices for engineers, contractors and supervisors including a component on community engagement for maintenance.
  1. Screening criteria and application of relevant frameworks. Projects involving new construction of rehabilitation within protected areas will not be eligible for financing. Projects involving land acquisition, relocation of houses will require the application of the Resettlement Framework. Projects in or near ethnic minority areas, will require the application of the Ethnic Minority Framework.

Criteria / Eligibility/Application of frameworks
Project involves new construction, substantial expansion of ROW / Not eligible for financing
Project is located in core areas of national or provincial protected areas / Not eligible for financing
Project will require land acquisition or relocation of households / Application of Resettlement Policy Framework
Project located in or near ethnic minorities, benefits ethnic minorities / Application of Ethnic Minority peoples development Framework
  1. Site checklist for improved design. Road designers will apply the proposed checklist and include recommendations in design or in environmental specifications for contractors. (Annex 1),
  2. Environmental specifications for Contractors: specifications for contractors will be included in the bidding documents and contracts. (Annex 2).
  3. Site inspection checklist for improved supervision during construction. A checklist to be followed by supervision engineers during routine inspection of road rehabilitation activities (Annex 3).
  4. Training: FPCD will be responsible for the training under the project.
  5. Environmental Completion Inspection Sheet. FPCD supervision group will carry out final check on environmental protection measures when inspecting project quality. (Annex 4)

Annex 1: Rural Road Screening Criteria Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to assess potential environmental and social impacts associated with project activities on a particular site. The findings can inform the FPCD of potentially sensitive projects that might merit further study to meet World Bank policy requirements.

Criteria / Yes/No / Description / Proposed Mitigations or Enhancements
Inside or close to a National Park (existing or planned), reserve, or area of high cultural value?
Are there vulnerable or endangered species (terrestrial or aquatic) in the area?
Are there natural habitats/ancient trees in the alignment?
If there are natural habitats, are they fragile, unique, and limited in size?
Are there wetlands, areas of saturated soils (permanent or temporary), or evidence of ponding (cracks, high clay content in soils, dead vegetation, water marks)?
Is the site already degraded (low groundwater, poor soil quality)?
Are there steep slopes?
Do people live close to the right of way?Site?
Are there existing land uses (ranching, farming)?
Is there existing site access (roads)?
Is the site vulnerable to natural hazards (in floodplain, seismic, wind?
Are there economic activities along the right of way (vendors)?
Are there known archaeological, historical or other cultural property?
Do indigenous peoples live on or near the site?
Physical Impacts
Are large excavation works planned? Will a large volume of soil be taken from off-site (quarries and borrow pits)?
Will the project generate an increase in solid wastes or machine wastes (oil, etc)?
Water Resource Impacts
Could it result in a modification of groundwater levels by altering flows, paving surfaces or increasing water extraction?
Could it affect groundwater quality?
Could it affect quality (through sediment, wastewater, storm discharge or solid waste) of nearby surface waters (lake, rivers, streams, irrigation canals)?
Will it affect water quantity in nearby waterbodies (lake, river, and stream)?
Are there nearby potable water sources that need to be protected?
Ecosystem Impacts
Could it affect natural habitats or areas of high ecological value?
Could it affect natural characteristics of adjacent or nearby sites?
Could it affect wildlife or natural vegetation? Ancient trees?
Drainage Impacts
Will storm water drainage affect existing drainage patterns?
Will it cause standing water, which could cause public health risks?
Will erosion result in sediment discharge to nearby water bodies?
Will surface drainage patterns be affected in borrow pits and quarries?
Will infiltration patterns be affected?
Socio-economic impacts
Will the project entail resettlement of population?
Will the project affect indigenous peoples?
Will it limit access to natural resources to local populations?
Will it have an impact on land use? Cultivation patterns
Are there any schools close to the right of way?
Will it cause any health impacts?
Will it disturb nearby communities during construction? Will there be any traffic safety issues during construction
Could cultural resources be affected?
Could it affect nearby properties?

Annex 2: Environmental Specifications for Contractors

The purpose of this document is to present a simplified EMP to be followed by Contractors in the upgrading, and rehabilitation of rural roads in Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China.

The project will include specific language in the construction and engineering supervision contracts which will address the need to implement and enforce aspects such as:

(i)Proper disposal of construction wastes and earth cuts in either landfills or sites approved by the environmental agency;

(ii)The collection and proper disposal of all spent oils and strict prohibitions regarding oil changes of machinery and equipment in the premises;

(iii)control of dust, noise and other nuisances during construction;

(iv)Traffic safety during construction specially in overcrowded areas;

(v)The need to inform neighbors about construction schedules;

(vi)The need for adequate sanitary facilities for workers during the construction period and proper disposal of collected wastes in accordance with the sanitation authorities;

(vii)The need to ensure that all landscape items are finalized in accordance with design before final acceptance of the building; and

(viii)All landscape re-vegetation will be done with native species.


Construction supervisor

The project supervision shall be implemented based on relevant regulations in Fujian.Large/medium bridges and tunnels shall be supervised publicly by qualified units. Class Ⅳroad rehabilitated or other rural road only hardening works can be supervised by a group of staffs from towns and villages who were trained by county (city, district) communications administration Bureaus.

The Supervisor will have the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure that the specifications are implemented in compliance with relevant Chinese legislation;
  • Assist the Contractor(s) in finding environmentally responsible solutions to problems
  • Review the implementation of mitigation and other environmental protection measures during upgrading, rehabilitation, including incorporation of environmental requirements into rehabilitation contracts, enforce other environmental management programs and conduct inspection of the upgrading/rehabilitation sites;
  • Consult and/or communicate to the local communities, project affected people, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders during the project to ensure them the full knowledge of the project progress, potential issues and mitigation actions, as well as to listen and respond to their concerns, suggestions and demands for environmental and community protection;
  • Order the removal of personnel and/or equipment not complying with EMP specifications;
  • Issue fines for transgressions of site rules and penalties for contravention of these specifications

The Contractor and Sub-Contractors

The Contractor, his sub-contractor and employees shall adhere to firstly try to minimize the impact that may result of the project activities and secondly, the mitigation measures set down in these specifications to prevent harm and nuisances on local communities and to minimize the negative impacts to the environment.

The duties of the Contractor and his Sub-Contractors include but not limited to:

  • Compliance with relevant environmental legislative requirements;
  • Work within the scope of contractual requirements and other tender conditions;
  • Organize representatives of the upgrading/rehabilitation team to participate in the joint site inspections undertaken by the Supervisor;
  • Carry out any corrective actions instructed by the Supervisor;
  • Provide and update information to the Supervisor regarding works activities which may contribute, or be continuing to the generation of adverse environmental conditions;
  • In case of non-compliances/discrepancies, carry out investigation and submit proposals on mitigation measures, and implement remedial measures to reduce environmental impact;
  • Stop upgrading/rehabilitation activities which generate adverse impacts upon receiving instructions from the Supervisor. Propose and carry out corrective actions and implement alternative rehabilitation method, if required, in order to minimize the environmental impacts;


The following information is intended solely as broad guidance to be used in conjunction with local and national regulations. These specifications must be complemented with the results of the environmental screening and environmental design checklists of steps 1 and 2 of the EMF. They can be also extended or simplified even further according to these findings. Before initiation of upgrading and rehabilitation activities, the Contractor shall present the Supervisor with an Upgrading/Rehabilitation Plan which explicitly states how he plans to abide by these specifications. After approval of such Plan by the Supervisor, rehabilitation activities can proceed.

Workforce and Site Installation


There are potential of the local available labor from the villages along the road that could participate in the project implementation activities. Priority shall be set by the Contactor(s) and sub-Contractor(s) to hire the local labor for the works. The Contractor shall take the following steps to maximize to use of the local labor:

  • Announcement for the position that local labor could participate in the works to every township and villages along the road and corresponding payment;
  • Provide work safety training to those local labors upon their hiring.

Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct shall be established to outline the importance of appropriate behavior, alcohol abuse, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Each employee shall be informed of The Code of Conduct and bound by it while in the employment of the Client or its Contractors. The Code of Conduct shall be available to local communities at the project information centers or other place easily accessible to the communities.

The Code of Conduct shall address the following measures (but not limited to them):

  • All of the workforce shall abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China;
  • Illegal substances shall be prohibited;
  • Pornographic material and gambling shall be prohibited;
  • Fighting (physical or verbal) shall be prohibited;
  • Creating nuisances and disturbances in or near communities shall be prohibited;
  • Disrespecting local customs and traditions shall be prohibited;
  • Smoking shall only be allowed in designated areas;
  • Maintenance of appropriate standards of dress and personal hygiene;

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct, or the rules, regulations, and procedures implemented at the construction camp will result in disciplinary actions.

Construction activities

Clearing the Right-of-Way

The Contractor shall ensure that vegetation is cleared only in right of way.

  • Whenever possible, communities should be allowed to benefit from cleared vegetation for firewood and other uses.
  • Trees should be cut in such a way that they fall longitudinally and not transversally to the right of way alignment. Extra care should be taken to avoid tress from falling down slope with potential risk for communities or traffic below.
  • The Contractor shall remove and store the organic layer of the soil to be used for re-vegetation and restoration of affected sites.

Natural Habitats

The contractor shall minimize impacts on the natural habitats.

  • Procurement of any kind of construction material (as quarry or borrow material) from within the natural habitat shall be strictly prohibited
  • No water resources within the natural habitat shall be tapped for road construction.
  • Use of mechanized equipment shall be kept minimum within the natural habitat. Contractor must ensure that there will be no parking of vehicles machine and equipment within the natural habitat.
  • Disposal of construction waste within the natural habitat shall be strictly prohibited and as far as possible reuse shall be undertaken.
  • Prohibit and prevent open fires during upgrading/rehabilitation and provide temporary firefighting equipment in the work areas, particularly close to forest areas;
  • No hunting, trapping, shooting, poisoning or otherwise disturbance of any fauna shall take place;
  • No domestic pets or livestock shall be permitted on site.
  • When required, animal crossings shall be constructed to help migration of animals;
  • The Contractor shall be responsible for informing all employees about the need to prevent any harmful effects on natural vegetation on or around the rehabilitation site as a result of their activities;
  • The construction shall be carefully scheduled to reduce the construction period and the blasting operation, so as to minimize the disturbance to the wildlife.