Order No V-226 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania of 11 November 2014

(as revised by Order No V-213 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania of 15 September 2017)

(Recommended form)



______20 ____

Name of the state or municipal authority or institution of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as “the Authority”):
Official support granted to development in 20 ____:
  1. Bilateral support to development cooperation of EUR [enter the amount];
  2. Multilateral support to development cooperation of EUR [enter the amount];
  3. Humanitarian aid of EUR [enter the amount].
Total of EUR [enter the amount].
1. Provision of bilateral support to development
Partner country (-ies):
Area(s) of cooperation:
Monetary funds allocated by the Authority, EUR (indicate separately for each partner country and in total):
2.Provision of multilateral support to development
The fund, international organisation, or international financial institution carrying out development cooperation activities, to which the funds have been allocated (also indicate the purpose of payment where available):
Monetary funds allocated by the Authority, EUR (indicate each contribution or payment separately and in total):
3. Provision of humanitarian aid
The fund, international organisation, or international financial institution, state or local authority or institution of another country providing or coordinating humanitarian aid, to which the funds have been allocated (with indication of the country / humanitarian crisis to which the aid is to be provided as well as the area to which the aid is to be provided (where available). If the aid has been provided in property items, list them and indicate their value in EUR):
Brief characteristic of the activities for the provision of bilateral support to development (indicate the activities, results achieved, and lessons learned and provide proposals on the continuity and/or efficiency improvement of the activities carried out):
Transfer of assets owned by the state or municipality, which was used by the Authority under the right of trust, intended for development cooperation activities (if any) (indicate the international organisation, state or local authority or institution of another country, or public legal entity of another country at the reasoned request whereof the assets were transferred; provide the name of the assets, characteristic of the assets, purpose of use of the assets, and conditions of use of the assets (where available)):
Additional information (if any)


(Position of the head of the Authority (signature) (full name)

or his authorised person)