Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA)
Title I-D, Subpart 2 Local Education Agency Application
2016-17and 2017-18School Years
Title I-D, Subpart 2: Purpose
The purpose of this subgrant is to support the operation of local education agency (LEA) programs that involve collaboration with locally operated correctional facilities—
- to carry out high quality education programs to prepare children and youth for secondary school completion, training, employment, or further education;
- to provide activities to facilitate the transition of such children and youth from the correctional program to further education or employment; and
- to operate programs in local schools for children and youth returning from correctional facilities, and programs which may serve at-risk children and youth.
Qualifying Local Education Agencies
To qualify for this subgrant, the LEA must have participated in the 2015 October Caseload Count and received notification of a Title I-D, Subpart 2 allocation for the 2016-17 school year. For information about the October Caseload Count, please contact the Oregon Department of Education.
Subgrant Information and Submission Requirements
Each LEA desiring assistance under Title I-D, Subpart 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEAas amended by No Child Left Behind) is required to submit an application to the Oregon Department of Education.
(Public Law 107-110 Sec. 1423. Local Education Agency Applications)
Complete and submit this application no later than November 7, 2016 in order to allow the Oregon Department of Education staff time to complete its review and approval of the application in conjunction with submission of the CIP Budget Narrative for Title I-D funds. This application is for a two-year period from July 1, 2016 to June 30,2018. Applications may be submitted electronically or mailed. Applications must contain signatures. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Please submit applications to:
Russ Sweet
Oregon Department of Education
Public Service Building
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
(Attention: Russ Sweet)
Fax: (503) 378-5156
For assistance in completing this application, please contact Russ Sweet at or at (503) 947-5638.
Under ESEA As Amended by No Child Left Behind Act
Inst. ID / Legal Name of LEA (Fiscal Agent): / Project Contact Name (LEA): / Facility Name:
Mailing Address for Fiscal Agent: / Telephone:
Fax Number:
Title and Name of Program Contact (Facility): / Mailing Address and E-Mail Address: / Telephone:
Fax Number:
Name of Transition Coordinator (if applicable): / Mailing Address and E-Mail Address: / Telephone:
Fax Number:
Program Description, Assurances and Formal Agreement
- Describe the program(s) to be assisted under Title I-D, Subpart 2. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14231]
- Describe, as appropriate, how the district and schools will coordinate with the Title I-D, Subpart 2 facility to ensure that students are participating in a program comparable to the one operating in the in the local school such youth would attend. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14233]
- Describe services that will be provided by the district for students returning from correctional facilities and other at-risk students. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14234]
- Describe of how schools will coordinate with existing social, health, and other services to meet the needs of students returning from correctional facilities, children and youth who are at risk of dropping out of school, and other participating children and youth.
Note: Services may include prenatal health care, nutrition services, parenting and child development classes, child care, reentry and outreach programs, referrals to community resources, and scheduling flexibility. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14236]
- As appropriate, describe partnerships with local businesses to develop services for participating students, including curriculumbased youth entrepreneurship education, and mentoring. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14237]
- As appropriate, describe how the program will involve parents in efforts to improve the educational achievement of their children, assist in dropout prevention activities, and prevent the involvement of their children in delinquent activities. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14238]
- As appropriate, describe how schools will work with probation officers to help meet the needs of children and youth returning from correctional facilities. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 142311]
Assure that:
1.The program will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local programs, such as those under Title I and vocational and technical education programs serving children and youth who are at risk of dropping out of school. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14239]
2.The program will be coordinated with programs operated under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (JJDPA) and other comparable programs, if applicable. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 142310]
3.The participating schools will work to ensure facilities are aware of a child’s or youth’s individualized education program (IEP). [Title I, PartD, statute Section 142312]
4.Participating schools will take steps to find alternative placements for children and youth interested in continuing their education but not able to attend a regular public school program. [Title I, PartD, statute Section 142313]
1.Provide a copy of the formal agreement, memorandum of understanding and/or contract between the School District and the facility receiving funds under this program. You can find a template of the agreement at the following link: [Title I, PartD, statute Section 14232]
The LEA Authorized Official and Facility Authorized Official have reviewed and approved and that assurances will be met for this project year application.The facts, figures and representation made in this application are true, correct to the best of your knowledge.
Name of LEA Authorized Official (Typed) / Name of Facility Authorized Official (Typed)
Signature of LEA Authorized Official Date / ______
Signature of Facility Authorized Official Date
Revised June 27, 2016