Elm Road Primary School – Governors Meeting

Date: 27th April 2015
Membership: Richard Edwards, Graham Lockwood, Angela White, Chris Venables, Stephen Malkin, James West, Mark Godfrey, Susie Moore, Adrian Burton & Jane Laws (Clerk)
Apologies: Gavin Plume
Question / Main points discussed
Apologies and Declaration of Interest: No declaration was declared.
Minutes of Meeting 16th March and matters arising.
AB asked how the new sensory room is progressing. GL explained the new sensory projector was excellent and more purchases are necessary to complete the room. Once finished GL will show to governors.
MG asked about the governor recruitment drive. SM outlined some changes that will occur later in the year and reported the need to keep recruitment at the forefront of our minds.
SM & GL had met with the SFA to set the budget.
SM presented the budget to the governing body and explained how the figures were calculated. This included an overview of the previous years spending and the carry forward that was roughly 8% of last years budget. Each budget heading was covered in detail. Once agreed, a print out of the budgetary control report will be handed to governors at the next meeting.
Governors toured the classrooms to look at the class displays this term. GL asked for votes to be handed in to JL by the end of the meeting.
Academy Status
SM reminded governors that two years much information gathering had taken place regarding the benefits of becoming an academy. Various sponsors had been spoken to and schools visited. He felt it was time a decision was made by the governing body.
The pros and cons of academy status were discussed at length and the general feeling was that it would be more advantageous for the school to chose a sponsor itself rather than be given one. It was felt that the time was right to make the move. SM proposed and JW seconded that the school seek academy status.
A long discussion took place about the preferred choice of sponsor. Realistically it was a choice between The Brooke Weston Trust and The Elliott Foundation. Governors outlined the information they had gathered on both sponsors including their performance and financial position. It was recognised that it was important to choose the one that would best suit Elm Road School. A vote was taken on whether to go with Brooke Weston or the Elliott Foundation.
JW asked the views of the staff. GL reported that there was obviously nervousness about the degree of change and the irrevocable nature of the decision. He had met with staff and explained that he felt the impact would be a positive one and provide the school with good support. SM agreed that he would meet all staff at an appropriate time.
JW asked was there a set date that academies become active. GL replied that it could happen at any time of year.
GL stated that it is a Dfe preference this year that independent observers should be present during the administration of Year 6 SATs and it would be helpful if governors would be able to spare some time to help. This would also give governors a good insight into Year 6 SATs. Governors were asked to let JL know of any availability.
SM circulated the Audit of Governing Body Effectiveness and asked governors to return it filled in.
SM asked if governors wished to continue subscribing to CCC governor services.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm.
/ Action
Agreed and signed as a true record
The budget was agreed unanimously
The proposal was unanimously agreed
It was unanimously agreed to approach the Elliott Foundation.
GL to approach Elliott
It was unanimously agreed to renew the subscription.
Dates of future meetings / Comments
Monday 18th May at 7.00pm.

Signature of Chair ...... Date ...... Page