Learning Management System

RFP # 171803


Issued By: Anthony Talbert

Beverly Hills Unified School District

Beverly Hills, Ca 90212

310-551-5100 ext 2334

310 556-4319 Fax

The clarifications, modifications, changes, additions, and/or deletions contained herein shall be incorporated within the Request for Proposal for the project. Such information shall take precedence over that previously published.

Please acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1in your proposal submittal. Failure to do so, may subject proposer to disqualification.

RFP Modification # 1




Section 2 Submittal Requirements

Original / Location / Edit
Exhibit L - Sample Agreement
Exhibit K - Submittal Package / Page 1-2 [Exhibits] / Exhibit K - Submittal Package
Exhibit L - Sample Agreement
Include Exhibit K – Sample Agreement under Tab 15 of Exhibit K – Submittal Package. / Page 22 / Include Exhibit L – Sample Agreement under Tab 15 of Exhibit K – Submittal Package.


The following documents have been renamed appropriately.

Original / Edit
Exhibit K – Sample Agreement.docx / Exhibit L – Sample Agreement.docx
Exhibit L – Submittal Package.docx / Exhibit K – Submittal Package.docx

The following documents have been edited appropriately.

Document / Location / Original / Edit
Exhibit H - Sandbox 2 - Evaluation.docx / Page 1 [Title] / Exhibit D / Exhibit H
Exhibit K – Sample Agreement.docx / Page 1 [Title] / Exhibit H / Exhibit L

Question #1

Kindly arrange to provide us with the below information on Clever instant in order to prepare the sandbox:

  • CleverClientID
  • CleverClientSecret
  • CleverTokenURLAuth
  • CleverUserInfoURL
  • CleverSchoolID

Answer #1

We will not provide Clever details at this time. Once we receive proposals and the proposal due date has ended we will work with vendors to configure and test sandbox once process reaches that phase of the RFP process.

Question #2

As mentioned in the RFP: “Please provide database administrator account. This account will be used by the District to determine the connection capabilities between the LMS and Aeries”. Kindly advise if its mandatory to provide BHUSD with a database administrator accountand incase it wasn’t provided will it cause a disqualification.

Answer #2

We will need some type of account to adequately test sandboxes. After receipt of proposals from Vendors the District may reach out to Vendor for clarification of information provided in proposal. Vendor will not be disqualified if account is not provided at time of proposal but a note should be added letting the District know that the required access will be available to properly test sandbox upon request.

Question #3

(cell#9) Supports the ability to technologically enhance test questions where the user can interact with the question, scenarios or testing environment. please elaborate more

Answer #3

Teachers can assign questions that can be answered in a variety of ways – multiple answers rather than just one correct multiple choice, highlight correct passages, annotate or draw on maps or other images to show answer, have audio/video recorded answers, can have short answer, short essay answers potentially all within the same assessment. Students might also be assessed outside of class asynchronously or synchronously in class.

Question #4

(cell#21) Student driven peer based assessments (with the ability to remain anonymous) please elaborate more

Answer #4

Students create, edit and assess project-based learning or alternative assessments such as websites, essays, student videos, robots, etc.

Question #5

(cell#27) Ability to automatically configure user role-based authorization using feeds from District SIS and HR systems. Please advise what is the used HR system

Answer #5

This is related to integration with existing District authentication systems to automatically create user accounts and further assign roles to these accounts automatically based on some type of logic. The LMS will not utilize the HR system for account creation. Please refer to the Exhibit F for further details about the District integration methods.

Question #6

(cell#36) Link directly to other course areas and portals (ability to include events from Google calendar). please elaborate more

Answer #6

Can users utilize 3rd party programs seamlessly within the LMS structure rather than linking to those same programs by going outside the LMS structure. For example, when accessing Google calendar, is it an integral part of the LMS or will it link outside of the LMS program to G-Suite?

Question #7

(cell#47) Support for course management tools for the instructor to control the progression of an online class through the course material. Support for creating and managing courses via an automated method (e.g. CSV, API, Database) is required. please elaborate more on the mentioned automated methods, in addition please advise if you need to access the database to manage the courses

Answer #7

We will need direct access to the database to manage courses IF the desired integration automation is functioning as expected. District staff will not manage this database but rather this will be configured through the automation. Please refer to Exhibit F for further integration details.

Question #8

(cell#82) Synchronous chat with transcripts and logs please elaborate more

Answer #8

When users utilize the email/discussion/chat/social media/forum functions, will there be a way that IT and users can access the communication interactions for verification and substantiation purposes on multiple levels, from the teacher to verify submission of student work, to the parent to verify communication, to the administration to substantiate digital citizenship charges.

Question #9

(cell#61) Must support learner customization in terms of access to the system itself, learning content, assignments and evaluation of classwork, in addition to the features listed in listed in the scope of work please elaborate more

Answer #9

Instructor must be able to differentiate and customize student instruction in terms of synchronous and asynchronous learning, multiple varieties of assignments, auto-graded and teacher-graded work, teacher-paced and student-paced learning, be able to pull from a variety of content sources (publishers, OER, YouTube, etc). This might be for multiple classes simultaneously, for multiple assignments, multiple students or for singles. For example, an assignment might be assigned to just 3 students spread across 5 classes – can this be accomplished within your LMS?

Question #10

(cell#111) This security environment must be approved by the BHUSD please elaborate more

Answer #10

Is the digital environment within your LMS secure and compliant to our District security policies? BHUSD IT Department will review the secure environment as well.

Question #11

(cell#112) The security system for all information stored, transmitted or processed by the vendor must comply with all applicable District information security policies, such as the District Acceptable Use Policy. Please provide us with District information security policies

Answer #11

All other items of the bid remain the same.

End of Addendum #2