CSc 1010 Term project (HTML Project)

Where to set up your webpage at GSU?

The GSU web space of all students is located in the h:\public_html if you logon a computer on the campus. Please create a folder named public_html if you don't find this folder. You can also use FTP client software to access this folder in other places.

  1. Host Name: or
  2. ID and password: your id and password to login computers in GSU
  3. Directory or folder: public_html. You can add a folder named public_html using Add folder if you don't find this folder.
  4. You are able to access this web page:

(YOURID is the ID you use it to login computers in GSU)


Choose any subject that interests you and is suitable for presentation in class.

Project Requirements:

  1. File name of home page must be index.html
  2. Web pages must have:

·  The Website should have at least 5 pages that can be reachable from main page or any other pages.

·  Language: HTML. You can use a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad to write code.

·  Don’t use softwares like Frontpage, Dreamweaver to build your site.

·  The project should at least include the following HTML language features:

o Different headings

o  Different titles

o  Images (at least 2)

o  Different font styles (at least 2)

o  Use background images/colors

o  Hyper links to refer to other Web pages or different section in the webpage (at least 3).

o  One table (at least 2 rows, 2 columns)


- Upload all web pages to your GSU student account (H:\public_html\). Write an email to the TA () and include:

§  your URL in the email

§  and attached zip file of the project(the TA could use the zip file in case the student account does not work).

NO late submission will be accepted.

Grading policy:

1. Overall design 20 %

---enough information about the topic

---looks comfortable

2. Use of HTML Language features 70 %

---required above

3. HTML Code 10%

Suggested Topics:

Choose a topic. Either type is ok.

Type 1:
One of your major courses / ·  Basic information about the course: title, time, address, instructor, textbook, brief introduction
·  Slides or lectures(instructor’s page or other school’s page)
·  Tutorial or research
(good books, famous people, top journals related to the course.
Give several example are ok)
Type 2:
your favorite topic related to major
(through the link find your major and hot research topics of your major ) / ·  Title
·  History
·  Good books(at least three)
·  Various discussions or opinions about the topic
·  Within recent 10 years,
famous people, top institutions, top universities, top journals in this field
Type 3:
Your personal webpage for looking for a job. / ·  Introduce yourself
·  Your resume
·  Your experience of trips, activities and so on.

Note: you may choose other topics, after discussing that with the Instructor.