School District 22

Elementary-Secondary Transition Plan


The goal of the Elementary-Secondary Transition Plan is to provide a consistent, child centered process which focuses on communicating the academic, social, emotional, behavioural and physical strengths and needs of all students who are transitioning from elementary to secondary schools within the District

The elementary-secondary transition plan is as follows:


  1. Family of Schools need to ensure that there are several opportunities over the course of a year for open staff discussions which include grade 7 and 8 teachers, elementary and secondary counselors and resource teachers, and administration.
  1. As transition meetings are very valuable, the length of time set aside for them should be extended beyond a one hour time frame to allow for greater discussion.
  1. The on-line version of the Island Math Assessment should be included as the numeracy component of the transition plan, with gr. 7 and 8 and Resource Teachers trained in its administration and scoring.
  1. Value is seen in the impromptu writing sample being jointly marked by gr. 7 and 8 teachers as it allowsgr. 8 teachers to gain better insight into students and facilitated the development of professional relationships within Family of Schools.
  1. Family of schools will collaboratively determine which gr. 7 whole class reading assessment (second or third) will be used as part of the transition process based on the timeline that best suits secondary schools’ student placement scheduling.
  1. Some secondary schools that adopted the electronic student transfer form developed by Fulton Secondary. The use of this form or any modified version will be left to the discretion of each Family of Schools.
  1. Gr. 7 students would benefit from more than one visit to receiving secondary schools each year. Schools are encouraged to look for other opportunities to connect gr. 7 students with secondary schools.
  1. Administration at schools should develop creative means of providing some release time to gr. 7 and 8 teachers to assist in gathering and processing transition information.


  1. Student information on vulnerable/involved and ‘typical’ students should be transferred at separate meetings;
  2. Vulnerable/involved students in either individual IEP or group meetings allowing for significant discussion student needs or…
  3. Typical students in general transition meeting
  1. Transition meetings should occur at secondary schools;
  2. Sufficient time needs to be set aside for thorough discussion – i.e. – more than 1 hr. and possibly more than one meeting
  1. Focus of meetings should be the transfer of academic, social, emotional, physical and behavioural strengths and needs of students.


  1. PM Bench Mark or Whole Class Reading Assessment results;
  2. Whole Class Reading Assessment on All students
  3. PM Benchmarks on those students reading below the typical range
  4. Scores to be filled in on the Data Recording sheet
  5. Grade 7 teachers will determine which scored results will be transferred and meet established secondary school transition timelines
  6. Both Whole Class Reading Assessment protocol and scores should be sent to secondary schools
  1. Writing sample;
  2. Personal and impromptu sample based on performance standards
  3. Family of Schools should discuss and determine if Gr. 7 and 8 teachers will evaluate the writing samples collaboratively
  1. Math assessment;
  2. The on-line version of the Island Math Assessment will completed by gr. 7 students in May
  3. It is estimated that the assessment requires about 20 mins to complete and scoring is done electronically
  1. Social responsibility summary;
  2. Administrative summary of student discipline (i.e. – CIMs or school based data)


  1. Secondary schools will determine a common transition time line with elementary schools within their Family of Schools.


  1. Both elementary and secondary School Based Teams will designate a representative to act as a Transition Key Contact for their school and will;
  2. Collaboratively determine the Family of Schools transition time line
  3. Assist and coordinate transfer of information and organization of transition meetings and staff responsibilities
  1. Administrator;
  2. Coordinate the gatheringofthe student discipline information
  1. Grade 7 teacher;
  2. Administer the Whole Class Reading Assessment and PM Bench Mark assessments
  3. Administer impromptu writing sample and math assessment
  1. Grade 7 and 8 teachers;
  2. Family of Schools will determine if gr. 7 and 8 teachers will collaboratively evaluate the gr. 7 student impromptu writing samples
  1. Resource Teachers
  2. Gather and present program and student information for vulnerable and categorical students
  3. Transfer student IEP and IBP information
  1. Elementary and Secondary Aboriginal Support Workers
  2. Should participate in scheduled transition meetings to ensure that relevant information regarding program and service delivery for aboriginal students is transferred


10-02-09Transition Plan