Fifth Grade Reading Olympics 2016-2017
What is Reading Olympics? - Reading Olympics is a celebration of reading and a competition which provides an opportunity for students to read and discuss literature from many genres. Each team is comprised of 10-12 students and is responsible to read from a list of predetermined books. Our students will compete as a team against other fifth grade teams. Joining the team requires each member to commit to reading a minimum of five books. On the night of this exciting competition, teams will be asked factual questions about the books.
Competition- The competition will take place in early May at approximately 5:30 and will end about 9p.m. The exact place has not been released yet. Transportation depending on the location of the competition will either be by bus or carpool. That decision will be made at a later time.
Participation/Meetings/Sponsors-Reading Olympics is a 5th Grade ONLY club at RES. Participation in the Reading Olympics team is voluntary. Students will be placed on teams based on the books they have read. Reading Olympics will be held oneThursday per month at 8:15-8:55. Parents are responsible for dropping off their child. (Not before 8:15) Meetings will take place in the library. Tentative dates: 8:15-8:55 AM – Oct-20, Nov-17, Dec-15, Jan-12, Feb-16, Mar-16, Mar-TBD (Mock Competition against Wayne Elem.), Apr- 20, Tentative Competition date (May 1-5th) Please keep this schedule! Note: We may need additional meetings as the competition date draws closer. Mrs. Piechotta (until November), Mrs. Gozzard and Mr. McVoyarethe contacts and primary sponsors for this year’s team. Other teachers at RES may also be involved. The night of the competition, two adults are responsible to be with each team, so additional parental, adult help may be requested.
Cost- The cost of the program is $30 which covers team admission fee, a tee shirt and other costs of the program. Make checks payable to RES PTO. Contact Mrs. Piechotta if scholarship is needed. Children will be requested to bring snacks to the meeting as well. Mrs. Piechotta will provide a snack schedule.
Book List-The Reading Olympics books will be available on the library website on the left side under Reading Olympics. Each student will also keep a personal record of books read.
Questions-Mrs. Piechotta at 610-788-9300 ext: 2376 or or Mrs. Gozzardext:
Please sign and return this portion with a $30 check attached (payable to RES PTO) to Mrs. Piechotta by Monday, Oct.10th.
Name______Homeroom Teacher______
Any food allergies? ______
I give my permission for the above student to participate in Reading Olympics.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______
Parent email: ______Phone______(h) ______(C)
I would be willing to provide______Morning snacks for the team
______Morning ride to a child in my neighborhood