Polka Theatre Drama Workshops
Emergency Contact Sheet
Name of workshop______
Name of Child ______Date of Birth ______
Please note that if your child is too young for the workshop then we do reserve the right to refuse admittance to the workshop.
Name of Parent/Carer______
Address ______
London Borough ______
School or Nursery Attended______
Email ______
Home phone number ______
Emergency Phone Number (Mobile/work) ______
Other contact numbers ______
Name 2 alternative adults who are authorised to collect your child:
Is there any other information that will help us to provide the best tuition for your Child?
For all holiday workshops, we provide juice and biscuits, please inform us of any allergies we should be aware of:
Please indicate whether you are happy to give consent for your child to be videoed/photographed.
I hereby consent for my child to be photographed or videoed by Polka Theatre and or other parents/carers of children attending workshops. I understand that the photographs may be displayed at the theatre or used in marketing material and printed in publications, but only in connection with Polka Theatre. My child will not be named in any such photographs.
Signed Parent/Carer ______Date______
If you do not give your permission, then please provide a detailed description of your child in particular what they are wearing so that they can be deleted out of any photograph they appear in.
Monitoring Form
In order for us to ensure that we provide equality of opportunity in all that we do, it is necessary for us to record information about everyone who takes part in our activities. This information will be used for Polka’s own monitoring purposes only and will not be passed on to any third party.
Male Female
Ethnic Background
WhiteBritish Asian or Asian British Indian
Irish Bangladeshi
Eastern European Pakistani
Other White Background Other Asian background
...... ……......
MixedWhite & Black Caribbean Black or Black British Caribbean
White & Black African African
White & Asian Other Black background
Other mixed background ...... Other background …………………………….
Is English your child’s second language?Yes No
Please tick the box that closely matches the religion of your child
AgnosticHindu Rastafarian
AtheistHumanist Sikh
Baha’i Jain Zoroastrian
Buddhist Jewish None
Christian Muslim Other
Does your child have a disability or special needs?Yes No
If yes, you may elaborate here: ......