Class Code:GQF11SMC and MEF41 Subject:Algebra I ( Common Core) Term: Summer 2016 Teacher: Mrs. Montoya

Email: Phone (718) 937-6005 Ext 114 Website:

  1. Course goals & objectives

Algebra I is the first math common core course designed for high school students and it is given in four semesters. Students will learn basic number sense, mathematical operations and will continue to prepare for both the New York State Regents exam in Algebra I (Common Core) and for further work in future math classes. The language of math is especially important since it is means by which the concepts and skills of the subject are communicated. Understanding the concepts and skills of integrated algebra is extremely important for future success in mathematics.

2. Suggested Materials:

  • Binder
  • Notebook Paper (College Ruled) and graph paper preferably.
  • Pencil and Eraser, Different color Pens, Ruler
  • Calculator

3. Course Requirements & Expectations

·Lateness & Absences

Please attend class every day. No more than three absences will be tolerated during summer school. You are responsible for the Notes and Homework for the dayYou are absent. If you know in advance you are going to be absent on a quiz or test day, inform Mrs. Montoya to make arrangements. Otherwise, bring a written excuse the next day you return to class.

·Binder’s sections:

1-Notes with hand outs (Aim #, Do Now, Examples, and Practice);


3. Quizzes, Exams, and extra credit;

Your Binder will be checked a couple of times during the summer school.


Respect yourself (coming to class on time and prepared to learn);

Respect the teacher (following directions, listening, using respectful language); Respect other students (using respectful language, no making fun); and

Respect school property (taking care of books, desks, calculators and other school property).

No food, hats and use of any type of electronic device are allowed in class.


Homework will be given, revised and evaluated on a dailybasis .Make sure you write your name, date and show all your work, not only final answers. Assignments will be graded for effort.Work needs to be shown for each problem to receive credit.

·Exams and Quizzes

You will have an exam every week during the summer school. There will be no make-up exams unless you bring an official excuse. If you are absent and do not bring an official excuse, you will receive a grade of zero which can have a great impact on your final grade.

There will be both announced and unannounced Quizzes. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in a zero grade.

·Class participation

Students will receive extra credit for full participation if they are on time, have all their supplies for class, and demonstrate on-task behavior.

·Bathroom/Hallway Pass

The pass will never be given out the first and last 10 minutes of the periodand use the bathroom log to record the time you are out. Also, it is extremely important to be in class paying attention while I introduce the topic. I strongly recommend limiting the use of the pass in case of emergency only.

4. Themes & Topics

Foundations de Algebra: Signed Numbers, Exponents, Equations

Properties of Numbers, Polynomials, Problems involving Linear equations.

5. Assessment Policy

·Homework (30%)

·Exams/Quizzes (30%)

·Notebooks/Class Participation (20%)

Attendance and class participation( 20%).

6. Closing statement to parents & students

Please make sure that your child does their math homework. You may contact me at any time if you have any concerns. Students will do homework, use teacher’s website as it is mentioned above, as well as use the textbook.

Students and parents may contact me at any time at r at (718) 937-6005 extension 114.

Please sign the syllabus and keep it in student’s binder for further reference.

Student’s name:______

Student’s Cell phone number:______

Parent’s name:______

Parent’s Cell phone number:______