Cache Rapids Stable

English & Western Horse Show

& English Riding Clinic

Horse Show - Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Show Start Time: 8 am.

English Riding Clinic – Sunday, August 6th, 2017

Judge & Clinician – Susan Duncan, Innisfil, Ontario

Show Steward Show Secretary – Anne Inder

Ribbons: 1st to 5th

Cache Rapids Stable, 255 Reidville Road, Reidville, NL A8A 2Y3


$150 for horse/rider combination (Both English & Western) – Unlimited classes

$75 for horse/rider combination - 3 to 5 classes

$50 for horse/rider combination - 1 to 2 classes

Entry Forms due by Friday, July 28th, 2017

or a $25.00 late fee is applicable.

Please make cheques payable to: Cache Rapids Stable

MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Debit & Email Transfer also accepted.

·  Horses available for rent by lesson students for entry into the show and clinic..

·  Limited stabling and paddocks available.

·  Canteen service available.

This show is governed by the rules of the Newfoundland Equestrian Association using the Saskatchewan Horse Federation Heritage Circuit Rule Book.

This is NOT a NEA (Newfoundland Equestrian Association) show so NEA membership is not required.

Cache Rapids Stable Horse Show is governed by the rules of the Newfoundland Equestrian Association using the Saskatchewan Horse Federation Heritage Circuit Rule Book.

·  Any application received after the deadline will incur a $25.00 late entry fee.

·  Entry fees will only be refunded upon proof of lameness, sickness or injury to the horse/rider in question at the discretion of the show committee. A $25 fee will be applied to refunds.

·  NEA membership is not required.

·  Ring numbers for English classes must be picked up the morning of the show from the show secretary between 7 am and 7:45 am. Ring numbers for Western classes may be picked up 12:30 pm. to 1 pm. for those not riding in the English classes.

·  The competition committee reserves the right to cancel or combine any classes with insufficient entries. If a class is cancelled, the fee for that class will be refunded upon request.

·  All classes may be further split into A, B & C if numbers warrant.

·  The decisions of the judge and competitions committee are final.

·  The schedule of events is subject to change if necessary.

·  Good sportsmanship shall prevail at all times. Anyone showing disrespect to any official, competitor, spectator or horse shall be asked to leave the grounds for the duration of the show.

·  Veterinary services will only be on a call in basis.

·  All competitors under the age of nineteen must have a consent form signed by a parent/guardian.

·  Competitors should be ready and warming up at least one half hour before their classes begin. Competitors must be on time for all classes entered.

·  All English competitors, as well as junior Western competitors and those who are jumping must wear approved helmets. It is strongly advised that all competitors wear helmets regardless of age or discipline. Western Riders will not be discriminated against for choosing to wear a helmet in competition.

·  Ring numbers must be worn at all times and in a manner that allows them to be easily seen.

·  It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure they are familiar with and follow the rules and guidelines for their specific discipline.

·  Appropriate tack and clothing is required for all competitors in English and Western Divisions.

·  Walk/Trot and Walk/Jog classes are only open to horse/rider combinations who are not showing in any other classes that require canter or lope.

·  Competitors may enter any two sequential hunter divisions.

·  Lead Line classes are designed for the very young riders being led by a competent handler.

·  Competitors may not enter any other classes if entered in the lead line classes. The only fees for these classes are the class fees.


1. Equitation over fences 11. Adult Equitation

2. X rail Hunter over fences 12. Jr. English Pleasure

3. 2’ Equitation over fences 13. Adult English Pleasure

4. 2’ Hunter over fences 14. Junior Road Hack

5. 2’3” Hunter over fences 15. Adult Road Hack

6. 2’6” Jumper over fences 16. Walk Trot Dressage (attached)

8 Walk/trot under saddle 17. Walk Trot Canter Dressage (attached).

9. Walk Trot Pleasure 18. Pee Wee Command (English or Western

10. Junior Equitation 19. Pee Wee Horsemanship Pattern


20. Junior Showmanship 33. Junior Pole Bending

21. Adult Showmanship 34. Adult Pole Bending

22. Junior Trail 35. Junior Figure 8 Stake Race

23. Adult Trail 36. Adult Figure 8 Stake Race

24. Walk/Jog Pleasure 37. Junior Keyhole Race

25. Junior Western Pleasure 38. Adult Keyhole Race

26. Adult Western Pleasure 39. Junior Barnyard Scurry

27. Junior Western Horsemanship 40. Adult Barnyard Scurry

28. Adult Western Horsemanship 41. Junior Flag Race

29. Command 42. Adult Flag Race

30. Freestyle Reining 43. Junior Ribbon Race (Pairs)

31. Junior Barrel Race 44. Adult Ribbon Race (Pairs)

32. Adult Barrel Race 45. Junior Dash for Cash

46. Adult Dash for Cash


Hunter Classes - A hunter should display good jumping form and be calm and confident while

doing so. The horse should move with a steady rhythmic canter between the fences and jump

the fence in a manner that appears to flow. The pace should be even throughout the course

and the horse should adjust its leads accordingly. The horse should meet the fence squarely

and jump in the center of the obstacle. A hunter should be relaxed but show a willing and alert


Hunt Seat Equitation over Fences – Judged on the rider’s ability over fences. Attention will

focus on the rider’s position between and over fences. How the rider elects to ride the course,

the pace and approach to the jumps and their ability to get the horse to the right take-off spot

are used to evaluate the rider’s ability.

Equitation - Only the rider is judged on their way of riding. It is their skill that is being assessed

and not that of the horse.

English Pleasure - Judged 45% on quality of movement, 40% on manners and 15% on

conformation. Competitors are required to walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring.

Road Hack - Judged 55% on performance, 20% on substance, 15% on conformation and 10%

on manners. Horses to enter the arena at a walk. To be sown both ways of the arena with a

flat footed walk, with a reasonably loose rein, trot, strong trot, easy canter and hand gallop.

Dressage – Exhibition of riding in which the horse is controlled in certain manoeuvres by very slight movements of the riders’ hands, legs and weight in the saddle.

Walk/Trot and Walk/Jog - Will be judged with the same criteria as the rest of the division, but the

competitors will not be asked to canter. These classes are restricted, in that the horse and rider

combination will not be permitted to enter any other classes that require a canter or lope.

Showmanship - Shall be judged on the exhibitor’s ability to fit and show a horse at halter. The

horse is merely a prop to demonstrate the ability and preparation of the exhibitor. The ideal

showmanship performance consists of poised, confident, neatly attired exhibitor leading a well groomed and conditioned horse that quickly and efficiently performs the requested pattern with

promptness, smoothness and precision.

Trail - is the performance of a safe, sensible, well mannered horse over a course of obstacles.

At least 6 obstacles are used. Mandatory obstacles are: Gate, log/poles, and a backing


Western Pleasure - this class is judged on performance, condition and conformation of the

horse, however, a minimum of 20% of the judging shall be placed on conformation and

condition. Horses work the rail at a walk, jog and lope and may be asked to extend the gaits,

back easily and stand quietly.

Western Horsemanship - A class where the riders are judged on the seat and hands and the

ability to control and show the horse. There will be an individual pattern posted for this class.

Rail work may be required.

Command Class - The judge calls out gait changes and changes of direction, and all the riders/horses in the class have t 3 strides to correctly execute the command. If the rider fails to make the change, they are out. The last rider & horse left are the winners.

Barrel Race - A race consisting of three barrels set in a clover leaf pattern, with timing to start

and end with the start/finish line.

Pole Bending - A race consisting of 6 poles with the horse and rider to negotiate weaving in and

out of the poles.

Figure 8 Stake Race - A race consisting of running in a figure 8 around two poles.

Keyhole Race - The competitor is to race into a circle measuring 20 feet, and then turn and race

out and cross the finish line.

Barnyard Scurry – Rider races to a barrel and picks up a vegetable, rides to a bucket at the other end of the arena and drops the vegetable in the barrel. Repeated three times.

Ribbon Race (Pairs Event) – Each team of riders holds the ends of a ribbon. The judge will call out commands.

Dash for Cash – Riders will ride to the far end of the arena, around the barrel and back. Rider with the fastest time will win $5. per entry in the class.

Complete rules and descriptions of the classes and some games can be found in the rule book.



Riders Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______

Phone #: ______

E Mail: ______

Horse: ______

Please check one:

Junior – 17 years and under. Adult – 18 years and over

Horse Show

Saturday: August 5th., 2017

Circle the Classes Being Entered:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Entry Fees:

Horse/Rider Combination (Unlimited Classes) $150. ______

or Horse/Rider Combination (3 – 5 Classes ) $ 75. ______

or Horse/Rider Combination (1 – 2 Classes) $ 50. ______


Late Entry Fee ($25) after Friday, July 28th, 2017 ______

Horse Rental: Please check one:

Morning $30. Afternoon $30 All Day $60 ______

Horse Requested ______

2nd. Choice ______

Preference for renting horses will be given to our lesson students.

Please call or email to see which horses are available.

Stabling – Limited stabling will be available. First consideration will be given to people coming from outside Deer Lake for overnight stalls. (Bring own hay, grain and bucket). Responsible for feeding your horse and cleaning of stalls. Sawdust provided.

Friday Night ______, Saturday Night ______, Sunday Night ______

______Nights x $20.00 ______

Riding Clinic with Susan Duncan - $60. ______

Sunday, August 6th., 2017 (Horse Requested for clinic) ______

(2nd. Choice) ______

Bunkhouse accommodations provided at no charge for participants and family from outside the region.


** This form must be completed by all members wishing to participate in the Cache Rapids Stable horse show.

To be signed by parent or legal guardian of all competitors under the age of 19 years.

I, ______, hereby give permission for my child,

______(state full name), to enter the Cache Rapids

Stable Horse Show. I further agree to accept full responsibility for his/her actions during this

show. I understand that all equestrian sports involve inherent risks and I accept this risk and

hold harmless, Cache Rapids Stable, the officials, organizers, employees and their

representatives for any accident, injury, loss or damage to persons or property.

Signature Date

To be signed by all Competitors:

I hereby agree to abide by the rules of the Newfoundland Equestrian Association and the

Cache Rapids Stable Horse Show. I understand the decisions of the Judge are final and

agree to be bound by his/her decisions and those of the Event Committee and Officials. I

understand that all equestrian sports involve inherent risks and I accept this risk and hold

harmless, Cache Rapids Stable, the officials, organizers, employees, and their

representatives for any accident, injury, loss or damage to persons or property.

Signature Date