2014 Wenatchee River Salmon Festival Evaluation Form
The Salmon Fest Core Team hopes both you and your students had a wonderful time at the 24th Annual Wenatchee River Salmon Festival! In order to ensure that we continue to offer a high quality educational event, we ask you to take a few minutes to complete this evaluation and return it to Susan Peterson.
Your evaluations are critical to Salmon Fest’s success. We offer early registration as an incentive to teachers who complete and turn in their evaluation forms on time. By completing and returning your evaluation form by the requested date of October 5, 2014, you will be given first opportunity to register in 2015!
Assigned activity: Pre-work done? Y N
How valuable was this activity: of little value 1 2 3 4 5 very valuable
It was valuable because:
This activity could be improved by:
Assigned activity: Pre-work done? Y N
How valuable was this activity: of little value 1 2 3 4 5 very valuable
It was valuable because:
This activity could be improved by:
Assigned activity: Pre-work done? Y N
How valuable was this activity: of little value 1 2 3 4 5 very valuable
It was valuable because:
This activity could be improved by:
Assigned activity: Pre-work done? Y N
How valuable was this activity: of little value 1 2 3 4 5 very valuable
It was valuable because:
This activity could be improved by:
Assigned activity: Pre-work done? Y N
How valuable was this activity: of little value 1 2 3 4 5 very valuable
It was valuable because:
This activity could be improved by:
Which drop-in activities did you attend?
Other comments about the Salmon Festival this year:
How many students in your class attended Salmon Fest? ______How many chaperones?______
A) What percentage (example: 25%+ of class, 50%+ of class, 75%+ of class, 90%+) of your class came away with an increase in one or more of the following:
1) Increased knowledge of natural resource science ______
2) Greater awareness of issues ______
3) New skills and/or appreciation of our natural environment & community ______
B) Please indicate your ranking, with 1 being highest and 3 lowest, of which categories reflect the most increase for your students:
1) Increased knowledge of natural resource science # ___
2) Greater awareness of issues # ___
3) New skills and/or appreciation of our natural environment / community / home # ___
Please give at least 1 specific example of the observations (i.e., questions asked or comments made, students engrossed in presentation, post-work, etc.) on which you base the above responses: ______
Your Name:
Your School:
How many years have you attended?
Your Mailing Address:
Thank you so much for your time!
Susan C Peterson, Information and Education Specialist
U.S. Forest Service, Wenatchee River Ranger District 509.548.2558
Please return your completed evaluations by October 5, 2014 via email to: , or
“Snail Mail” to: Susan C Peterson, WRRD, 600 Sherbourne, Leavenworth, WA 98826