Electrical Systems Technology

Spring 2015

Student Syllabus for ELM 120 Low Voltage Systems (Voice, Video and Data)– 3 credits

Location & Time:

Room EIT 103, Computer Lab, Main Lab

Time: Noon - 5 PM Friday

Instructor Information:

Name: Clint Kelly

Office: 253

Office Hours: Posted


Phone: Office: Work (775) 753 - 2226 (775) 388 - 7963

Required Text:

National Electrical Code, 2014 with Code Tabs

National Fire Protection Association

Data, Voice, and Video Cabling, 3rd Edition

Rosenburg, Hayes - Cengage

Course Description & Learner Outcomes (Objectives)

An introduction to low voltage systems which are used to distribute, carry, capture, and display voice, video, audio, and data signals. Topics include: entertainment (video and audio media systems,) communications (telephone, fax, modem, networks and public address systems, life safety (access control, alarm systems and video surveillance,) environmental control (HVAC and energy management,) and automation controls (residential and commercial buildings.)

Prerequisite: None


1. Safety Standards

2. Handtools

3. Low Voltage cable tray bonding

4. Media Identification (copper)

a. Type/Characteristics/Bandwidth

b. Shielded/ Unshielded

c. Conductors

5. Cable Pulling Tension

6. RJ11 connectivity/termination

7. RJ45 connectivity/termination

8. CCTV connectivity/ termination

9. Telephone connectivity/ termination

10. Circuit Protection Identification

Student Outcome Assessment

Assessment MethodLearner Outcomes

Assignments & Tests1 thru 10

Classroom Discussion1 thru 10

Competency Completion1 thru 10

Evaluation and Grades:

GradeA 90%-100%

B80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

F less than 60%

Weight of Activities:

Lab Activities 30%

Homework and Assignments 30%

Interim Tests / quizzes 40%


Student Responsibility:

In this course as in the workplace students must attend class and turn assignments in on time. Attendance will be taken daily and will count towards final grade. All assignments must meet designated deadlines (no late assignments.) Late assignments will be accepted only by prior arrangement. If a class must be missed because of an emergency, the student must notify the instructor in advance. Absenteeism and tardiness will reflect on the final grade. Two (2) absences, lecture / lab, will be considered a WITHDRAWAL from the course. The withdrawal date for this course in January 29, 2014. Withdrawal after this date will result in a grade of “F”. Tardiness will count as one-half of an absence. Each absence will reduce the final grade by 3%. Because this is a lab oriented course, student participation is essential. School policies on attendance and conduct must be observed by all students.


All students participating in laboratory activities at school or on site will be required to review and sign Electrical Technology GBC Safety Procedures. No student use of laboratory / tools will be allowed unless authorized supervision is present or special permission has been granted by the instructor.


“GBC supports providing equal access for student with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Office (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at

775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accomodations.