Outcomes of Table-Talk discussion on anti-bullying @ Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership Summer Conference

27 June 2007

The Power of Partnership - multi-agency approaches to a key children and young people’s issue: Bullying / 02
Table Talk : Enjoyment and Participation SCoG / 05
Table Talk : Learn and Achievement SCoG / 07
Table Talk : Safe from Harm SCoG / 09
Table Talk : Healthy and Active SCoG / 11
CYP Vision Statement / 13
Communication ideas / 14


Please identify what you are already doing in your professional practices to prevent/ address bullying [policy and practice]

Service and organisational support already in place
  • Safeguarding in place in Health and Inspire Youth Programme
  • Hospital Youth Work project
  • Information board in hospital
  • Open access Info Shop in town centre; satellite in Community First areas
  • Young People have written anti-bullying policy within Youth Forum – includes sanctions – used personal experience
  • Careers Wales-various programmes in place – Youth Gateway, Go for It, One to One
  • Child Protection Service with clear support mechanisms in place
  • CAB parent/partnership
In [some] schools already
  • Bully Box (Ysgol Clywedog)
  • Nurse for those with learning disabilities based in St. Christopher’s
  • DarlandSchool - Information Outreach and Sexual Health Info dealing with relationship issues
  • A number of High schools have shared agency meeting structure in place
  • NSPCC counselling in schools
  • SAP learning coaches and assessors in schools
  • Mentoring – includes bullying issues
  • Developing “Buddying”
  • Bitesite theatre workshop activities in schools
  • Peer Education group
  • Circle Time and Babble Time
  • PST, one per month, interesting session on bullying in school (what is PST?? Jan)
Anticipated or suggested approaches
  • Secondary Schools’ Youth Worker from September – funding should be secured
  • “Spy Programme” in operation in other areas – 6th formers protecting you – Youth Service wish to roll out
  • YP website after September
  • Proposed ‘Youth Parliament’
  • CAMHS looking to develop service for 5-11 year olds with conduct disorders- help families with bullying
  • Anticipated - Flying Start working with any home issues
  • Transport – reduce double-deckers, increase number of seats available for safety, and use CCTV
Concerns and suggestions
  • Zero Tolerance
  • Scrutiny of LA policies
  • Common definition of “bullying”
  • Need different ways to explain to those with disabilities
  • Teachers fear some of the bullying is done within the family and outside of schools
  • Looked After Children make complaints, but it seems to be accepted “that it happens to them”
  • Governors tend to minimise bullying outside of school

Please share and record any examples you have of working across agencies/teams to consolidate anti bullying approaches

  • Local Safeguarding Children Board available to schools, agencies and partner organisations
  • Involvement in anti-bullying events
  • Prevention group work in YOS/Youth Service – targeted approach, easier to manage
  • CMB involvement , good links with schools and communities
  • Local Authority CYP Service - multi-agency approach
  • CYP now joined up for better services
  • School-based nurses
  • School Councils visit each other
  • Free-standing nurseries, eg. Caia
  • Youth workers involved in Community First areas
  • Transition projects successful, but not in all schools due to lack of funding
  • YOS have CAMHS worker/PMH worker
  • Network of Youth Fora

In what ways could we further extend this collaborative process/practice? How do we get started?

  • Need one person to be responsible – currently many people involved, so no-one is responsible or accountable
  • Evaluate accessibility of services
  • Evaluation is essential and sharing best practices would be very good
  • Identify and disseminate good practice
  • AVOW volunteering opportunities for YP
  • Engage with YP to develop sanctions
  • Ask YP if earlier GSCE options would help to guide them better
  • Anti-bullying week for high profile
  • TAC development
  • Local Safeguarding Children Board inviting CYP Partnership to deliver presentation re: existing child protection policies in place
  • Further continuous professional development opportunities for other sectors

Evaluating practice is crucial. Please list any ideas or tried examples of evaluating collaborative working you have which we could use for anti bullying approaches.

  • There is a hospital Youth Service collaborative project which is being evaluated – model available?
  • IEPs to be linked?
  • Pupil support at Darland
  • Service Directory
  • Family Learning Pilot at Ysgol Heulfryn


Enjoyment and Participation SCoG:

Table Talk Questions

  1. Are you happy that the proposed membership of the ScoG (pg. 27 of ToR doc) is representative of all key stakeholder groups? If you feel there are any organisations/ groups that could make a contribution which have been missed out, please note them in the space below.
Suggested additional representation
  • Should be evenly balanced – adults and young people
  • Elected Member representative
  • NYAS – is part their role (ie. participating)
  • Economic Development representative
  • Involvement of socially excluded CYP
  • YP from voluntary sector
  • Headteachers and primary teachers representative
  • Family Centre representative
  • Early Years, WASH
  • Head of Service (???)
Other comments re. membership
  • Need good robust lines of development in and out of SCoGs
  • Some people are required to attend too many SCoGs, could they meet that commitment?
  1. Does the draft work programme for this SCoG reflect the key priorities which you feel we need to address together, and do you have a view on which, if any, you feel ought to be regarded as the most important of all? If you feel anything crucial has been overlooked, please provide brief information in the space below.
  • Add: Development of YP Parliament
  • Links to volunteering/participation opportunities (14-19 networks) – EPO3
  • When 14-19 network involved, include a rep
  • EPO3 - top priority
  • 2.1, 2.2 standards missing on involvement
  • Evaluating contribution of YP and its effect
  • Prioritisation and timescales
  • Not much emphasis on lower age group
  • No evidence of Health involvement


How, How, How responses

Awareness-raising of Participation Standards /
  • YPs’ website accessible; info service

  • Use schools, local media etc, staff training

  • Interactive website with comment reviews
  • On-line petition

Improve approach to co-ordinating service delivery /
  • Implement TAC

  • Create service directory (include thresholds)

  • Multi-agency working/training, co-ordinators appointed

  • Use friendly terminology

Involve with all YP in appropriate range /
  • Involve professionals who have relationships with groups

  • Find out who is out there

Engage with YP - how do they want to be involved? /
  • Timing of meetings to match availability

  • Face to Face

Collective sharing of responsibility /
  • Existing structures plus primary schools and family centres

Communication Strategy re: Standards /
  • Map current provision

  • Communicate best practice

Agree boundaries /
  • Clear planning
  • What happens to information?
  • Set timescales

  • In their own location, they feel confident
  • Community engagement workers
  • School Councils
  • Sports Clubs,
  • Children’s University
  • Youth Groups

Contact with YP - what do they think is missing re. participation? /
  • Make it fun
  • Use appropriate methods

  • Ensure speaking to cross-section and target outsiders
  • Staff training

Inform YP of current opportunities to participate /
  • Publicity
  • CIB, events

  • Refocus services delivered by CBI (YP section)
  • Fundays, posters, schools, Info Shop, texts, e-mail cyber cafés

  • Consult CYP
  • Libraries, etc.


Learn and AchieveSCoG:

Table Talk Questions

  1. Are you happy that the proposed membership of the SCoG is representative of all key stakeholder groups? If you feel there are any organisations/ groups that could make a contribution which have been missed out, please note them in the space below.
  • Add: Sally Rees, Carys Gwyn, young person? (or ensure someone well aware of needs)
  • CAMHS – Louise Carpenter?
  • Rep from Elected Members
  • WASH Primary Heads Federation
  • Primary/Secondary Schools reps
  • Pupil Referral Unit
  • Lack of consensus whether YP should be involved in meetings – should be aspired to but certainly in Task and Finish Groups
  1. Does the draft work programme for this SCoG reflect the key priorities which you feel we need to address together, and do you have a view on which, if any, you feel ought to be regarded as the most important of all? If you feel anything crucial has been overlooked, please provide brief information in the space below.
  • Attainment of children in “corporate parenting”, small but significant group
  • Links: LSCB, Healthy and Active SCoG
  • Where emphasis on non-formal, Alternative Achievement Awards
  • For checking – Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership ( 0-8)

3. How can partners help to raise achievement of children and young people in Wrexham, especially the hard to reach?

  • Applies to all of them!
  • “..hard to reach..” new term please
  • Disability, Equality Scheme
  • Links:
  • 14-19 Network
  • Transition Project
  • Youth Service
  • support workers
  • learning mentors
  • learning coaches
  • support for LA children
  • Treat families holistically
  • Do not want to concentrate so heavily on academics
  • Information sharing
  • If 50 YIP known by other agencies, could be better planned approach
  • *Good use of OCN/ASD? In Youth Service can be done in partnership with schools
  • Vocational qualifications seem to effective
  • Cash works for some on GCSE results!
  • Youth Service, CAMHS, Educational Support – collaboration on children who have lost school place
  • Alternatives to school eg. early college placements
  • TAC – better co-ordination of services
  • Flying Start, better preparation for school
  • These models to be extended to all children, early intervention vital

Anything else you’d like to share about this SCoG

  • Nothing stated


Safe from HarmSCoG:

Table Talk Questions

  1. Are you happy that the proposed membership of the SCoG is representative of all key stakeholder groups? If you feel there are any organisations/ groups that could make a contribution which have been missed out, please note them in the space below.
  • Corrections:
  • NCH should read “third Sector”,
  • Linda Butler TRUST, not LHB, we have a “police force”, not an “authority”!
  • Janet Williams is National Public Health Service, not LHB
  • Careers Wales
  • Reconsider a member who has specific responsibilities to CYP
  • Young people
  • Dept. of Education Cultural and Welsh Language could be approached
  • Mix of strategic and operational eg. teachers
  • Alternative Education Officer
  • Do we need: G. Moore and D Dickenson, 2 fire reps., 2 YOS reps.
  1. Does the draft work programme for this SCoG reflect the key priorities which you feel we need to address together, and do you have a view on which, if any, you feel ought to be regarded as the most important of all? If you feel anything crucial has been overlooked, please provide brief information in the space below.
  • Business plan for Local Safeguarding Children Board, is due for completion at the end of July
  • SCoG to provide update to Framework Partnership Board on tasks in the work programme
  • Concern about how this work is to be funded, due to current funding situation around this SCoG – does it truly reflect Partnership involvement and responsibilities?
  • We struggled to fully understand structure and function – after lunch fatigue?
  • Need strong links to bullying agenda
  • Transport issues should be “actual” strategy not “possible” plus school transport on agenda for two years
  • Need to ensure Task and Finish members adequately represent the work plan, as statutory members may lack knowledge
  • Young People’s involvement? (x2)
  1. The Safe from Harm SCoG (LSCB Development Group) has to have a central focus on protecting children and young people from abuse and neglect.

How can it do this and, alongside, begin to develop broader safeguarding strategies, and the promotion of the welfare of children and young people in Wrexham?

  • Does work programme reflect what YP want in consultations (transport, housing etc)
  • Broaden by involving YP
  • Take advice from other 3 SCoGs
  • Safe From Harm is intrinsic to work of other three
  • Tiered approach to child protection, to assist different levels of intervention ie. TAC, Flying Start
  • SCoG should concentrate on how poverty impacts on physical and emotional well-being
  • The Framework Partnership should adopt “poverty” theme – it will not work as a SCoG – which can only be reactive at the moment
  • Concentrate on preventative schemes eg. healthy eating on a low budget etc.
  • Need robust reporting to other groups mechanism and over-arching information Sharing Policy for all SCoGs
  • Use SCoG as mechanism for approval for projects
  • Keep policies and procedures updated and refreshed in people’s minds
  • Monitor, but not over-monitor
  • Perception needs to be support not supervision
  • Ensure safety of leisure venues park, youth club
  • Educate and support children to make children safe
  • Use SMART tags
  • Further development of voluntary sector
  • Multi-agency training to develop greater awareness and understanding of broader Safeguarding Agenda
  • Via events like this and relationships with other SCoGs and promotion of services available

Anything else you’d like to share about this SCoG?

  • No information provided in response to this question


Healthy and ActiveSCoG:

Table Talk Key Questions

  1. Are you happy that the proposed membership of the SCoG is representative of all key stakeholder groups? If you feel there are any organisations/ groups that could make a contribution which have been missed out, please note them in the space below.


  • Janet Williams not rep for voluntary sector – is Kathryn Uche
  • Young People reps
  • Sports Development Team or Active 8 2-16 rep
  • Cyfle Pupil Referral Unit
  • Early Years?
  • Economic Development – vital co-opt
  • Healthy Eating links through Health Alliance
  • Schools – WASH and Primary Heads Federation
  • Housing
  • Elected member
  • Links with Task and Finish groups where appropriate
  1. Does the draft work programme for this SCoG reflect the key priorities which you feel we need to address together, and do you have a view on which, if any, you feel ought to be regarded as the most important of all? If you feel anything crucial has been overlooked, please provide brief information in the space below.
  • Need clearer relationship with Health Alliance and Community Safety Partners
  • Development of Healthy Lifestyles should be top priority
  • HA01/2/3/ priority for SCoG
  • Does development of submissions take account of all existing work?
  • Concerned possibility of fragmentation – 2 structures, all preventative issues, seem to sit with Health Alliance

3. Healthy and Active SCOG are asked to embrace an aspect of Wrexham Promise "Contribute to lifting children and young people out of family poverty".
How can this SCOG contribute to this area? Should elements of family poverty be ascribed to other SCOGs? How can the Framework best contribute to this agenda?

  • Wrexham Promise is a WCBC promise, not signed up by all other agencies
  • Define type of poverty economic poverty can prevent access to so many things
  • Cross-reference Family Support Subgroup work done previously (Claire Lee)
  • Clarification needed on “Child Protection” and “Children in Need”
  • Disability Equality Scheme input/ref
  • Other SCoGs should have elements of poverty “enhancement” ascribed to them
  • Careers Wales could share appropriate guidance
  • Potential for analysing deprivation indices in terms of supporting research
  • Training/support available within accessible boundaries re. transport
  • Opportunities for parallel training to support parents
  • All targets can contribute to this aspect of the “Promise”
  • Links to Safe From Harm SCoG, re. housing in order to address poverty
  • Links to Enjoyment & Participation agenda – TAC, Flying Start
  • Framework take strategic approach and ensure appropriate work plans, recording etc.

Anything else you’d like to share about this SCoG?

  • No information provided in response to this question


First stab at a Wrexham Partnership Vision Statement which reflects WAG’s 7 Core Aims:

To break down barriers and work together to identify, agree and achieve outcomes which will enable all children and young people in Wrexham to be:

  • Safe
  • Happy
  • Heard
  • Healthy
  • Active
  • Achieving
  • Fulfilled
  • Involved
  • Responsible
  • Life-long learners…

…and to help their families, schools, workers, volunteers and communities to support us and them in achieving this goal.

Please use the above as a starting point and feel free to pull it to bits!! Ideas in the space below please…

  • Enable them, their families, carers, schools, support staff, volunteers and communities to work together in achieving this goal
  • Provide safe learning environment, to realise potential and enjoy a healthy, fulfilled life
  • To be inspired to (rework initial listing:
  • Safe and happy
  • Heard and involved
  • Consulted
  • Respect and responsibility
  • To prosper
  • To work in partnership to ensure all children and YP are safe, healthy, fulfilled and are provided with opportunities to reach their full potential
  • Integrate citizenship and social responsibility
  • Competition to be aimed at all YP through website and schools

Table Talk…ideas on improving our communication mechanisms

Communication constantly comes up as something which organisations need to improve on. The Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership is a complex network of organisations and partners all with different ways of doing things, different cultures and different IT systems (which can make sharing information electronically problematic.)

We are working on a Partnership Website where information, documents and papers can be shared – this ought to help.

What frustrates you about the current ways we communicate with each other and what positive suggestions can you make to improve things (remember, communication is a two-way process!) Ideas in the box below please.

  • All organizations to be asked to identify common systems
  • Emails too easy to scan and miss something important
  • Voluntary sector established common reporting tool to report to wider sector
  • Emails labelled “for info” or “for action”
  • Web page – clear index required
  • Website your responsibility rather than report back
  • Identify who SCoG members are, are they the right people to attend, do they participate, are they feeding back - so it reaches front-line staff
  • A common Diary system available to all agencies for meetings/conferences to be scheduled
  • Summaries preferred to large documents
  • Use Linkup to update on KEY milestones re. progress, intranet site/interactive site which could be accessed by police, health organisations, local authority etc.
  • Develop Communication Strategy and appoint person to be responsible – not add on to someone’s workload (based on Framework Support Team)
  • Review of meetings needs to be undertaken – are they all necessary?
  • Useful meeting would be Jan, Gillian, Janet etc.