Minutes of 53rd AIAA SDM

Materials Technical Committee Meeting

Date/time: Tuesday April 9, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Boston MA

Number of Attendees: 25 (16 members)

Gary Seidel, Vice Chair / Terrisa Duenas
Steve Wanthal, Secretary / Vinu Unnikrishnan
John Matlik / Wenbin Yu
Samit Roy / Joseph Koo
Michel Berdoyes (guest) / Rajiv Naik
Antonio Avila / Kunigal Shivakumar
Virginie Rollin (guest) / Bhavani Sankar
Ajit Kelkar / Evan Pineda
Dave Furrer (guest) / Steve Arnold
Mark Spearing / Harry Millwater (guest)
Dale Ball (guest) / Tracy Copp (guest)
Rani Sullivan (guest) / Dickson Lao (guest)
Merle Giles (guest)

1.  Gary Seidel led the meeting in Greg Odegard’s absence. Greg was unable to travel back to the US for this meeting. Chair duties are handed over to Gary Seidel at the end of tonight’s meeting. Steve Wanthal will be the new Vice Chair and John Matlik is the new Secretary.

2.  Gary welcomed new members of the Materials TC including Steve Arnold, Evan Pineda, Michael Sangid, Veera Sundararaghavan, Vinu Unnikrishnan

3.  Gary reviewed the TC photo roster. Several photos are still missing, members are asked to send their photo to Gary Seidel for inclusion.

4.  Minutes from the April 2012 meeting were discussed and approved.

5.  Dave Furrer briefed ICME coursework under development. ICME is part Materials discipline issue, part Manufacturing and part Design. There is an ASME group that put together a one-day course on ICME which is proposed to be offered alongside the SciTech meeting next January. It has been held alongside other conferences. Includes information on materials simulations, process simulation, and how these are rolled together to assess on a component level. Students get all course materials and an ASM Intl member discount price on the handbooks for ICME. John M: we as a TC would need to endorse this for the next conference. John would need to create and submit paperwork to AIAA to be approved. Gary: there is a question about the fee the student pay, part goes to AIAA and part goes to the instructor(s). If we have this type of course or other types of courses, it could be a way for the TC to raise money to pay for things like a Student Paper award. Other TC’s do something similar where the instructors donate their fee to teaching to the TC. Dave F: we have done that before and would do that again. Normally the instructors ask for free entrance to the conference in return for teaching but will donate their fee. So that could likely be arranged. We want to promote ICME at venues like AIAA. The 2nd World Conference on ICME is being held this summer in Salt Lake City. ASM Intl has been initiating a Computational Materials Data Network to bring together information associated with computational materials. This is another area where ASM would like to reach out to the AIAA community to learn what types of data we’d like to see in such a data network. Gary: are we in agreement to support this course? TC voted and there was unanimous approval to put this course forward for SciTech conference 2014.

6.  Gary gave a briefing on preparations for this SDM. We have 107 abstracts submitted vs 118 for the Hawaii conference (only 77 were submitted for Denver in 2011). In total there were 690 abstracts and 88% acceptance ratio. 14 abstracts were rejected and 17 were withdrawn. This left a total of 69 presentations planned (3 no-shows thus far). There were 24 student abstracts of which 15 became papers. There were 383 reviews assigned and 322 completed (84%). All abstracts had 3 or more reviews which is better than in the past. 25 out of 30 TC members participated in reviews. Other stats include

·  15 sessions

·  2 Panel sessions approved

·  6 regular sessions

·  9 special sessions (Nanostructured Materials, ICME, Multifunctional Materials, Multiscale Modeling of Damage in Composites, Digital Twin, Digital Twin concept panel, ICME and Materials Genome panel)

·  8 five-paper sessions

·  1 six-paper session

·  6 seven-paper sessions

7.  About 8 people have been moved to “Alumni” status on the TC

8.  Monica Jacinto is representing the TC at the student paper judging. Several people pitched in to review the 15 submitted student papers (require min 3 per paper): Joe Koo, Prasad Potluri, Wenbin Yu, Vinu Unnikrishnan, Bhavani Shankar, Bil Bhat, Pascal Hubert, Monica Jacinto, Dave Powell (Dave actually reviewed all the papers). There are 6 slots for the 9 TCs so not all TC’s get a paper into the finals and we have missed the last couple years but this year have one that went forward. Structures TC gets two extra slots because they have 2 special awards they give out. This is normally a hard thing to get reviews on because we only get about a week before the reviews are due.

9.  Gary brought up the topic of getting funds to have a Materials TC award. The Structures TC has corporate sponsorship or individuals who have sponsored an award. Other TC’s teach courses and donate the proceeds to the award fund. Joe K: if we get the materials book published then the authors intend to donate all the proceeds to the award pot. Samit: could we get funds from AIAA to pay for developing a short course? Possibly, Gary would have to check. John M: sounds like we may get the proceeds from the ICME course towards an award fund.

10.  John Matlik gave an update on planning for the 2014 SciTech conference. It will be in National Harbor, MD which is very near Washington DC. Dates will be 13-17 January 2014. Runs Monday – Friday noon and 45 parallel sessions are planned. There will also be parallel keynote sessions. The website is open for abstracts already.

11.  Basic SciTech structure will be an executive steering committee, then a forum organizing committee and technical program committees. Steering committee chair will be John Evans from Lockheed Martin. The 2014 themes will be

·  Designing for affordability

·  Aerospace education reform

·  R&D policy implications & investments

12.  David Throckmorton (Northrop) will chair the Forum Organizing Committee. Robbie Robertson will lead the Aerospace Sciences part, Carlos Cesnik will lead the Aerospace Design and Structures part which includes the 55th AIAA SDM. John Matlik is our TC rep.

13.  Looks like there will be room for 405 technical sessions in total. Actual sessions at the 2013 meetings which are not consolidated into SciTech totaled 478 sessions so there will be less space than before with a potential 15% reduction in available sessions to our TC.

14.  John reviewed the timeline for planning. John has to propose our special sessions by May 15th. Abstract submission deadline will be June 5. Abstract reviews must be completed by 1 July with the usually minimum of 3 reviews per abstract. Abstract requirements will be the same in terms of content and length. Authors will be notified by mid-August.

15.  Special sessions: Samit will check on continuing the nanostructured materials. Kunigal and Teresa will help. Steve Wanthal, Gary Seidel and Evan Pineda will continue the multiscale modeling of damage in composites session. Joe Koo will work on a special session for Additive Manufacturing. Ed may want to continue the Digital Twin. John Matlik will continue the ICME special session.

16.  John M: AFRL has a large program on verification and validation of ICME models. There is a significant initiative in this area. Out of that, Southwest Research is putting together a course on the subject which may be a candidate for another course at the 2014 SciTech conference. It could include collaboration with the nondeterministic analysis group. John Matlik and Joe Koo will coordinate and get back to the TC with more details.

17.  Gary reviewed Biliyar Bhat’s slides on the Materials book since Bil was not able to attend. Work is about 95% complete. Internal review and editing are underway. Issues/Concerns include clearance of the chapters for export, finding SMEs to review and working with authors to resolve any issues. Goal is to complete the internal review by July 2013, complete first draft by August and submit to AIAA by Sept 2013. AIAA’s timetable to complete their review and publish is TBD.

18.  Ed was unable to get our article into Aerospace America, there was an issue with Ed being unable to submit the article without NASA approval, even though it was not authored by NASA people. This wasn’t a problem in the past. We found someone else to submit it to AIAA but did not get there in time to be published.

19.  Second annual TC meeting. We have in our bylaws to meet twice per year. After some discussion it was decided to have a telecon in the late July timeframe which will be good timing to update status on SciTech planning. Gary will set up a teleconference.

20.  Other Business: Gary already talked about getting some funds to start a Materials TC award. He is also looking for remaining photos for the TC photo roster. We have some room to add more members, and Intl members do not count against our headcount limit. Gary urges everyone to look at the other TC’s Sharepoints to get some ideas what we might be able to do within our group.

21.  Kathleen Atkins and Carlos Cesnik reported on what’s happening with the TAC. Carlos will be the SDM general chair for SciTech 2014. How much will registration fee be? Carlos is not sure yet but would expect it to be similar to current SDM registration fees. Given the travel restrictions on the government, it’s likely it may increase do to expectation of reduced attendance. Awards luncheons? There will be more than one and attendees will likely get to choose one to attend. What is the advantage of a bigger event? Looking at 4000+ attendees. Cost of doing the event per capita will be less than our current set of conferences. Most current conferences lose money because they are small but the cost to organize is still there. The conference proceeds are going down so if we continue on the same path then we will be losing money overall even with the bigger conferences breaking even. What changes should we expect? Carlos: the breadth of areas covered will be larger so people can take advantage of that or focus only on the traditional topics. We’re really not sure how many abstracts to expect given the travel restrictions some are under. There may be fewer slots requiring more selectivity in the abstracts. There are also some issues with keynotes. We may not be able to easily extend the abstract deadline as in the past. ASM normally does not extend deadlines so there will be pressure for SDM to follow suit.

22.  SciTech 2015 will be held in San Diego, then Orlando in 2016 and Grapevine TX in 2017.

23.  Some discussion that we need to reinstate an Awards subcommittee to work the issue of creating a plan to fund a Materials TC paper award.

24.  On behalf of Greg Odegard, Gary closed the meeting at 9:30PM