HCA – Minutes of 16/9/14 meeting



Held in the Hawea Community Centre on 16th September 2014 commencing at 7.30pm

PRESENT: Dennis Hughes (Chair), Doug Brenssell, Rachel Brown, Sue Rutherford, Chris Robertson, Ken Robertson, Bridget Brady, Dave Sherwin, Liz Matheson, Shelia McCaughan, Brian McCaughan, Marge Goodger, Mark Cashen, John Osborne, Don Robertson and Inga Pelosi-Fear.

APOLOGIES: Errol Carr, Ian Rae and Sean Hurley

That the apologies be accepted.

Moved Dennis. Seconded Doug Brenssell. AGREED


John Taylor noted that the 150 years anniversary should read 100 year anniversary. It was agreed that amendment to the August minutes be made.

That the minutes of the 26th of August 2014 meeting be accepted.

Moved Dennis Hughes, Seconded Doug Brenssell. AGREED


Emails exchanged:

1. John Taylor to Marty Black and Craig Blake – 1. Boat Ramp/Waterways Signage. 2. Review of the Lakes Wanaka & Hawea Boating Guide. 3. Lane lines on ramp approach.

2. John Taylor - Confirmation that Contact Energy has approved of our taking the rock as illustrated from the Skinner Crescent revetment. The rock will be mounted in the vertical position and have plaques attached. The immediate priority is a plaque for the memorial to the WW1 dead (13) for the 2015 Anzac Service. Plaques for the Boer War and WW2 etc will likely be added over the next few years.

3. Rachel Brown forwarded from Michele Poole - On behalf of Chief Executive Adam Feeley, inviting the Hawea Community Association to consider and comment on the Draft Economic Strategy for the Queenstown Lakes District.


FINANCE- Ian Rae, Treasurer

Statement of Funds as at 14 Sept 2014

ANZ Cheque a/c - 14,328.12

SBS Deposit - 11,571.57

Plus Sundry Creditors 130.00 (Greenwaste Key – part payment)

Plus Unbanked income 1,000.00 (Greenwaste)

Total funds $ 27,029.69

Draft 2014 end of year accounts currently with Ron Sasse for review

Accounts for Payment

Members Funds / Projects / Events
Bridget Brady-Horan (Secy Honorarium) / 50.00
John Taylor (fuel) / 21.64

That Treasurer’s Report is received. That the accounts for payment are approved. That the Guardians request for upto $300 for their annual lake-side clean-up be approved.

Moved Sue Rutherford, Seconded Dennis Hughes. AGREED

GUARDIANS – John Taylor

The lake level this morning is at 340.685 masl and steady with the river running at 58 cumecs. The 100mm a day fall in lake levels was cut back to around 50/60mm a day from the start of August and the lake dropped to 340.590 on August 12, before surging with Saturday's rain.

There is a majestic scene at the head of the lake this morning with the low snow level and its depth. Snow storage has again been replenished.

The Guardians of Lake Hawea are conducting the annual clean up around the dam and surrounds on Saturday 11th October between 1 and 3pm. We welcome the public in joining with us on this task, to be followed by the usual scrummy afternoon tea.

FORESHORE – Di Turnbull

The Thursday group has been busy over the last few weeks. We have worked in conjunction with both Asplundh and the QLDC Hort Team. Firstly with the QLDC Hort team, applying the mulch on the Flora Dora plantings. Next, Asplundh helped us with hole digging and earth moving so that we could plant the willows at Scott's Beach and a few replacement willows for Esplanade Beach. Last week, we worked in conjunction with Asplundh to remove some willow branches that were compromising the native vegetation at Scott's Beach, and they also removed a tricky pine from the same area. These working bees have resulted in great teamwork, and relationship building. Thanks to QLDC for helping to make this happen.


1. Thank you HCA for donation of $5000 for equipment.

2. The purchase of a new screen is in progress.


• The community board and the QLDC councillors recently undertook an infrastructure tour in Hawea. They were introduced to the Thursday Group. Rob Darby explained the new water system that is to be installed in Hawea.

• Rachel noted that water allocation and water quality seem to be hot topics in the district

• The track through Devon Dairy has been agreed on.


1. Liquor Ban (Rachel Brown)

The Liquor Ban Bylaw review is currently being worked on. It is hoped that the revised policy will be in place for the 2014/ 2015 holiday season.

A regular ban is in place from 10pm to 6am in Hawea town-ship. The liquor ban’s boundaries are in a rectangle from Domain Road, Muir Road, Lakeview Terrace and Cemetery Road.

From the 27th of Dec to the 6th of January the liquor ban is 24 hours a day.

Members of the public raised objections regarding this 24-hour liquor ban. They enjoy a glass of wine as part of family picnic down at the lake during that period and they did not want to break the law.

Rachel made point the ban was just teeth to be used if there were problems. Rachel assured the members of the public that they were welcome to make submissions.

2. SH6 Lake Hawea turn-off (Dennis/John)

Dennis expects to receive a formal response to his28/07/14 memo to Richard Hilliard. QLDC will likely arrange a meeting with the NZTA, HCA and the QLDC. “Things are rolling along nicely,” Dennis Hughes.

3. Hawea Anzac Day (John and Doug)

Doug is hoping that the project will include new brass plaques, new flagpole, new flag and new plantings.

Graham Quinn at Contact has been contacted and is happy to help with the rock. Lyall Cox will help with the funding applications. The plaque will be for the 13 WW1 dead and will cost $3200 + GST. The top plaque will cost $740 + GST. The QLDC Centenary Funding should cover these costs.

4.Workshop - District Plan review (Dennis)

Lyall Cox will lead a workshop for 8 to 10 destination Hawea people and it may be in November. Things to be discussed will include the town boundary, commercial zoning and the height restrictions on buildings and trees.

5. Southern lakeshore names (John)

John presented his Lake Hawea Shore Names Paper. Dennis and John will write to LNZ regarding John Creek and Gladstone.

7. AGM preparation (Sue/Dennis)

• Notice of the AGM has been given to the members.

• Sue will advertise the AGM in the messenger and not the ODT

• The meeting will be at 10am on Saturday the 4th of October 2014

• Nomination forms are available at Sailz and on the HCA website.

That the subscription for the HCA remain at $20.00 per family for the next year.

Moved John Taylor, Seconded Doug. AGREED.

8. Community Well-being - new policy

Dennis raised the question of having $1000.00 budgettedfor Community Well-being. It was agreed that Dennis, Chrissie and Ian should meet to develop a proposal to bring back to the Committee.

9. Lake Hawea Kindergarten (Inga Pelosi-Fear)

Inga reported to HCA that she is keen to open a Kindergarten in Lake Hawea. She came to share her ideas and to hear the committees’ thoughts on the project.

Meeting closed at 9.45pm

Next meeting: Tuesday 21 October