Great Basin College

EDEL 311 and EDSC 311

Elementary and Secondary Methods Practicum I

Fall 2012

Instructor: Gini Cunningham

Phone: 304-2899


Office hours: by appointment

Course information: Elementary and Secondary Methods Practicum I

Number: EDEL 311 and EDSC 311

Discipline: Teacher Education

Description: First in s sequence of field and clinical experience courses in elementary and secondary classroom; students participate in field experience and then reflect on what they have observed and learned. Students will spend approximately 15 hours observing in the public schools.

Prerequisite: ENG 101

Co-requisite: EDU 250 or EDU 323

Note withdrawal from EDEL 311 or EDSC requires withdrawal from EDU 250 and vice versa.

Location: Great Basin College Campus, Winnemucca

Times: Tuesdays, 1:00-2:15

9/4, 9/11, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 10/23, 12/4

Credits: 1


Cunningham, Gini. The New Teacher’s Companion: Practical Wisdom for Succeeding in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4166-0882-0

Text available from instructor upon request.

Optional textbook:

Campbell, D.M., Cignetti, P. M., Melenyzer, B.M., Nettles, D.H., & Wyman, R.M. How to Develop a Professional Portfolio: A Manual for Teachers. Boston: Pearson, Allyn, and Bacon, 5th edition, 2010. ISBN: 0-13-703454-7

Course Goals and Objectives:

This course introduces students to the requirements of GBC’s Teacher Education Program. Students will also begin to set and reflect upon their professional goals as new entrants to the teaching profession.

Methods of Instruction:

Class discussion

Field observations

Education readings and reflections

Written responses

School tours

Course requirements:

Field Trip Expectations:

  • Meet at the front office of school before 1:00 with pad and pencil.
  • Dress professionally, as if you were applying for a teaching position.
  • Come prepared with questions for the principal.

According to the Interstate New Teachers’ Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) while you are in the school you should:

  • Demonstrate sensitivity and respect for children from diverse cultures.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of positive learning environment.
  • Begin to foster positive working relationships with members of the learning community.
  • Act in a professional manner.

Policy Statements:

Late Work: All assignments are due on the date listed in the syllabus or when assigned by instructor. No late work is accepted.

Attendance Policy: More than one absence will result in withdrawal from the course.

Students with Disabilities: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer, Julie Byrnes in Elko at 753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Read and understand the contents of the GBC catalog.
  • Become familiar with GBC policies and procedures.
  • Be aware of all course deadlines and expectations
  • Keep GBC informed of changes in address, phone number, enrollment changes that might affect financial aid, and/or any other circumstances which might affect satisfactory progress toward a degree.

Policy of Academic Integrity:

Academic honesty s expected in this course. All student work must be original and authentic. Any acts of cheating, copying, and/or plagiarizing are violations of the UCCSN code of conduct and will be taken seriously. Students who cheat, copy another’s work, or plagiarize from the Internet and other sources will fail the course regardless of other coursework and are subject to dismissal from the academic institution. The definition of plagiarism as adopted by the GBC faculty is:

“Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the student will acknowledge the source


  • Another person’s actual words are quoted
  • Another person’s ideas, opinions, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words
  • Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge

Plagiarism is also “recycling” one’s own work from another class.

Learner Outcomes/Measurement

Learner outcomes:
The student will: / INTASC / Measurement
Explore how social-group values influence individual behavior and how individual behavior influences group behavior. / Principle 5: The Learning Environment [L1K2] / Students post/submit written reflections of field trips and observations.
Compare and contrast how culture and gender differences can affect communication in the classroom. / Principle 6: Effective Communication [L1,K2] / Students discuss in class and post/submit written reflections.
Recognize and delineate his/her professional responsibility for engaging in and supporting appropriate professional practices for self and colleagues. / Principle 9: Reflective Practice [L1D4] / Classroom teachers provide GBC with a rubric assessing our students’ participation during day-long visit.
1. Observe and discuss how schools as organizations within the larger community context and understand the operations of the relevant aspects of the system(s) within which s/he works.
2. Analyze how factors in the learners’ environment outside of school may influence learners’ life and learning.
3. Evaluate how laws relate to learners’ rights and teacher responsibilities.
4. Determine how the many aspects of a child’s experience affect school, behavior, and learning.
5. Maintain the privacy of learners and confidentiality of information. / Principle 10: Partnerships [L1K1], [L1K2], [L1K3], [L1D1], [L1D4] / During the co-requisite EDU 250 students attend and write about their experience at local school board meeting.

Field Experience graded as Pass/Withdraw (P/W)

In order to Pass a student must:

  • Complete all requirements of the course

Regardless of points earned a student must withdraw from the course if s/he:

  • Receives a poor evaluation from the cooperating teacher
  • Has an unexcused absence in the observation classroom
  • Accumulates more than 1 absence from EDEL 311

Course Outline:

Session / Date / Topic / Where/When
1 / January 29 / Introductions and overview; materials for fingerprinting. Discussion on teaching. / GBC Winnemucca
2 / February 5 / Review assignments; discussion; INTASC Principles and goal creation / GBC Winnemucca
3 / February 12 / School tour / TBA
4 / February 19 / School tour / TBA
5 / February 19 / School tour / TBA
6 / March 5 / School tour / TBA
7 / April 30 / Closure and Reflections / GBC Winnemucca

The New Teacher’s Companion reading guide:

September 4, 2012 – Read and discuss Introduction and Chapter 1: Teaching – It’s More Than a Job, It’s Magic. Reflection February 4, 2013.

After first session, all reflections are due Monday midnight before next class. Send via email to:

September 11, 2012 – Chapter 2: You’ve Got the Job! Now Deal with the Business Details

September 18, 2012 - Chapter 3: Standards, Curriculum, and Textbooks

October 2, 2012 – Chapter 4: Classroom Management; Chapter 6: Procedures and Schedules for Flawless Classroom Operation

October 16, 2012–Chapter 7: Lesson and Unit Plans; Chapter 8: Time Management

October 23, 2012 – Chapter 9: Every Moment Counts: Strategies for Student Engagement

Course Assignments

Assignment / Due / Points Possible
Submit fingerprint material to the GBC office / September 4, 2012
GBC Winnemucca office / 10
Attend all classes and field trips / See schedule / 70
Shadow teacher for one full day / As scheduled between you and assigned teacher but prior to December1 / 60
Submit 1 page reflection on your day-long classroom experience using rubric provided / Submit via email with 48 hours of visit / 20
Submit 1 page reflection on each field trip experience using rubric provided / Submit via email within 48 hours of visit / 40
Post a written goal statement based on INTASC Principle 5 or Principle 6 / September 11, 2012
Bring copy to class. / 10
Submit 1 page reflection on each chapter of The New Teacher’s Companion using rubric provided / September 4, 2012 –Chapter 1: Teaching – It’s More Than a Job, It’s Magic.
After first session, all reflections are due Monday midnight before next class.
September 4, 2012– Chapter 2: You’ve Got the Job! Now Deal with the Business Details
September 11, 2012Chapter 3: Standards, Curriculum, and Textbooks
September 11, 2012– Chapter 4: Classroom Management; Chapter 6: Procedures and Schedules for Flawless Classroom Operation
September 11, 2012– Chapter 7: Lesson and Unit Plans; Chapter 8: Time Management
October 23, 2012 – Chapter 9: Every Moment Counts: Strategies for Student Engagement / 70 (10 per assignment)
Attend school board meeting co-requisite EDU 250; 1 page reflection / Submit via email within 48 hours of visit / 10
Total / 300
270+ A
240+ B

Best wishes and have fun. Please contact me with any questions or worries.

1 / EDEL 311 EDSC 311 – Gini Cunningham