Embedded Assessment 2.2


Today you will be working on the pre-writing for embedded assessment 2.2. By completing the following activities, you will be preparing your thoughts for use on the essay tomorrow. You will be able to utilize this packet while constructing your essay, so be sure to be as thorough as possible in the completion of the activities in order to be prepared to hit the ground running!


1.Review the stories in the second half of Unit 2.

2.Determine the central theme and main argument for each story.

3.Write a one sentence summary of the theme and main argument for each story.


A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.

Pre-Writing Activity: First

"Time to Assert American Values"

Argument: ______

"Rough Justice"

Argument: ______

"On Civil Disobedience"

Argument: ______

"On Surrender at Bear Paw Mountain"

Argument: ______

"On Women's Right to Vote"

Argument: ______

"School's Out for Summer"

Argument: ______

"One Word of Truth Outweighs the World"

Argument: ______

"Hope, Despair and Memory"

Argument: ______

"Diners Should Pay Attention to Workers Not Just Food"

Argument: ______

Pre-Writing Activity:Next

  1. Compile a list of the big issues behind each of the arguments. These will be examples of "issues that resonate across cultures."
  1. What are some other issues that could resonate across cultures? Add to the list.







Pre-Writing Activity: After Composing List

  1. Choose 2 issues from the list. For each, pick a side or propose a solution.

*This will likely become the claim of your argument.

  1. Issue 1: ______
  2. Issue 2: ______
  1. Determine how you will support your argument.
  2. What evidence will you use?


  1. What rhetorical appeals will make?


Pre-Writing: Final Thoughts

Reflect on the arguments in the second half of Unit 2.

  1. Which three arguments (stories) do you feel were the most effective?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. What elements can you take from these arguments to make your argument more effective?


  1. Your argument will need to conclude with a "call to action." This means you will have to determine something that we can or should do in response to our argument.What were the calls to action for each of the stories?
  1. "Time to Assert American Values"


  1. "Rough Justice"


  1. "On Civil Disobedience"


  1. "On Surrender at Bear Paw Mountain"


  1. "On Women's Right to Vote"


  1. "School's Out for Summer"


  1. "One Word of Truth Outweighs the World"


  1. "Hope, Despair and Memory"


  1. "Diners Should Pay Attention to Workers Not Just Food"


FINALLY: Choose 1 the arguments from the stories provided to write about in class tomorrow.